2016年夏至2018年冬,Bob Chen及团队完成了乌镇一个近万平米的百年村落改造项目。业主为乌镇新生代,体验过都市的繁华和舒适。他们从景区外无序开发与传统冲突中看到机会,认为传统地域性并非乌镇唯一代表,坚信小镇日常与江南人文不违和的同时,理应拥有都市主义的品质体验。谭家桥村被他们发现,委托Bob Chen共同创建乌镇新景象,以个案实践为城镇化发展、村落改造提出新的探索。
From summer 2016 to winter 2018, Team Bob Chen completed a 100-year-old village reconstruction project in Wuzhen. The owners are part of the new generation of rapid urbanization. They saw opportunity in the disorderly development outside the official scenic spot and an apparent conflict with traditional lifestyles. Traditional regionalism is not the only characteristic of Wuzhen. Daily village life and Jiangnan regionalism can, and should, include urban cosmopolitanism and high-class experiences. They discovered Tanjiaqiao Village, then entrusted Bob Chen with creating a new exploration in urbanization development and village reconstruction in Wuzhen.
▼谭家·栖巷入口区域,entrance of Tan Alley
项目团队由设计、策划、酒店管理与艺术家组成,包括跨文化沟通专家。Bob Chen 担当了从视觉设计到建筑规划、空间设计、室内装饰、以及景观改造等核心设计环节。项目分三期进行。第一期主导项目以设计酒店为主,将都市的个性审美与品质体验贯穿在静态建筑与动态场景之中,旨在成为可容纳、整合以往所有设计探索及经验、且激发更多可能性的阶段标杆。
The project team consists of designer, planners, hotel management, artists, and cross-cultural communication experts. Bob Chen takes on all core design steps from visual design, architectural planning, spatial arrangement, interior decoration, and landscaping. The project will be carried out in three phases. The first phase of the project focused on the hotel, urban aesthetics and luxury experiences all combined into both solid architecture and dynamic scenes. These integrate Bob Chen’s design exploration and experience as well as stimulating future possibilities.
▼设计重点在立面和肌理、内容与场景上进行微观改造或突破,the design focuses on micro-transformation or breakthrough in the façade, texture, content and scene
Tan Alley is a village reconstruction project. The design of the architectural space is constrained by regional planning and traditional context. Therefore, we needed a “from the inside out” design strategy, focusing on micro-transformation or breakthrough in the façade, texture, content, and scene, exploring high-quality personalized urban lifestyle, and how to smoothly blend with the town.
▼传统语境中的都市生活,an urban lifestyle smoothly blends with the town
开放到隐秘 | Spanning Public to Private
命名宗旨:取名“栖巷”,回归街坊邻里的村落概念,对应都市人逃离喧嚣的心理需求,在乌镇人文社区得以栖聚。以数字序列命名组成, 源自古诗中村落意境,传递乡宿深幽之意象,可激发、可传颂: 谭家桥西, 一二三院, 五六人家, 临水而栖, 七八近邻, 九十街坊。
Naming: “Tan Alley” recalls the village concept of the neighborhood, and responds to the psychological needs of urbanites to escape from the hustle and bustle for Tan Alley Wuzhen Eco & Cultural Community. The name of each element is given a numeric sequence and references artistic concepts and ancient poetry. These convey, stimulate, and transmit a nuanced impression of a community: Tan Alley, first, second and third courtyards, five or six households long the water, seven or eight neighbors, nine or ten blocks.
▼谭家·栖巷鸟瞰,aerial view
乌镇谭家 · 栖巷自然人文村落 项目区域功能信息:
Tan Alley Wuzhen Eco and Cultural Community:
栖巷合味 : 食肆 Tan Alley Flavors: Restaurant
一墅:村居 Cabins: Lofts and Villas
二舍:巷宿 Studios: Hotel Suites
三味:私宴 Flavors: Private Dining
四量:酒吧 Toasts: Bar & Lounge
五福:围席 Fortunes: Round Table Dining
六茗:茶室 Buds: Teahouse
七卷:书屋 Scrolls: Reading Room
八音 : 演艺现场 Tones: Live Performance Space
九谈 : 办公会务 Discussions: Conference Room
十回 : 艺术空间 Occasions: Art Gallery
上台 : 屋顶派对 Terrace: Skyview Party
规划纲要 | Goals of Planning
Follow the general protection and development rules for Wuzhen, preserve the village form, repair and coordinate the unified appearance of 15 old village houses, provide additional contemporary architectural language to traditional dwellings, and satisfy modern leisure needs in resturant, hotel and culture. Incorporate multifunctionality. Highlight water, preserve original vegetation, and increase the winding paths among courtyards. Combine openness and privacy. Consider disorder as organic. Creating a humanistic community that provides exclusive privacy for hotel guests that yet remains open to the public.
