CS and Program

CS and Program

作者: Qlhouse | 来源:发表于2017-09-14 22:38 被阅读0次

Data structures are particular things inside the machine.

  • What we want to do through this course

What we want to do through this course is figure out how to define new calculations, new operations, things we create and give to the computer so that it can abstract them, encapsulate them, and treat them as if they're primitives.

  • A computer really only does two things:

1.Perform calculations

Every computer comes with a set of built-in operations. These are typically primitive arithmetic operations and simple logic operations, comparing true and false values in order to make decisions with that.
Even with fast computers, we need cleverness, we need algorithmic thinking to take those simple computations and turn them into something more powerful.

2.Remember things

Depend on the size of your computer.

  • There are still some limitations to what a computer can do.

  • Knowledge

  1. Declarative Knowledge

  2. Imperative Knowledge

  • Algorithm

  • Machine

Stored program machine.

  • Language



      本文标题:CS and Program
