PerfettoSQL 标准库
本页主要介绍了 PerfettoSQL 标准库。
- 作为一种共享和常用查询的方式,无需复制/粘贴大量 SQL。
- 在trace中的详细数据提高抽象级别。标准库中的许多模块将低级跟踪概念(例如切片、轨道)转换为开发人员可能更熟悉的概念,例如对于 Android 开发人员:应用程序启动、binder transactions 等。
-- Include all tables/views/functions from the android.startup.startups
-- module in the standard library.
INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE android.startup.startups;
-- Use the android_startups table defined in the android.startup.startups
-- module.
FROM android_startups;
Name | Import | Description |
thread_slice | common.slices | All thread slices with data about thread, thread track and process |
process_slice | common.slices | All process slices with data about process track and process |
android_anrs | android.anrs | List of all ANRs that occurred in the trace (one row per ANR) |
android_battery_charge | android.battery | Battery charge at timestamp |
android_battery_stats_state | android.battery_stats | View of human readable battery stats counter-based states |
android_battery_stats_event_slices | android.battery_stats | View of slices derived from battery_stats events |
android_binder_metrics_by_process | android.binder | Count Binder transactions per process |
android_sync_binder_metrics_by_txn | android.binder | Breakdown synchronous binder transactions per txn |
android_sync_binder_thread_state_by_txn | android.binder | Aggregated thread_states on the client and server side per binder txn This builds on the data from |
android_sync_binder_blocked_functions_by_txn | android.binder | Aggregated blocked_functions on the client and server side per binder txn This builds on the data from |
android_async_binder_metrics_by_txn | android.binder | Breakdown asynchronous binder transactions per txn |
android_binder_txns | android.binder | Breakdown asynchronous binder transactions per txn |
android_io_f2fs_counter_stats | android.io | Aggregates f2fs IO and latency stats by counter name |
android_io_f2fs_write_stats | android.io | Aggregates f2fs_write stats by inode and thread |
android_io_f2fs_aggregate_write_stats | android.io | Aggregates f2fs write stats |
android_monitor_contention | android.monitor_contention | Contains parsed monitor contention slices |
android_monitor_contention_chain | android.monitor_contention | Contains parsed monitor contention slices with the parent-child relationships |
android_monitor_contention_chain_thread_state | android.monitor_contention | Note that we only span join the duration where the lock was actually held and contended |
android_monitor_contention_chain_thread_state_by_txn | android.monitor_contention | Aggregated thread_states on the 'blocking thread', the thread holding the lock |
android_monitor_contention_chain_blocked_functions_by_txn | android.monitor_contention | Aggregated blocked_functions on the 'blocking thread', the thread holding the lock |
android_network_packets | android.network_packets | Android network packet events (from android |
android_process_metadata | android.process_metadata | Data about packages running on the process |
android_screenshots | android.screenshots | Screenshot slices, used in perfetto UI |
android_startups | android.startup.startups | All activity startups in the trace by startup id |
android_startup_processes | android.startup.startups | Maps a startup to the set of processes that handled the activity start |
android_startup_threads | android.startup.startups | Maps a startup to the set of threads on processes that handled the activity start |
android_thread_slices_for_all_startups | android.startup.startups | All the slices for all startups in trace |
android_statsd_atoms | android.statsd | Statsd atoms |
chrome_scrolls | chrome.chrome_scrolls | Defines slices for all of the individual scrolls in a trace based on the LatencyInfo-based scroll definition |
chrome_scrolling_intervals | chrome.chrome_scrolls | Defines slices for all of scrolls intervals in a trace based on the scroll definition in chrome_scrolls |
chrome_cpu_power_slice | chrome.cpu_powerups | The CPU power transitions in the trace |
chrome_cpu_power_first_sched_slice_after_powerup | chrome.cpu_powerups | The Linux scheduler slices that executed immediately after a CPU power up |
chrome_cpu_power_post_powerup_slice | chrome.cpu_powerups | A table holding the slices that executed within the scheduler slice that ran on a CPU immediately after power-up |
chrome_cpu_power_first_toplevel_slice_after_powerup | chrome.cpu_powerups | The first top-level slice that ran after a CPU power-up |
chrome_histograms | chrome.histograms | A helper view on top of the histogram events emitted by Chrome |
chrome_interactions | chrome.interactions | All critical user interaction events, including type and table with associated metrics |
chrome_page_loads | chrome.page_loads | Chrome page loads, including associated high-level metrics and properties |
chrome_janky_event_latencies_v3 | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_intervals | Selects EventLatency slices that correspond with janks in a scroll |
chrome_janky_frame_presentation_intervals | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_intervals | Frame presentation interval is the delta between when the frame was supposed to be presented and when it was actually presented |
chrome_scroll_stats | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_intervals | Scroll jank frame presentation stats for individual scrolls |
chrome_scroll_jank_intervals_v3 | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_intervals | Defines slices for all of janky scrolling intervals in a trace |
chrome_gesture_scroll_updates | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Grabs all gesture updates with respective scroll ids and start/end timestamps, regardless of being coalesced |
chrome_presented_gesture_scrolls | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Scroll updates, corresponding to all input events that were converted to a presented scroll update |
chrome_scroll_updates_with_deltas | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Associate every trace_id with it's perceived delta_y on the screen after prediction |
