50s Try: Boxing, golf, circuit training
"A lot of people think they need to slow down in their 50s, but we need the opposite," says Professor Whyte.
"Of course you need to be careful and build up gradually, but if you haven't started yet, this is your last chance to ensure you don’t become an invalid at 70 - I usually find that's a great motivator."
001 To keep up muscle mass and heart health
To keep up muscle mass and heart health, try cardio activity such as walking and swimming three times a week, fitting in strength training, too, such as squats, deadlifts, bench and chest presses and push-ups.
002 To protect against falls in older age
A weekly session of yoga or Pilates is an excellent way to protect against falls in older age.
003 Do exercises that increase mobility and co-ordination to make the brain and also improve balance
Look for exercises that increase mobility and co-ordination to make the brain and also improve your balance, Matt Roberts advises.
"Anything that involves throwing, catching or hitting, such as golf or tennis as well as boxing with pads, is great for making the brain work and for coordination."
In the gym, try moves that involve drills with rhythm and changing directions such as circuits.