Tencent Beats Estimates, Signaling the Worst Is Behind It
Tencent Holdings Ltd.'s quarterly earnings beat estimates, boosted by gains on investments, giving shareholders much-needed assurance the Chinese gaming behemothis bound for a revival.
作动词,表示“比…更好;赛过;胜过”,英文解释为“to do or be better than sth”举个🌰:
They want to beat the speed record (= go faster than anyone before).
/ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。
类似的还有:conglomerate/ giant
conglomerate表示“大型联合企业,企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”举个🌰:
the world's second-largest media conglomerate.
英文里还可以用giant来表示巨头公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”举个🌰:
Japanese electronics giant, Sony
Net income rose 17% to 27.21 billion yuan ($4 billion) in the three months ended March compared with the 19.4 billion-yuan average of analysts' estimates. Revenue climbed 16%, about a third of the pace a year earlier and the slowest since its 2004 listing.
Tencent's recovering from a brutal 2018. Last week, China's largest social media company finally unveiled a viable entry in the Battle Royale genre.
1) 表示“无情的,残酷的,野蛮的,凶残的”,英文解释为“very cruel and violent”,如:a brutal man 凶残的男人。
2) 表示“伤人的,不顾他人感受的”,英文解释为“not pleasant and not sensitive to people’s feelings”举个🌰:
He replied with brutal honesty.
Tencent on Wednesday also began breaking out results from its fledgling fintech division, which houses not just the immensely popular WeChat Pay mobile service but also operations from cloud computing to wealth management. The unit expanded revenue 44% to 21.8 billion yuan in the March quarter.
/ˈfledʒlɪŋ/表示“初出茅庐的人;无经验的组织;新体系”,英文解释为“a fledgling state or organization has only recently been formed and is still developing”。
financial technology的缩写,表示“金融科技”,是指一群企业运用科技手段使得金融服务变得更有效率,因而形成的一种经济产业。
Financial technology, often shortened to fintech, is the technology and innovation that aims to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. (Wikipedia)
Shares of Tencent rose 0.9% in Hong Kong before earnings were announced. The stock has gained 19% this year, compared with a 28% rise for New York-listed rival Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Shares of Naspers Ltd., its biggest shareholder, rose more than 1% in Johannesburg.
Johannesburg 约翰尼斯堡,位于南非东北部。
Revenue from the Value Added Services unit, which includes online games and messaging, rose just 4.5% to 49 billion yuan. Online advertising revenuesurged 25% to 13.4 billion yuan, but that was down from previous years, Tencent said.
表示“突然上涨,激增”,英文解释为“to suddenly increase”举个🌰:
Oil prices surged.
WeChat had 1.112 billion monthly active users at the end of March, an increase of 6.9% from a year earlier, while the mobile version of QQ had 700.4 million users at the end of the quarter.
Tencent last week unveiled Game for Peace, a self-produced title in the same vein as global smash PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. It concurrently pulled the plug on the mobile version of PUBG in China, a title it was never allowed to make money on during the months-long freeze.
in a ... vein
表示“(说话、写作)以…的风格”,英文解释为“in a particular style of speaking or writing about something”举个🌰:
There was more humour, in much the same vein.
表示“非常成功的新电影(新歌曲等)”,英文解释为“a new film, song etc which is very successful”类似于hit,也可以说smash hit,如:a box-office smash (= a film which many people go to see at the cinema ) 高票房电影。
pull the plug
表示“制止,阻止(某事继续);釜底抽薪(尤指停止资助)”,英文解释为“to do something that prevents an activity from continuing, especially by no longer giving money to support it”举个🌰:
If the viewing figures drop much more, the TV network will probably pull the plug on the whole series.
《PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds 绝地求生》
《Game for Peace 和平精英》
《Honour of Kings 王者荣耀》
Game for Peace pays tribute to China's air force and sought out the country's military recruitment arm for advice during development. Users can port or transfer their accounts easily, and in many cases the app automatically replaces PUBG on phones.
表示“转移,移植(软件)”,英文解释为“to move software from one computer system to another”举个🌰:
Can Windows applications be ported to Unix?
Tencent garnered $14 million of in-app purchases within 72 hours of the title's launch, according to research consultant Sensor Tower. Game for Peace comes as revenue from desktop games continues to decline and its tentpole Honour of Kings loses steam.
A tent-pole event, movie, etc. is one that is expected to make a lot of money, and also to help persuade people to spend money on products connected with it. 中文怎么解释好呢?
lose steam
也可以说run out of steam,表示“忽然失去动力;顿时泄气;突然没了兴趣”,英文解释为“to suddenly lose the energy or interest to continue doing what you are doing”举个🌰:
I usually just let her yell until she runs out of steam.
The latter hack-and-slash game saw monthly active users fall 12% in March from the previous month, according to David Dai, a Hong Kong-based analyst at Bernstein.
hack and slash
Hack and slash or hack and slay (H&S or HnS; also can be stylized in a hyphenated form as in hack-and-slash, or with a contracted conjunction as in hack 'n' slay) refers to a type of gameplay that emphasizes combat.
“We expect Tencent's fundamentals to improve in the second half, backed by the launch of new games and stronger monetization potential of shooting games,” Alicia Fu, an SWS Research analyst, said in a research report prior to earnings.
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