chrome_gesture_scroll_event_latencies | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Extract event latency timestamps, to later use it for joining with gesture scroll updates, as event latencies don't have trace ids associated with it |
chrome_full_frame_view | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Join presented gesture scrolls with their respective event latencies based on |
chrome_full_frame_delta_view | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Join deltas with EventLatency data |
chrome_merged_frame_view | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Group all gestures presented at the same timestamp together in a single row |
chrome_frame_info_with_delay | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | View contains all chrome presented frames during gesture updates while calculating delay since last presented which usually should equal to |
chrome_vsyncs | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Calculate |
chrome_janky_frames_no_cause | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Filter the frame view only to frames that had missed vsyncs |
chrome_janky_frames_no_subcause | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Janky frame information including the jank cause |
chrome_janky_frames | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Finds all causes of jank for all janky frames, and a cause of sub jank if the cause of jank was GPU related |
chrome_unique_frame_presentation_ts | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Counting all unique frame presentation timestamps |
chrome_janky_frames_percentage | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Dividing missed frames over total frames to get janky frame percentage |
chrome_frames_per_scroll | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Number of frames and janky frames per scroll |
chrome_causes_per_scroll | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_jank_v3 | Scroll jank causes per scroll |
chrome_deltas_presented_frame_scroll_update_ids | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_offsets | All of the presented frame scroll update ids |
chrome_scroll_input_offsets | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_offsets | The raw coordinates and pixel offsets for all input events which were part of a scroll |
chrome_presented_scroll_offsets | chrome.scroll_jank.scroll_offsets | The scrolling offsets for the actual (applied) scroll events |
chrome_speedometer_measure | chrome.speedometer | Augmented slices for Speedometer measurements |
chrome_speedometer_iteration | chrome.speedometer | Slice that covers one Speedometer iteration |
chrome_java_views | chrome.tasks | A list of slices corresponding to operations on interesting (non-generic) Chrome Java views |
chrome_scheduler_tasks | chrome.tasks | A list of tasks executed by Chrome scheduler |
chrome_tasks | chrome.tasks | A list of "Chrome tasks": top-level execution units (e |
chrome_vsync_intervals | chrome.vsync_intervals | A simple table that checks the time between VSync (this can be used to determine if we're refreshing at 90 FPS or 60 FPS) |
pkvm_hypervisor_events | pkvm.hypervisor | Events when CPU entered hypervisor |
Name | Import | Return type | Description |
formatted_arg | common.args | STRING | Returns the formatted value of a given argument |
earliest_timestamp_for_counter_track | common.counters | LONG | Timestamp of first counter value in a counter |
guess_cpu_size | common.cpus | STRING | Guess size of CPU |
extract_int_metadata | common.metadata | LONG | Extracts an int value with the given name from the metadata table |
has_parent_slice_with_name | common.slices | BOOL | Checks if slice has an ancestor with provided name |
slice_count | common.slices | INT | Count slices with specified name |
slice_name_from_id | common.slices | STRING | Given a slice id, returns the name of the slice |
human_readable_thread_state_name | common.thread_states | STRING | Returns a human-readable name for a thread state |
is_spans_overlapping | common.timestamps | BOOL | Checks whether two spans are overlapping |
spans_overlapping_dur | common.timestamps | INT | Return the overlapping duration between two spans |
ns | common.timestamps | INT | Converts a duration in seconds to nanoseconds, which is the default representation of time durations in trace processor |
us | common.timestamps | INT | Converts a duration in microseconds to nanoseconds, which is the default representation of time durations in trace processor |
ms | common.timestamps | INT | Converts a duration in millseconds to nanoseconds, which is the default representation of time durations in trace processor |
seconds | common.timestamps | INT | Converts a duration in seconds to nanoseconds, which is the default representation of time durations in trace processor |
minutes | common.timestamps | INT | Converts a duration in minutes to nanoseconds, which is the default representation of time durations in trace processor |
hours | common.timestamps | INT | Converts a duration in hours to nanoseconds, which is the default representation of time durations in trace processor |
days | common.timestamps | INT | Converts a duration in days to nanoseconds, which is the default representation of time durations in trace processor |
android_battery_stats_counter_to_string | android.battery_stats | STRING | Converts a battery_stats counter value to human readable string |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocking_thread | android.monitor_contention | STRING | Extracts the blocking thread from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocking_tid | android.monitor_contention | INT | Extracts the blocking thread tid from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocking_method | android.monitor_contention | STRING | Extracts the blocking method from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_short_blocking_method | android.monitor_contention | STRING | Extracts a shortened form of the blocking method name from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocked_method | android.monitor_contention | STRING | Extracts the monitor contention blocked method from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_short_blocked_method | android.monitor_contention | STRING | Extracts a shortened form of the monitor contention blocked method name from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_waiter_count | android.monitor_contention | INT | Extracts the number of waiters on the monitor from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocking_src | android.monitor_contention | STRING | Extracts the monitor contention blocking source location from a slice name |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocked_src | android.monitor_contention | STRING | Extracts the monitor contention blocked source location from a slice name |
