DAY 82 When cinemas reopen they

DAY 82 When cinemas reopen they

作者: 翼飏_Sa | 来源:发表于2020-05-09 22:33 被阅读0次

DAY 82 When cinemas reopen they will not be the same

Covid-19’s legacy will be fewer theatres, showing bigger blockbusters

legacy /ˈleɡəsi/  = inheritance
1> money or property that is given to you by somebody when they die
2> a situation that exists now because of events, actions, etc. that took place in the past
n. 遗产;遗赠财物;遗留问题;后遗症

blockbuster [ˈblɒkbʌstə(r)]
something very successful, especially a very successful book or film
n. 轰动;巨型炸弹;一鸣惊人者


1 The lights are off in many Florida businesses. But after dark, the glow of the Ocala Drive-In’s 90-foot screen can be seen from a quarter of a mile down the highway. With half the parking spaces in its seven-acre plot fenced off to allow for social distancing, the Ocala has room for 240 vehicles—and it is full every night. “We’re the only thing going right now,” says John Watzke, the owner. Families sit out in deckchairs or perch beneath open tailgates to see a double-bill of “Trolls World Tour” and “Back to the Future” for $6 per adult (under-fives and pets go free). Mr Watzke decided to stay open because of his experience of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when “anything that brought a few minutes of normal lifestyle to us was appreciated.”

business  商业区
glow /ɡləʊ/  昏暗的灯光
1> a steady light that is not too bright, like the light from a fire that has stopped producing flames
2> ​the pink colour in your face when you have been doing exercise or feel happy and excited
3> ​a feeling of pleasure
v. 发出微弱而稳定的光;因色彩浓烈而微微发光;(人体或脸)(运动后或激动)而发红;(因温暖、健康而)容光焕发;喜形于色n. 微弱稳定的光;满面红光;金色;喜悦;持续不变的光(或热)

Ocala  [oʊˈkælə]  奥卡拉
Drive In  驶进; 敲进; 强行灌输;
Ocala Drive-In  奥卡拉(Ocala)汽车电影院

90-foot  英尺
a quarter of a mile [ə ˈkwɔːtə(r) ɒv ə maɪl] 
seven-acre   七英亩的
acre  [ˈeɪkə(r)]n. 土地,地产;英亩
highway  [ˈhaɪweɪ]  n. 公路,大路;捷径 
a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities
plot  [plɒt]
A plot of land is a small piece of land, especially one that has been measured or marked out for a special purpose, such as building houses or growing vegetables. 小块圈地

fence off栅栏隔开

allow for 考虑到,虑及

vehicle [ˈviːəkl]   

deckchair[ˈdektʃer]  n. 帆布躺椅
perch   [pɜːtʃ]  高位;(鸟的) 栖木;(位于高位的)休息处
tailgates  [ˈteɪlɡeɪt]   n. 后挡板;下闸门

double-bill 连场;同场地连续两场表演

adult  /ˈædʌlt /
adj. 成年的;成熟的n. 成年人


Trolls World Tour /trɒl/ /wɜːld//tʊə(r) /  魔发精灵2   2020
讲述Poppy和Branch有了一个惊人的发现——除了他们之外,还有其他的魔发精灵世界,各部落的明显差异导致了巨大的冲突。当一种神秘的邪恶力量让所有的精灵世界都面临危险时,Poppy和Branch以及朋友们将踏上一段史诗般的探寻旅程,在长期不和的各精灵族群中创造和谐氛围,让大家团结起来对抗某种厄运。  这部片的音乐风格将更加多样化,流行音乐、乡村音乐、嘻哈音乐、硬摇滚、骤停打击乐、电子舞曲等都有。

Back to the Future 《回到未来》  1985年上映

 Hurricane Katrina  [ˈhɜːrəkeɪn kəˈtrinə]卡特里娜飓风

2 For most of America’s nearly 6,000 cinemas, life is far from normal. All but a handful have been shut since March. And although some states have begun to ease the lockdown, it will be months before theatres raise their curtains. A quarter of Americans say they won’t go back to the movies until at least the autumn, so studios are holding their films. No releases are planned for the July 4th weekend, normally a coveted slot. The next big-budget premiere, “Tenet”, an action flick from Warner Bros, is tentatively down for July 17th.

All but   所有的除了
a handful   一小部分
raise their curtains  重新营业!!!这个表达好好!!

studios  制片公司
holding their films  压着电影不上映

A quarter of四分之一的;

coveted slot  电影/戏剧的黄金时间

big-budget premiere 大手笔制片的首次公演

premiere /ˈpremieə(r)/  the first public performance of a film or play

tentatively 暂定地

an action flick动作片;情节电影

flick /flɪk/ n 
1>   (old-fashioned, informal) a film

the July 4th weekend  7月4日的那个周末,美国独立人,大家一般会看电影。

is tentatively down for July 17th.  
down: bring to the ground——>上映

3 That may be longer than some cinemas can wait. Already indebted after years of investing in reclining seats and the like, they face four months without revenue, followed by only a slow return to business as usual. The world’s largest chain, amc, which has around 1,000 theatres, the bulk of them in America, last month borrowed an emergency $500m, which ought to tide it over until November. But this will bring its total debt to nearly ten times gross operating profit, according to Moody’s, a rating agency. Restructuring looks likely. Cineworld, the second-largest chain, said in March that it would be at risk of bankruptcy if forced to close for more than three months. The stock prices of both firms have plunged since the start of the year.

