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练习材料:L9(1):Flying cats 时长:52s
Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.
They can be friendly and affectionate towards humans, but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well.
They never become submissive like dogs and horses.
As a result,humans have learned to respect feline independence.
Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives.
One of the things that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives.
Apparently, there is a good deal of truth in this idea.
A cat's ability to survive falls is based on fact.
Recently the New York Animal Medical Center made a study of 132 cats over a period of five months.
adj. 1.表示关爱的showing caring feelings and love for sb
fasinate v.
1.[t][i] ~ (sb)深深吸引;迷住to attract or interest sb very much
submissive adj.
1.唯命是从的;顺从的;驯服的;听话的too willing to accept sb else's authority and willing to obey them without questioning anything they want you to do
feline adj.
1.猫似的;猫科动物的like a cat; connected with an animal of the cat family