android_standardize_slice_name | android.slices | STRING | Some slice names have params in them |
android_sum_dur_for_startup_and_slice | android.startup.startups | INT | Returns duration of startup for slice name |
android_sum_dur_on_main_thread_for_startup_and_slice | android.startup.startups | INT | Returns duration of startup for slice name on main thread |
Table Functions
Name | Import | Description |
counter_percentiles_for_time_range | common.percentiles | All percentiles (range 1-100) for counter track ID in a given time range |
counter_percentiles_for_track | common.percentiles | All percentiles (range 1-100) for counter track ID |
thread_state_summary_for_interval | common.thread_states | Returns an aggregation of thread states (by state and cpu) for a given interval of time for a given thread |
android_binder_outgoing_graph | android.binder | Returns a DAG of all outgoing binder txns from a process |
android_binder_incoming_graph | android.binder | Returns a DAG of all incoming binder txns from a process |
android_binder_graph | android.binder | Returns a graph of all binder txns in a trace |
android_monitor_contention_graph | android.monitor_contention | Returns a DAG of all Java lock contentions in a process |
formatted_arg:返回给定参数的格式化值。与 EXTRACT_ARG 类似,但它不是返回原始值,而是返回根据“value_type”列格式化的值(例如,对于布尔值,EXTRACT_ARG将返回 0 或 1,而 FORMATTED_ARG 将返回“true”或“false”)。
Argument | Type | Description |
arg_set_id | INT | Id of the arg set. |
key | STRING | Key of the argument. |
返回值:LONG,第一个计数器值的时间戳。如果不存在,则为 Null。
Argument | Type | Description |
arg_set_id | INT | Id of the arg set. |
key | STRING | Key of the argument. |
guess_cpu_size:猜测 CPU 的大小核。在一些多核设备上,内核是异构的,分为两个或多个“大小核”。在典型情况下,设备可能有 8 个内核,其中 4 个是“小核”(低功耗和低性能),4 个是“大核”(高功率和高性能)。此函数尝试将给定的 CPU 索引映射到相关描述符。对于同构系统,这将返回 NULL。
返回:STRING,大小核描述信息('little'、'mid'、'big'等),如果我们没有足够的信息,则返回 NULL。
Argument | Type | Description |
cpu_index | INT | Index of the CPU whose size we will guess. |
extract_int_metadata:从元数据表中提取具有指定名称的 int 值。
返回值:LONG,int_value给定名称。如果没有此类条目,则为 NULL。
Argument | Type | Description |
name | STRING | The name of the metadata entry. |
counter_percentiles_for_time_range:给定时间范围内track ID的计数器 的所有百分位数(范围 1-100)。百分位数的计算公式为:1.将计数器中每个值的时间持续时间总和除以范围内计数器的持续时间。这给了我们 percentile_for)value
(DOUBLE)。2. 通过取每个百分位数的下限来获取每个百分位数,按结果 percentile
分组,并从每个 percentile_for_value
分组的值中分出最小值。当我们向下舍入时,采用 MIN 可确保数据最可靠。3. 通过从每个分段的较高百分位数中获取最小值来填补百分位数中可能的缺口。
Argument | Type | Description |
counter_track_id | INT | Id of the counter track. |
start_ts | LONG | Timestamp of start of time range. |
end_ts | LONG | Timestamp of end of time range. |
Column | Description |
percentile | All of the numbers from 1 to 100. |
value | Value for the percentile. |
counter_percentiles_for_track:计数器跟踪 ID 的所有百分位数(范围 1-100)。
Argument | Type | Description |
counter_track_id | INT | Id of the counter track. |
Column | Description |
percentile | All of the numbers from 1 to 100. |
value | Value for the percentile. |
Column | Description |
id | Alias for slice.id . |
type | Alias for slice.type . |
ts | Alias for slice.ts . |
dur | Alias for slice.dur . |
category | Alias for slice.category . |
name | Alias for slice.name . |
track_id | Alias for slice.track_id . |
track_name | Alias for thread_track.name . |
thread_name | Alias for thread.name . |
utid | Alias for thread.utid . |
tid | Alias for thread.tid
process_name | Alias for process.name . |
upid | Alias for process.upid . |
pid | Alias for process.pid . |
depth | Alias for slice.depth . |
parent_id | Alias for slice.parent_id . |
arg_set_id | Alias for slice.arg_set_id . |
thread_ts | Alias for slice.thread_ts . |
thread_dur | Alias for slice.thread_dur . |
process_slice, 视图
Column | Description |
id | Alias for slice.id . |
type | Alias for slice.type . |
ts | Alias for slice.ts . |
dur | Alias for slice.dur . |
category | Alias for slice.category . |
name | Alias for slice.name . |
track_id | Alias for slice.track_id . |
track_name | Alias for process_track.name . |
process_name | Alias for process.name . |
upid | Alias for process.upid . |
pid | Alias for process.pid . |
depth | Alias for slice.depth . |
parent_id | Alias for slice.parent_id . |
arg_set_id | Alias for slice.arg_set_id . |
thread_ts | Alias for slice.thread_ts . |
thread_dur | Alias for slice.thread_dur . |
Argument | Type | Description |
id | INT | Id of the slice to check parents of. |
parent_name | STRING | Name of potential ancestor slice. |
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_glob | STRING | Name of the slices to counted. |
Argument | Type | Description |
id | LONG | the slice id which we need the name for. |
thread_state_summary_for_interval:返回给定线程在给定时间间隔内的线程状态(按状态和 cpu)的汇总。
Argument | Type | Description |
ts | INT | The start of the interval. |
dur | INT | The duration of the interval. |
utid | INT | The utid of the thread. |
Column | Description |
state | Human-readable thread state name. |
raw_state | Raw thread state name, alias of thread_state.state . |
cpu_type | The type of CPU if available (e.g. "big" / "mid" / "little"). |
cpu | The CPU index. |
blocked_function | The name of the kernel function execution is blocked in. |
dur | The total duration. |
Argument | Type | Description |
ts1 | LONG | Start of first span. |
ts_end1 | LONG | End of first span. |
ts2 | LONG | Start of second span. |
ts_end2 | LONG | End of second span |
spans_overlapping_dur:返回两个跨度之间的重叠持续时间。如果持续时间小于 0 或没有交集,则返回 0
Argument | Type | Description |
ts1 | LONG | Timestamp of first slice start. |
dur1 | LONG | Duration of first slice. |