reclining seats   靠椅
recline/rɪˈklaɪn/  vi. 靠;依赖;斜倚vt. 使躺下;使斜倚
1> recline (against/in/on something) (formal) 
    to sit or lie in a relaxed way, with your body leaning backwards
2>when a seat reclines or when you recline a seat, the back of it moves into a comfortable, sloping position

amc  被万达收购了

the bulk of  大多数,大部
bulk  /bʌlk/   
1> the bulk (of something) the main part of something; most of something
2>  the (large) size or quantity of something

tide it over   度过难关
tide over克服,度过;度过困难时期

plung  [plʌndʒ]
v. 使突然地下落;猛插;骤降;陡峭地向下倾斜;颠簸;跳进;(使)陷入;栽种

Restructuring looks likely.  重组,重建是可能的

 the second-largest chain   连锁店

英国电影院线运营商Cineworld Group周二宣布,已同意以36亿美元收购美国第二大院线连锁Regal Entertainment Group。

a slow return to business as usual  缓慢回升至正常的营业状态



4 America already has 1,600 fewer cinemas than at the turn of the century. Back then the average American went to the movies five times a year; last year it was three and a half. As more theatres close or cut costs and the virus lingers, the couch will become more tempting still.

at the turn of the century.  世纪之交

linger /ˈlɪŋɡə(r)/
to continue to exist for longer than expected

couch /kaʊtʃ/  n 电影院的座位  or 在家里看电影
​enlarge imagea long comfortable seat for two or more people to sit on
"Couch is not at theater it’s always a home or office type of seating"

tempting  /ˈtemptɪŋ/  a
​something that is tempting is attractive, and makes people want to have it, do it, etc.

5 So Hollywood studios are exploring alternatives. Although it hit screens on April 10th, amid the pandemic, “Trolls World Tour” has been seen well beyond the Ocala, since Universal Pictures decided to put the animation online on the same day. At $20 for a 48-hour download, it took $95m in America in its first three weeks, the Wall Street Journal reported. That is less than the $125m the previous “Trolls” movie made at the box office in the same period. But Universal could keep about 80% of download revenues rather than giving almost half to theatres. The studio hailed the experiment as a success and said it would do more simultaneous releases in future.

hit screen  上映

amid  /əˈmɪd/  
in the middle of or during something, especially something that causes excitement or fear 

At $20 for a 48-hour download  在48小时内,只需20美元就可下载。

at the box office在票房收入中

hail /heɪl/v
1> to describe somebody/something as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.
2>  to signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop
n. 冰雹;致敬;招呼;一阵
vt. 致敬;招呼;向...欢呼;猛发;使像下雹样落下
vi. 招呼;下雹

 simultaneous releases  同步发放

6 Cinema bosses are naturally horrified by this breaking of the 90-day window in which films are normally shown exclusively on the big screen; amc says it will no longer show any Universal films, adding with a suitably theatrical flourish that this is “not some hollow or ill-considered threat”. Cineworld says it too will boycott films that break the window. But Universal is not the only studio going online. Warner has arranged a digital-only release for “Scoob!”, which was due in theatres on May 15th. Paramount has sold “The Lovebirds” to Netflix. Even Disney, which does better at the box office than any other studio, has decided to put “Artemis Fowl” on its Disney+ streaming service, skipping the cinema.

90-day window 电影上映的90天的窗口期。
horrified  惊吓

suitably 适当的

theatrical flourish  比较好听的说辞

ill-considered   [ˌɪl kənˈsɪdəd]
adj.考虑欠周的; 计划不严密的;

boycott /ˈbɔɪkɒt/  
 to refuse to buy, use or take part in something as a way of protesting

Scoob  史努比

was due in theatres on May 15th.   本应该在……上映

Paramount 派拉蒙公司

Disney+ streaming service  迪士尼流媒体服务器

skipping the cinema.  跳过

7 These decisions were all provoked by the pandemic. But studios were already under pressure to provide content for the streaming services launched by their parent companies. When Netflix is commissioning hits and putting them online immediately, Disney cannot serve up a diet of months-old films. Hence features like its remake of “Robin Hood”, which in the past might have got an outing at the cinema, are going straight to Disney+. This year’s Oscars will admit streaming-only films, in what the Academy insists is a covid-induced one-off. But last year’s best-picture nominations included two Netflix films—“The Irishman” and “Marriage Story”—that had minimal theatre runs.

provoke [prəˈvəʊk]vt. 驱使;激怒;煽动;惹起

streaming services 流媒体服务

content for  ……的内容

parent companies

commissioning hits  购买版权
commission 有sing up签约的意思,hit有风靡一时的影片的意思

v. 委托制作;使(新制造事物)运转;使……服役;授军衔给……,委任(commission 的现在分词形式)

