WSDM 2019

作者: wwang945 | 来源:发表于2019-04-19 19:58 被阅读47次

    Session 3: Recommendation and Temporal Trends

    • Modeling Temporal Evidence from External Collections
    • Social Attentional Memory Network: Modeling Aspect- and Friend-Level Differences in Recommendation

    Session 6: Networks and Social Behavior

    • Beyond News Contents: The Role of Social Context for Fake News Detection
    • CoReRank: Ranking to Detect Users Involved in Blackmarket-Based Collusive Retweeting Activities
    • XBully: Cyberbullying Detection within a Multi-Modal Context
    • Homogeneity-Based Transmissive Process to Model True and False News in Social Networks

    Session 8: Counterfactual and Causal Learning

    • Top-K Off-Policy Correction for a REINFORCE Recommender System

    Session 9: Recommendation

    • Neural Tensor Factorization for Temporal Interaction Learning
    • Recurrent Recommendation with Local Coherence
    • Taxonomy-Aware Multi-Hop Reasoning Networks for Sequential Recommendation
    • A Simple Convolutional Generative Network for Next Item Recommendation
    • Time is of the Essence: A Joint Hierarchical RNN and Point Process Model for Time and Item Predictions

    Session 10: Personalization and Characterizing User Behavior

    • Why the World Reads Wikipedia: Beyond English Speakers
    • The Influence of Image Search Intents on User Behavior and Satisfaction

    Session 11: Domain Transfer and Representation Learning

    • Domain Switch-Aware Holistic Recurrent Neural Network for Modeling Multi-Domain User Behavior



        本文标题:WSDM 2019