ts2 | LONG | Timestamp of second slice start. |
dur2 | LONG | Duration of second slice. |
Argument | Type | Description |
nanos | INT | Time duration in seconds. |
Argument | Type | Description |
micros | INT | Time duration in microseconds. |
ms 将持续时间(以毫秒为单位)转换为纳秒,纳秒跟踪处理器中持续时间的默认表示形式。
Argument | Type | Description |
millis | INT | Time duration in milliseconds. |
Argument | Type | Description |
seconds | INT | Time duration in seconds. |
minutes: 将持续时间(以分钟为单位)转换为纳秒,纳秒是跟踪处理器中持续时间的默认表示形式。
Argument | Type | Description |
minutes | INT | Time duration in minutes. |
Argument | Type | Description |
hours | INT | Time duration in hours. |
Argument | Type | Description |
days | INT | Time duration in days. |
android_anrs, 视图
跟踪中发生的所有 ANR 的列表(每个 ANR 一行)
Column | Description |
process_name | Name of the process that triggered the ANR. |
pid | PID of the process that triggered the ANR. |
upid | UPID of the process that triggered the ANR. |
error_id | UUID of the ANR (generated on the platform). |
ts | Timestamp of the ANR. |
subject | Subject line of the ANR. |
android_battery_charge, 视图
Column | Description |
ts | Timestamp. |
current_avg_ua | Current average micro ampers. |
capacity_percent | Current capacity percentage. |
charge_uah | Current charge in micro ampers. |
current_ua | Current micro ampers. |
可读的基于计数器的电池统计信息的状态视图。这些被 BatteryStats 记录为位图,其中每个“类别”在任何时间都有唯一的值。
Column | Description |
ts | Timestamp in nanoseconds. |
dur | The duration the state was active. |
track_name | The name of the counter track. |
value | The counter value as a number. |
value_name | The counter value as a human-readable string. |
android_battery_stats_event_slices, 视图
从battery_stats事件派生的切片视图。电池统计信息将所有事件记录为瞬间,但有些事件可能会以“+”或“-”前缀指示某些事件是开始还是停止。任务、最前面的app、前台app或长时间的唤醒等事件包含这些详细信息,并允许在跟踪中找到的即时事件之间绘制切片。例如,我们可能会在“battery_stats.top”上看到类似以下内容的事件: -top=10215:“com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher” ,此视图将找到以开始('+top')的,以(“=”后面的所有内容)结束的切片,它从事件中计算时间戳和持续时间,并提取详细信息,如下所示:track_name='battery_stats.top' str_value='com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher' int_value=10215
Column | Description |
track_name | The battery stats track name. |
ts | Timestamp in nanoseconds. |
dur | The duration of the event. |
str_value | The string part of the event identifier. |
int_value | The integer part of the event identifier. |
Argument | Type | Description |
track | STRING | The counter track name (e.g. 'battery_stats.audio'). |
value | FLOAT | The counter value. |
txn 应该是transaction的缩写
android_binder_metrics_by_process, 视图
计算每个进程的 Binder 事务数。
Column | Description |
process_name | Name of the process that started the binder transaction. |
pid | PID of the process that started the binder transaction. |
slice_name | Name of the slice with binder transaction. |
event_count | Number of binder transactions in process in slice. |
android_sync_binder_metrics_by_txn, 视图
细分每个 transaction 的同步 binder 事务。它返回每个 binder 事务有关的客户端和服务器端的数据。
Column | Description |
aidl_name | name of the binder interface if existing. |
binder_txn_id | slice id of the binder txn. |
client_process | name of the client process. |
client_thread | name of the client thread. |
client_upid | Upid of the client process. |
client_utid | Utid of the client thread. |
client_tid | Tid of the client thread. |
client_ts | timestamp of the client txn. |
client_dur | dur of the client txn. |
client_oom_score | oom score of the client process at the start of the txn. |
is_main_thread | Whether the txn was initiated from the main thread of the client process. |
binder_reply_id | slice id of the binder reply. |
server_process | name of the server process. |
server_thread | name of the server thread. |
server_upid | Upid of the server process. |
server_utid | Utid of the server thread. |
server_tid | Tid of the server thread. |
server_ts | timestamp of the server txn. |
server_dur | dur of the server txn. |
server_oom_score | oom score of the server process at the start of the reply. |
每个客户端和服务器端的 binder transaction 聚合thread_states,这来自在 |android_sync_binder_metrics_by_txn|对于事务的每个端(客户端和服务器),它返回所有线程状态持续时间的聚合总和。|thread_state_type|列表示给定的“聚合thread_state”行是在客户端还是在服务器端。“binder_txn”是客户端,“binder_reply”是服务器端。
Column | Description |
binder_txn_id | slice id of the binder txn |
binder_reply_id | slice id of the binder reply |
thread_state_type | whether thread state is on the txn or reply side |
thread_state | a thread_state that occurred in the txn |
thread_state_dur | aggregated dur of the |
thread_state_count | aggregated count of the |
android_sync_binder_blocked_functions_by_txn, 视图
每个 binder transaction 在客户端和服务器端的聚合blocked_functions 这建立在 |android_sync_binder_metrics_by_txn|对于事务的每个端(客户端和服务器),它返回所有内核阻塞函数持续时间的聚合总和。|thread_state_type|列表示给定的“聚合blocked_function”行是在客户端还是服务器端。“binder_txn”是客户端,“binder_reply”是服务器端。
Column | Description |
binder_txn_id | slice id of the binder txn |
binder_reply_id | slice id of the binder reply |
thread_state_type | whether thread state is on the txn or reply side |
blocked_function | blocked kernel function in a thread state |
blocked_function_dur | aggregated dur of the |
blocked_function_count | aggregated count of the |
android_async_binder_metrics_by_txn, VIEW
细分每个异步 transaction 的 Binder 事务。它返回有关每个异步 binder 事务的客户端和服务器端的数据。
ColumnDescriptionaidl_namename of the binder interface if existing.binder_txn_idslice id of the binder txn.client_processname of the client process.client_threadname of the client thread.client_upidUpid of the client process.client_utidUtid of the client thread.client_tidTid of the client thread.client_tstimestamp of the client txn.client_durdur of the client txn.client_oom_scoreoom score of the client process at the start of the txn.is_main_threadWhether the txn was initiated from the main thread of the client process.binder_reply_idslice id of the binder reply.server_processname of the server process.server_threadname of the server thread.server_upidUpid of the server process.server_utidUtid of the server thread.server_tidTid of the server thread.server_tstimestamp of the server txn.server_durdur of the server txn.server_oom_scoreoom score of the server process at the start of the reply.
android_binder_txns, 视图
