作者: Cesium4Unreal | 来源:发表于2018-03-30 23:40 被阅读4次


WebGL top

Prepare your browser

Knowing canvas before starting WebGL

Basic knowledge of 3D drawing

Prepare for rendering

Basic knowledge of matrix (matrix)

Vertex and polygon

Initializing context

Shader's description and foundation

Vertex buffer basics

Matrix operations and libraries

Compiling and Linking Shaders

Model data and vertex attributes

minMatrix.js and coordinate transformation matrix

Rendering polygons

Apply color to polygons (Specify vertex colors)

Rendering multiple models

Recursive processing and movement, rotation, scaling

Drawing with index buffer

Culling and depth test

Drawing a solid model (torus)

Lighting with parallel light sources

Lighting by ambient light

Lighting by reflected light

Phone shading

Lighting by point light source

Texture Mapping


Texture parameters

Alpha blending

Blending factor

Quaternion (Quaternion)

Quaternion and minMatrixb.js

Rotation by mouse coordinates

Quaternion and spherical linear interpolation

Quaternion and billboard

Rendering of points and lines

Point Sprite

Stencil buffer

Outline with stencil buffer

Frame buffer

Blur processing by blur filter

Bump mapping

Disparity mapping

Cube environment mapping

Cube environment bump mapping

Refraction mapping

Dynamic cube mapping

Toon rendering

Projection texture mapping

Optical camouflage

Shadow Mapping

High resolution shadow map

Grayscale conversion

Sepia tone conversion

sobel filter

laplacian filter

gaussian filter

Glare filter

Depth of field

Distance Fog

Particle fog

Stencil specular reflection

Hemispherical lighting

Rim lighting

Hyperspectral subsurface scattering

mosaic filter

Zoom blur filter

Godley filter

Understand the depth value and coordinate system

Floating point number texture

Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF)

Floating point number VTF

VAO (vertex array object)

Anisotropic filtering

Instancing arrays

Halftone shading

Line shade shader

Video texture using video

Apply webcam to texture

Chroma key composition with video texture

Draw while updating VBO successively

Particle drawing with VBO sequential update

Draw a lot of particles with GPGPU

Multiple render targets (MRT)

Multiple edge detection using MRT

Get color from rendering result readPixels

Flat shading

Interleaved array VBO

Sphere Environment Mapping (Matcap Shader)

WebGL 2

WebGL 2 top

WebGL 2.0 and WebGL 1.0

Activate WebGL 2.0

WebGL 2.0 and GLSL ES 3.0

Location specification by layout qualifier

Flat interpolation mode of GLSL


instanced arrays and VAO

gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID

Uniform Buffer Object (UBO)

Sampler Object

Multiple Render Targets (MRT)

Derivative functions (dFdx, dFdy)

centroid modifier

Transform Feedback basics


GLSL top

Render with just GLSL

Time lapse and mouse cursor coordinates

Rendering an orb (light ball)

Draw various shapes

Mandelbrot collection

Julia set

Fragment shader noise

Define ray in shader

Draw a sphere with ray marching

Normal calculation and simple lighting

Definition of rays considering viewing angle

Duplicate object repetition

Draw a box type box model

Draw objects of different shapes

Drawing considering overlapping of objects

Interpolate and combine objects

Rotate an object in a matrix

Convert objects twisted by matrix

Project a texture etc. on an object

Ray marching soft shadow


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