今天小朋友们都表现的特别棒,认真完成家庭作业并带过来,课堂上更专注绘画,由其是Johnny 课堂上很认真绘画,注重细节,以前会把颜色涂出来,现在画得更细腻了,这次课堂上说话也少,能安静的完成自己的作品,刚上第3节课就有很大的提高,发现Johnny的适应能力还是很强,英语说得还很666,演讲还特棒。

Today students continued working on self portrait project.

Ivy started self portrait project today. She didn't hesitate to ask how to draw certain features, I showed her some more complicated ways and she did a great job on her portrait. She outlines it already and started coloring. I love how she decorated her clothing with patterns and added all the things that she likes on the background.

Nancy still worked on the animal project. She takes time to carefully select colors for the picture. Everything should be according to her plan [Smile] she demonstrated very clean coloring, paid attention to every detail. In the end of the class she started portrait, we will continue next week and will also try to explore more complex ways to draw facial feautures.

Johnny picked his favorite color blue to color the face. I encouraged him to pay more attention to details and fill up the white spots. Today Johnny really impressed me, he colored very carefully and didn't rush through the process. I'm very happy to see such quick improvement. Johnny 选了最喜欢的蓝色来绘画脸部,我一直鼓励他注意细节,而且填充了一些小白点,今天Johnny 让我印象特别深刻,他涂颜色时非常认真,整个过程都很平稳,我看到他进步这么快,发自内心为他开心,继续加油Johnny.

Jason added more details on his portraits background. Lots of details and great imagination as always. I was also very pleased with his coloring. Jason seems to become more patient, takes his time to draw every part properly and encourages his classmates to stay focused, too [Joyful]

Overall it was the most quiet class we had so far, kids are getting used to the classroom time. Even during the break some only left to drink water for a minute and then rushed back in to finish drawing. [Clap]
The homework: color all the planets on color page. Draw your own spacwship, space rocket or an alien ship and color it. 家庭作业: 把星球上的物体涂上颜色,画出你自己的宇宙飞船,宇宙火箭或外星飞船并涂上颜色。

Space太空,Space ship太空飞船,Rocket火箭,Star星星,Planet星球,Sun太阳,Earth地球,Astronaut 天文学,Moon 月球,Alien 外星人,UFO 不明飞行物