细分每个 transaction 的异步 Binder 事务。它返回有关每个 binder 事务异步的客户端和服务器端的数据。
Column | Description |
aidl_name | name of the binder interface if existing. |
binder_txn_id | slice id of the binder txn. |
client_process | name of the client process. |
client_thread | name of the client thread. |
client_upid | Upid of the client process. |
client_utid | Utid of the client thread. |
client_tid | Tid of the client thread. |
client_ts | timestamp of the client txn. |
client_dur | dur of the client txn. |
client_oom_score | oom score of the client process at the start of the txn. |
is_main_thread | Whether the txn was initiated from the main thread of the client process. |
binder_reply_id | slice id of the binder reply. |
server_process | name of the server process. |
server_thread | name of the server thread. |
server_upid | Upid of the server process. |
server_utid | Utid of the server thread. |
server_tid | Tid of the server thread. |
server_ts | timestamp of the server txn. |
server_dur | dur of the server txn. |
server_oom_score | oom score of the server process at the start of the reply. |
is_sync | whether the txn is synchronous or async (oneway). |
Table Functions 表函数
android_binder_outgoing_graph :返回进程中所有outgoing transaction 的binder 的有向无环图。图的根源是发出 txntransaction 的线程,图从以下位置流出:thread -> server_process -> AIDL 接口 -> AIDL 方法。每个节点的权重表示server_process中的CPU执行时间。
Argument | Type | Description |
upid | STRING | Upid of process to generate an outgoing graph for. |
Column | Description |
pprof | BYTES Pprof of outgoing binder txns. |
android_binder_incoming_graph:返回进程的所有incoming binder transactions的 有向无环图。图的根源是发出 transaction 的客户端,图流自:client_process -> AIDL 接口 -> AIDL 方法。每个节点的权重表示server_process中的执行时间。
Argument | Type | Description |
upid | STRING | Upid of process to generate an outgoing graph for. |
Column | Description |
pprof | BYTES Pprof of outgoing binder txns. |
android_binder_graph 返回trace中binder transaction的图形。节点是client_process和server_process。每个节点的权重表示server_process中的执行时间。
Argument | Type | Description |
min_client_oom_score | INT | Matches txns from client_processes greater than or equal to the OOM score. |
max_client_oom_score | INT | Matches txns from client_processes less than or equal to the OOM score. |
min_server_oom_score | INT | Matches txns to server_processes greater than or equal to the OOM score. |
max_server_oom_score | INT | Matches txns to server_processes less than or equal to the OOM score. |
Column | Description |
pprof | BYTES Pprof of binder txns. |
android_dvfs_counters, 视图
具有持续时间的 Dvfs 计数器。
Column | Description |
name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Counter name.'} |
ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp when counter value changed.'} |
value | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Counter value.'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Counter duration.'} |
android_dvfs_counter_stats, 表
用于统计信息的 dvfs 计数器聚合切片
Column | Description |
name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Counter name on which all the other values are aggregated on.'} |
max | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Max of all counter values for the counter name.'} |
min | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Min of all counter values for the counter name.'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Duration between the first and last counter value for the counter name.'} |
wgt_avg | {'type': 'FLOAT', 'desc': 'Weighted avergate of all the counter values for the counter name.'} |
android_dvfs_counter_residency, 视图
常驻的 dvfs 计数器聚合切片
Column | Description |
slice_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Id of the corresponding slice in slices table.'} |
cpu | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'CPU that entered hypervisor.'} |
ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp when CPU entered hypervisor (in nanoseconds).'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'How much time CPU spent in hypervisor (in nanoseconds).'} |
reason | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Reason for entering hypervisor (e.g. host_hcall, host_mem_abort), or NULL if unknown.'} |
android_io_f2fs_counter_stats, 视图
按计数器名称统计的 f2fs IO 和延迟聚合信息。
Column | Description |
counter_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Counter name on which all the other values are aggregated on.'} |
counter_sum | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Sum of all counter values for the counter name.'} |
counter_max | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Max of all counter values for the counter name.'} |
counter_min | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Min of all counter values for the counter name.'} |
counter_dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Duration between the first and last counter value for the counter name.'} |
counter_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Count of all the counter values for the counter name.'} |
counter_avg | {'type': 'DOUBLE', 'desc': 'Avergate of all the counter values for the counter name.'} |
android_io_f2fs_write_stats, 视图
按 inode 和线程聚合f2fs_write统计信息。
Column | Description |
utid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Utid of the thread.'} |
tid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Tid of the thread.'} |
thread_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Name of the thread.'} |
upid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Upid of the process.'} |
pid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Pid of the process.'} |
process_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Name of the thread.'} |
ino | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Inode number of the file being written.'} |
dev | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Device node number of the file being written.'} |
bytes | {'type': 'BYTES', 'desc': 'Total number of bytes written on this file by the |
write_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Total count of write requests for this file.'} |
android_io_f2fs_aggregate_write_stats, 视图
聚合 f2fs 写入统计信息。计算不同的数据点、总写入操作数和写入的字节数
Column | Description |
