Chapter 6 Feedback 2018-03-12

Chapter 6 Feedback 2018-03-12

作者: ZHAODAIWEI | 来源:发表于2018-03-24 11:31 被阅读0次
    What Got You Here Won't Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith


    1. What you're actually doing is creating parity, even a bond, between you and the other person.

    parity (with sb/ sth): the state of being equal, especially having equal pay, rights or power

    Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.

    Prison officers are demanding pay parity with the police force.

    2. As you begin your personal self-reclamation project, don't slough off this fourth commitment.

    slough:  [slaʊ] (v.) 1.蜕皮;Slough off dead skin cells by using a facial scrub.

    2. slough sth off: to get rid of sth, especially sth that is damaging you

    The president wanted to slough off the country's bad image.

    slough(n.) 1.蜕下的皮或壳;  2. 泥潭;沼泽; 3. a bad situation or a state of sadness that you cannot get out of easily

    Harry was in a slough of despondency for weeks.

    3. He's comfortable with leveling with us.

    level with sb: informal, to tell sb the truth and not hide any unpleasant facts from them 直言相告

    4. I don't want to drape the process in complexity and mystery.

    drape: (n.) 帘子;帷幕  eg. blue velvet drapes 蓝色丝绒帷幕

    (v.) 将(衣服、织物等)悬挂,披

    He draped his coat over the back of the chair.

    drape sb/ sth in/with sth: to cover or decorate sb/sth with material

    walls draped in ivy

    5. If, somehow, this format has eluded you, I've included a 72-question leadership survey in an appendix.

    elude: 1. to avoid or escape from sb/ sth

    The two men managed to elude the police for six weeks.

    2. sth eludes sb: not able to achieve sth, or not able to remember or understand it

    He was extremely tired but sleep eluded him.

    Finally he remembered the tiny detail that had eluded him the night before.

    6. It's my contention -- and it's the bedrock thesis of this book -- that interpersonal behavior is the difference-maker between being great and near-great.

    bedrock: 1.基岩(沙、土层下的岩石); 2. 牢固基础,基本事实/原则 a strong base for sth, especially the facts or the principles on which it is based

    Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship.

    7. In a power relationship subordinates have no guarantee that the unvarnished truth won't anger the boss.

    varnish: (n.) 清漆

    unvarnished: (a.) 1.未涂清漆的;2.未加修饰的,坦率质朴的

    It was the plain unvarnished truth.

    8. Those are the "road to Damascus" moments that create dramatic change.

    Damascus: [dəˈmæskəs] 大马士革(叙利亚首都)

    road to Damascus: 1. From the story in the Bible in which St Paul hears the voice of God on the road to Damascus and becomes a Christian. 2. an experience that results in a great change in a person's attitudes or beliefs

    Spending a night in jail was his road to Damascus.

    9. They are the moments when we can get blindsided by how others really see us.

    blindside: (v.) 1. to attack sb from the direction where they cannot see you coming 出其不意地袭击

    2. to give sb an unpleasant surprise 使遭受意外的打击

    Just when it seemed life was going well, she was blindsided by a devastating illness.

    10. After enduring my babble for three weeks, Bob asked, "...."

    babble: (v.) 嘀哩咕噜含糊不清地说

    I have no idea what he was babling on about.

    (n.) 嘈杂的人声;含糊不清的声音

    I can't listen to his constant babble.

    a babble of voices

    11. I still shudder with shame at the memory of how fatuous I was back then.

    shudder:(v.) 发抖;颤栗

    Alone in the car, she shuddered with fear.

    I shudder with embarrassment whenever I think about it.

    fatuous:  [ˈfætʃuəs] 愚昧的;蠢的

    12. Do they listen when you have the floor or are they drumming their fingers waiting for you to finish?

    drum one's fingers: drum 在这里的意思是“敲击”, to make a sound similar to a drum by hitting a surface again and again

    I could hear the rain drumming against the windows.

    Lisa drummed her fingers impatiently on the table.

    13. But eventually he relented and played along saying he wanted to "become judgmental."

    relent: 1. to change your attitude and become less strict or cruel towards sth SYN give in

    At last her father relented and came to visit her.

    2. to become less determined or strong 变温和;减弱

    After two days the rain relented.

    play along: to cooperate or pretend to cooperate SYN go along

    She felt she had to play along or risk losing her job.

    14. `When you hear yourself make an offhand self-deprecation such as, "I'm not very good at thanking people," it's quite possible that you don't believe it.

    offhand: (a.) not showing much interest in sb/ sth 漫不经心的;不在乎的 -- (ad.) offhandedly

    an offhand manner

    He was very offhand with me.

    offhand 做(ad.) 的意思与(a.)不同,指即席的、不假思索的 without being able to check sth or think about it

    I don't know offhand how much we made last year.

    15. Michael Douglas won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of this rude, larcenous, wheeler-dealer.

    larcenous: (a.) ['lɑ:sənəs] 盗窃的

    larceny: (n.) 盗窃罪

    The couple were charged with grand/ petty larceny.

    复习: purloin: (v.) 偷窃

    wheeler-dealer:a person who does a lot of complicated deals in  business or politics, often in a dishonest way (商界或政界)进行复杂交易的人、工于心计的人。

    16. He would even mouth off to the CEO in meetings.

    mouth off:  talk in a noisy, excited or declamatory manner  顶嘴;粗鲁地讲话

    The parents might even tell the child to "stop mouthing off."



          本文标题:Chapter 6 Feedback 2018-03-12