▼场地原貌,original site
去繁化简中融合 | Simplification and harmony
Due to the proximity to the West Bank scenic spot, the outer surface of the village strictly follows the Wuzhen overall plan and adopts the required gray tiled white walls. Nevertheless, the Matou gable of Wuzhen Street is reduced, so that after renovation Tan Alley emerges from its surroundings without contradicting them. While maintaining the height and proportions of the original vernacular buildings, some roofs are given open skylights, and terraces have increased daylight to customize guest rooms.
▼设计保持了原村屋建筑的高低错落感和灰瓦白墙,the design maintains the height and proportions of the original vernacular buildings and their gray tiled white walls
The street opens onto a restaurant and a bar. The main building is surrounded by a large sloped roof and integrated with the inward courtyard and patio. The dining area and the kitchen are separate. The large-scale window overlooks vibrant greenery and at night twinkles with sparkling lights. The second floor of the sub-building includes an open-air viewing platform for outdoor interaction.
▼大坡面屋顶将主楼围合成内向院落与天井,the main building is surrounded by a large sloped roof and integrated with the inward courtyard and patio
心向一片开阔 | Open-hearted
Water fills the veins of both Wuzhen and Tan Alley where it bends to local conditions: ponds are built on former scrub areas, waterways are roundabout, and simple green spaces create intermittent pleasing scenes. Stepping out from guest rooms and restaurants, wonderful view of dancing water. The landscaping is both celebration and ceremony; metasequoias peeking out from behind the building among the nature scenery.
▼水池和水道与简约绿地相间成趣, ponds and waterways contract with the plain green spaces
▼从水池望向酒店建筑,view to the hotel building from the pond几何建构趣意立面 | Playful Structures
The structure of a four-story building at the entrance of Tan Alley is unchanged. Over the second floor a floating window adds delight to the visual composition and breaks up uniformity while large windows on the first floor bring sunshine and street scenes into the lobby. The semi-open concrete main entrance wall is extremely low-profile, welcomes the urban literati returning to the community hidden within themselves and their busy city vibe erasing the jarring impression made by the town’s hectic neon signs.
▼飘窗结构打破了整齐划一的感觉,the floating windows add delight to the visual composition and breaks up uniformity
移步意趣,曲径通幽 | Quiet & Playful Paths
Additionary Tan Alley has rebuilt long disappeared stone paths and obtained water features and plants locally. Stepping from guest rooms into the outdoors, we return to nature.
▼石径,stone path
Traditional trails and lanes run through the community. Whenever walking in moonlight like steps on water, our rapid city pace cannot help but slow down.
▼传统步道贯穿村落社区,traditional trails and lanes run through the community
借景成就画中天地 | View-brorrowing creat art worlds
Learning from the Viewbrorrowing theroy of Chinese gardens, open windows in buildings and walls form an irregular visual rhythm, and create a lyrical aesthetic like painting: a poetic habitat is born.
▼几何开窗形成不规律的视觉节奏,open windows in buildings and walls form an irregular visual rhythm
▼诗意栖居, a poetic habitat连接型半公共空间 | Linked Semi-Public Spaces
the independent village houses are organically linked through airy forms such as stairs, sky streets and a light-transparent glass room
The biggest challenge for restoration is that there is no overall planning among the independent, and almost chaotic, village houses. We considered how to organically link disorder through design, yet many confusing areas in Tan Alley required immaterial methods to resolve. Finally, through airy forms such as stairs, sky streets and a light-transparent glass room, the project not only overcame this problem, but also added highlights to the open community.
▼悬空于地面的“天街”,the suspending sky streets
堂前闻风坐相悦 | Open the door to a space of your own
As far as possible, semi-enclosed private courtyards or terraces are planned in front of single-family and first-floor rooms; half-open corridors and stairs between buildings are included; second-floor balcony space is widened. All these are used to create a door to past villages. Under these eaves we living in the present nerghbourhood and yet feel the literati’s delight in the past.
▼加宽的阳台空间,the extended balcony space肌理是岁月触摸的时间线 | Texture is a tactile timeline
The materials and textures of the buildings and landscape are simultaneously considered. We selectively follow the linguistic elements of traditional architecture and use current techniques to translate these into a sense of “time”. For stone, fences, or concrete walls, the materials are traditional and the forms are free. Lighting is the media of texture, providing a feeling of carefree freedom and flowing nightand day. Through the shadows created by railing and trees, is placed on a carefree comfort lending long-lasting look and feel.
▼屋顶肌理,the texture of the roof
▼阳光透过人造隔栅,与树影相呼应,through the shadows created by railing and trees, is placed on a carefree comfort lending long-lasting look and feel光是夜的乐章 | Light is movement
Light also is the poem of architectural space, and the movement of Tan Alley. For every spatial detail from garden night-time lighting to path outlines, motion and stillness, public and private, angles and shadows, projection and reflection, are all taken into consideration.
▼夜景,night view
文章来源:JoyLink 办公空间整体解决方案