不知不觉小朋友的绘画课进入第五次课了,如果不写课堂回顾真就忘了他们课堂的表现了,感恩家长们为了孩子坚持每周送孩子来上课。小朋友的进步真是像赛车手和赛车一样,有速度,有激情,有快乐享受成长的过程,掌握驾使赛车的技能,路上速度飞快,记忆力惊人,上周的26个字母首为开头动物单词全记住了,小朋友们还互相学习。老师对他们的进步给予了很大的 肯定。我们还是快来看看外教美女老师对他们怎么评价的吧

外教说: Nancy brought homework and it helped her to work on her final artwork. She changed letters into animals and showed very creative ideas. Nancy colored very carefully, that's why she will need longer time to finish her project.
Nancy 很棒每次的家庭作业都会很好的完成带过来,这样在家里的练习对她在课堂上完成她的作品非常有帮助。她把字母改成了动物并且展现了她具有很强的创造力。她上色非常仔细认真,这也是她每次上色需要花更多的时间完成好的作品。

Jason showed some enthusiastic coloring, he seems to be getting used to the step by step process. He followed directions well and demonstrated good painting, too!

Ivy decorated her letters with beautiful patterns and objects. She picked great colors and properly colored letters. Ivy works very well with watercolors as well!

Leo worked very hard on his coloring. His lines seem much more clear and organized. He started very well, but by the end got a little tired and didn't manage to finish the artwork yet. He will apply final details next class.

Johnny has a very strong logical thinking, he had lots of ideas for his letters. His lines are steady and very nice coloring. He got a little excited about watercolors, so he covered a lot of interesting details he drew on the background.

Everyone overall did a good job today, kids were happy and excited to work on this project. Well take about 30 minutes of the class to finish up this project and will begin a new one!
助教说: 小朋友非常喜欢这个美女外教老师,因为她非常关心小朋友,爱着他们,注意细节,照顾孩子的心情,给孩子自由想象的空间,擅于发现孩子的闪光点并表扬,我们很幸运有这么好的老师带着小朋友们成长。
Homework: take a look at the examples of animal body sketches. Draw a circle for the head, oval for the body, add legs, tail and facial feautures just how it's shown on the pictures. Draw your favorite animal.
Last two images: trace right food for a right animal. What does your favorite animal eat? List at least 5 different things that your favorite animal eats.