total_write_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Total number of writes in the trace.'} |
distinct_processes | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Number of distinct processes.'} |
total_bytes_written | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Total number of bytes written.'} |
distinct_device_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Count of distinct devices written to.'} |
distict_inode_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Count of distinct inodes written to.'} |
distinct_thread_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Count of distinct threads writing.'} |
android_monitor_contention, 表
ColumnDescriptionblocking_method{'type': None, 'desc': 'Name of the method holding the lock.'}blocked_methhod{'type': None, 'desc': 'Name of the method trying to acquire the lock.'}short_blocking_method{'type': None, 'desc': 'Blocking_method without arguments and return types.'}short_blocked_method{'type': None, 'desc': 'Blocked_method without arguments and return types.'}blocking_src{'type': None, 'desc': 'File location of blocking_method in form filename:linenumber.'}blocked_src{'type': None, 'desc': 'File location of blocked_method in form filename:linenumber.'}waiter_count{'type': None, 'desc': 'Zero indexed number of threads trying to acquire the lock.'}blocking_utid{'type': None, 'desc': 'Utid of thread holding the lock.'}blocking_thread_name{'type': None, 'desc': 'Thread name of thread holding the lock.'}upid{'type': None, 'desc': 'Upid of process experiencing lock contention.'}process_name{'type': None, 'desc': 'Process name of process experiencing lock contention.'}id{'type': None, 'desc': 'Slice id of lock contention.'}ts{'type': None, 'desc': 'Timestamp of lock contention start.'}dur{'type': None, 'desc': 'Duration of lock contention.'}track_id{'type': None, 'desc': 'Thread track id of blocked thread.'}is_blocked_main_thread{'type': None, 'desc': 'Whether the blocked thread is the main thread.'}is_blocking_main_thread{'type': None, 'desc': 'Whether the blocking thread is the main thread.'}binder_reply_id{'type': None, 'desc': 'Slice id of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'}binder_reply_ts{'type': None, 'desc': 'Timestamp of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'}binder_reply_tid{'type': None, 'desc': 'Tid of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'}
Column | Description |
parent_id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Id of monitor contention slice blocking this contention.'} |
blocking_method | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Name of the method holding the lock.'} |
blocked_methhod | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Name of the method trying to acquire the lock.'} |
short_blocking_method | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Blocking_method without arguments and return types.'} |
short_blocked_method | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Blocked_method without arguments and return types.'} |
blocking_src | {'type': None, 'desc': 'File location of blocking_method in form filename:linenumber.'} |
blocked_src | {'type': None, 'desc': 'File location of blocked_method in form filename:linenumber.'} |
waiter_count | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Zero indexed number of threads trying to acquire the lock.'} |
blocking_utid | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Utid of thread holding the lock.'} |
blocking_thread_name | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Thread name of thread holding the lock.'} |
upid | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Upid of process experiencing lock contention.'} |
process_name | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Process name of process experiencing lock contention.'} |
id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Slice id of lock contention.'} |
ts | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Timestamp of lock contention start.'} |
dur | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Duration of lock contention.'} |
track_id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Thread track id of blocked thread.'} |
is_blocked_main_thread | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Whether the blocked thread is the main thread.'} |
is_blocking_main_thread | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Whether the blocking thread is the main thread.'} |
binder_reply_id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Slice id of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'} |
binder_reply_ts | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Timestamp of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'} |
binder_reply_tid | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Tid of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'} |
child_id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Id of monitor contention slice blocked by this contention.'} |
Column | Description |
parent_id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Id of slice blocking the blocking_thread.'} |
blocking_method | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Name of the method holding the lock.'} |
blocked_methhod | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Name of the method trying to acquire the lock.'} |
short_blocking_method | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Blocking_method without arguments and return types.'} |
short_blocked_method | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Blocked_method without arguments and return types.'} |
blocking_src | {'type': None, 'desc': 'File location of blocking_method in form filename:linenumber.'} |
blocked_src | {'type': None, 'desc': 'File location of blocked_method in form filename:linenumber.'} |
waiter_count | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Zero indexed number of threads trying to acquire the lock.'} |
blocking_utid | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Utid of the blocking |
blocking_thread_name | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Thread name of thread holding the lock.'} |