1> (informal) to press something such as a button to operate a machine, etc.
2> (informal) to become widely available for sale

serve up  上菜,准备饭菜
diet  提供精神食量

months-old D不能在几个月提供电影

got an outing at the cinema 没有在影院上映过

admit  纳入……的考虑范围
streaming-only  仅仅流媒体渠道的

Academy  - Oscar

covid-induced one-off.  
one-off   adj. 一次性的n. 一次性事物;与他人完全不同者

Disney cannot serve up a diet of months-old films.   D制作电影慢,N是很快的签约影片并且上映,而D则慢慢制作  ( 提供精神食量 )

“When “Netflix commissioning hits” means Netflix pays for a popular tv show or movie to start.”

that had minimal theatre runs. 较少的影院上映

8 It isn’t yet time for the credits to roll for the cinema. This year’s biggest titles, from James Bond to Wonder Woman, have been postponed rather than put online. Universal itself has delayed the latest in its “Fast and Furious” series until next April. Given that previous “Furious” films have taken as much as $1.2bn at the worldwide box office, it cannot afford to miss a theatre run.

Credit Roll 滚动字幕
roll credit = over

for the credits to roll  还没到电影院谢幕的时候——>开张?or完蛋?  

roll  /rəʊl/   v
credit   /ˈkredɪt/  n
​[countable, usually plural] the act of mentioning somebody who worked on a project such as a film or a television programme

box office  票房

9 But increasingly, cinematic releases make sense only for the biggest blockbusters. Studios have realised that betting heavily on a few expensive “tentpoles” brings in more money than placing lots of smaller stakes. Blockbusters’ marketing costs are proportionally lower than those of middling movies, and shelling out for globally famous stars makes it easier to sell a film internationally. With cinema attendance in decline in America, titles must sparkle to be one of the few that people bother going to see. And so ever-greater rewards are accruing to the biggest hits. Last year the five highest-grossing films took a quarter of the domestic box-office, nearly double the top five’s share in 2000.

cinematic releases  电影的发布

tentpoles = blockbasters
 爆米花大片档期分散化 品控质量要过关 顶级大片(tentpole/blockbusters)是好莱坞片商主要收入来源,堪称是各大公司的命脉,如何给爆米花大片定档成为一门大学问。

shell out  付款,给片酬
​(informal) to pay a lot of money for something
= fork out (for something)

to sell a film internationally  在全球畅销

accrue /əˈkruː/  v
1>  to increase over a period of time
2>  to allow a sum of money or debts to grow over a period of time

accrue to 归于

10 Critics complain that the emphasis on “event movies” is making studios tediously conservative about what they green-light. All of America’s ten most successful films last year were part of a series, like “Avengers: Endgame”, or remakes, like “The Lion King”. That was the case for only two of the top ten in 2000. And what Hollywood produces, the rest of the world watches: last year’s global top ten was almost identical to America’s. In truth, studios won’t stop making lower-budget features; apart from anything else, they need to try out new actors and new ideas (it wasn’t always obvious that comic-book adaptations would be money-spinners). But increasingly, the tiddlers will go straight to streaming.

green-light   V   绿灯;放行;准许
to permit (a project, etc) to proceed 允许行进

money-spinner  [ˈmʌni spɪnər]
n. 赚大钱的人;赚大钱的事业

tiddler  /ˈtɪdlə(r)/   n  小鱼;小孩儿  ——>小片子
a very small fish

11 All this is only a continuation of television’s century-long siphoning of content away from the cinema. Movie theatres were once the home of all types of video. From the 1950s tv nabbed news, cartoons and serials, leaving cinemas with only feature films. Now streaming is sucking up many of those too, so that the theatre is a place to visit just for event movies. Something is being lost: an evening at home with Netflix isn’t quite the same as a night at the Ocala, reflects Mr Watzke. People may enjoy a film just as much on tv. But “if they see it at the drive-in, it’s a memory.” ■


continuation   /kənˌtɪnjuˈeɪʃn/  “续集,续接”
n.继续; 连续; 持续; 延续部分; 续篇; 附加物; 延续物;

siphon  /ˈsaɪfn/   v
1> to move a liquid from one container to another, using a siphon
2> (informal) to remove money from one place and move it to another, especially dishonestly or illegally
n. 虹吸管(电视机里的东西)
vi. 通过虹吸管
vt. 用虹吸管吸出;抽取

nab  [næb]  
vt. 捉住,逮捕;抢夺  

serial  [ˈsɪəriəl]  
adj. 连续的;连载的;分期偿还的;连续作案的n. 电视连续剧;期刊;连载小说

suck up 吸收,奉承; 巴结; 拍马屁;

feature films  电影; 故事片; 专题片;
event movies  里程碑电影,大片 

drive-in[ˈdraɪv ɪn]
n. 免下车餐馆;免下车电影院adj. 免下车的;路边服务的

 All this is only a continuation of television’s century-long siphoning of content away from the cinema.   电视从电影中吸取内容

“if they see it at the drive-in, it’s a memory.”   情怀



      本文标题:DAY 82 When cinemas reopen they