upid | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Upid of process experiencing lock contention.'} |
process_name | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Process name of process experiencing lock contention.'} |
id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Slice id of lock contention.'} |
ts | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Timestamp of the blocking |
dur | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Duration of lock contention.'} |
track_id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Thread track id of blocked thread.'} |
is_blocked_main_thread | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Whether the blocked thread is the main thread.'} |
is_blocking_main_thread | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Whether the blocking thread is the main thread.'} |
binder_reply_id | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Slice id of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'} |
binder_reply_ts | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Timestamp of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'} |
binder_reply_tid | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Tid of binder reply slice if lock contention was part of a binder txn.'} |
state | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Thread state of the blocking thread.'} |
blocked_function | {'type': None, 'desc': 'Blocked kernel function of the blocking thread.'} |
“阻塞线程”(保持锁的线程)上的聚合thread_states。这建立在 |android_monitor_contention_chain|对于每个锁竞争切片,它返回阻塞线程上所有线程状态的聚合总和。请注意,此数据仅适用于锁上的第一个等待锁的线程。
Column | Description |
id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Slice id of the monitor contention.'} |
thread_state | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'A |
thread_state_dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Total time the blocking thread spent in the |
thread_state_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Count of all times the blocking thread entered |
android_monitor_contention_chain_blocked_functions_by_txn, 视图
“阻塞线程”上的聚合blocked_functions,即保持锁的线程。这建立在 |android_monitor_contention_chain|对于每个锁竞争线程,它返回阻塞线程上所有内核阻塞函数持续时间的总和。请注意,此数据仅适用于锁上的等锁的线程。
Column | Description |
id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Slice id of the monitor contention.'} |
blocked_function | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Blocked kernel function in a thread state in the blocking thread during the contention.'} |
blocked_function_dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Total time the blocking thread spent in the |
blocked_function_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Count of all times the blocking thread executed the |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocking_thread 从切片名称中提取阻塞线程
返回: STRING, 阻塞线程
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocking_tid 从切片名称中提取阻塞线程 tid
返回: INT, 阻塞线程 tid
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocking_method 从切片名称中提取阻塞方法
返回: STRING, 阻塞线程
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_short_blocking_method 从切片名称中提取阻塞方法名称的缩写形式。简写模式将不会有参数和返回类型。
返回: STRING, 阻塞线程
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocked_method 从切片名称中锁竞争阻塞的方法
返回: STRING, 阻塞线程
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_short_blocked_method 从片名称中提取锁竞争阻塞的方法名称的缩写形式。缩短形式不包含参数和返回类型。
返回: STRING, 阻塞线程
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_waiter_count 从切片名称中提取锁上的等待线程数
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
返回: STRING, 阻塞线程
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_extract_android_monitor_contention_blocked_src 从切片名称中提前发生过锁竞争阻塞的源代码位置
返回: STRING, 阻塞线程
Argument | Type | Description |
slice_name | STRING | Name of slice |
android_network_packets, 视图
Android 网络数据包事件(来自android.network_packets数据源)。
Column | Description |
ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp in nanoseconds.'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Duration (non-zero only in aggregate events)'} |
track_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'The track name (interface and direction)'} |
package_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Traffic package source (or uid=$X if not found)'} |
iface | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Traffic interface name (linux interface name)'} |
direction | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': "Traffic direction ('Transmitted' or 'Received')"} |
packet_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Number of packets in this event'} |
packet_length | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Number of bytes in this event (wire size)'} |
packet_transport | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Transport used for traffic in this event'} |
packet_tcp_flags | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'TCP flags used by tcp frames in this event'} |
socket_tag | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'The Android traffic tag of the network socket'} |
socket_uid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The Linux user id of the network socket'} |
local_port | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The local port number (for udp or tcp only)'} |
remote_port | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The remote port number (for udp or tcp only)'} |
packet_icmp_type | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': '1-byte ICMP type identifier.'} |
packet_icmp_code | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': '1-byte ICMP code identifier.'} |
android_process_metadata, 表
Column | Description |
upid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Process upid.'} |
process_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Process name.'} |
package_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Name of the packages running in this process.'} |
version_code | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Package version code.'} |
debuggable | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Whether package is debuggable.'} |
android_screenshots, 表
屏幕截图切片,用于perfetto UI。
Column | Description |
id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Slice id.'} |
ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Slice timestamp.'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Slice duration, should be typically 0 since screeenshot slices are of instant type.'} |
name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Slice name.'} |
android_standardize_slice_name 某些切片名称中包含参数。此函数会删除它们,以便可以按名称进行聚合。一些示例包括: - 锁定/等待锁切片。该名称包括锁争用在代码中的位置。该部分将被删除。- DrawFrames/ooFrame。该名称还包括帧号。- Apk/oat/dex 加载:删除 apk 的名称
Argument | Type | Description |
name | STRING | The raw slice name. |
android_startups 表格
按启动 ID 跟踪中的所有启动的activity。根据平台版本/内容由不同的脚本填充。
Column | Description |
startup_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Startup id.'} |
ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp of startup start.'} |
ts_end | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp of startup end.'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Startup duration.'} |
package | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Package name.'} |
startup_type | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Startup type.'} |
android_startup_processes, 表格
Column | Description |
startup_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Startup id.'} |
upid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Upid of process on which activity started.'} |
startup_type | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Type of the startup.'} |
android_startup_threads, 视图
Column | Description |
startup_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Startup id.'} |
ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp of start.'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Duration of startup.'} |
upid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Upid of process involved in startup.'} |
utid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Utid of the thread.'} |
thread_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Name of the thread.'} |
is_main_thread | {'type': 'BOOL', 'desc': 'Thread is a main thread.'} |
android_thread_slices_for_all_startups, 视图
Column | Description |
startup_ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp of startup.'} |
startup_ts_end | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp of startup end.'} |
startup_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Startup id.'} |
utid | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'UTID of thread with slice.'} |
thread_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Name of thread.'} |
is_main_thread | {'type': 'BOOL', 'desc': 'Whether it is main thread.'} |
arg_set_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Arg set id.'} |
slice_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Slice id.'} |
slice_name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'Name of slice.'} |
slice_ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Timestamp of slice start.'} |
slice_dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Slice duration.'} |
Argument | Type | Description |
startup_id | LONG | Startup id. |
slice_name | STRING | Slice name. |
android_sum_dur_on_main_thread_for_startup_and_slice 返回主线程上切片名称的启动持续时间。仅在主线程上对所有启动切片的持续时间按照名字汇总。
Argument | Type | Description |
startup_id | LONG | Startup id. |
slice_name | STRING | Slice name. |
android_statsd_atoms 视图
Statsd 原子。包含 statsd atom 即时事件的切片表的子集。
Column | Description |
id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'Unique identifier for this slice.'} |
type | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'The name of the "most-specific" child table containing this row.'} |
ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The timestamp at the start of the slice (in nanoseconds).'} |
dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The duration of the slice (in nanoseconds).'} |
arg_set_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The id of the argument set associated with this slice.'} |
thread_instruction_count | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The value of the CPU instruction counter at the start of the slice. This column will only be populated if thread instruction collection is enabled with track_event.'} |
thread_instruction_delta | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The change in value of the CPU instruction counter between the start and end of the slice. This column will only be populated if thread instruction collection is enabled with track_event.'} |
track_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The id of the track this slice is located on.'} |
category | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'The "category" of the slice. If this slice originated with track_event, this column contains the category emitted. Otherwise, it is likely to be null (with limited exceptions).'} |
name | {'type': 'STRING', 'desc': 'The name of the slice. The name describes what was happening during the slice.'} |
depth | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The depth of the slice in the current stack of slices.'} |
stack_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'A unique identifier obtained from the names of all slices in this stack. This is rarely useful and kept around only for legacy reasons.'} |
parent_stack_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The stack_id for the parent of this slice. Rarely useful.'} |
parent_id | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The id of the parent (i.e. immediate ancestor) slice for this slice.'} |
thread_ts | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The thread timestamp at the start of the slice. This column will only be populated if thread timestamp collection is enabled with track_event.'} |
thread_dur | {'type': 'INT', 'desc': 'The thread time used by this slice. This column will only be populated if thread timestamp collection is enabled with track_event.'} |
Module: chrome
Module: experimental
Module: pkvm
1 本次主要使用百度翻译,虽然被骂,但至少翻译这个工具降低了门槛。
2 英文文档中的长难句真的是又长又难,基于百度的翻译,然后自己再调整下,水平实在有限。
3 技术背景知识不够,有些专有名词不知道怎么翻译,也不知道百度翻译的是否准确,功夫在诗外。
4 万事开头难,中间难不难,还不知道。中间的事后面再说,正确一天翻译一篇。
5 虽然可能会有人不屑,但总要有人去做不起眼的小事。
6 google 厉害,这个perfetto 工具也很厉害。君子善假于物也。
7 工具的使用是最简单的入门,背后还有更多的东西值得学习。
8 水平实在有限,闻过则喜,希望有更多的人反馈,期待更好的建议