TE20190118 The mother of all mes

TE20190118 The mother of all mes

作者: nuriko310 | 来源:发表于2019-03-05 21:46 被阅读0次

The mother of all messes 混乱之母

Parliament’s rejection of the Brexit deal has created a crisis. Solving it will need time—and a second referendum


No plan by any modern British government has been so soundly thrashed as the Brexit deal thrown out by Parliament on January 15th. The withdrawal agreement, the centrepiece of Theresa May’s premiership, which she has spent nearly two years hammering out with the European Union, was rejected after five days’ debate by 432 votes to 202. Her own Conservative bankbenchers voted against her by three to one.

thrash: (作为惩罚)毒打,痛打;猛烈摆动;剧烈扭动;翻腾;(比赛中)彻底击败

throw out: 拒绝接受,否决(计划或想法);拒绝受理(案件)

centrepiece: 最重要的部分;最吸引人的部分

hammer out: (争论或讨论后)达成(协议或解决办法)


长句:No plan (by any modern British government) has been so soundly thrashed as the Brexit deal (thrown out by Parliament on January 15th. )

背景:后座议员backbencher: 按英国下议院的惯例,执政党议会党团领袖、在政府中任职的议员以及反对党影子内阁的成员等重要议员坐在前排,普通议员则坐在后排,故称。(通常不是英国内阁成员的议员)


The mother of parliaments is suffering the mother of all constitutional crises (see Britain section). Three years ago, in the biggest poll in the country’s history, Britons voted in a referendum to leave the eu. Yet Parliament, freshly elected a year later by those same voters, has judged the terms of exit unacceptable. The eu shows little willingness to renegotiate. The prime minister ploughs obdurately on. And if this puzzle cannot be solved by March 29th, Britain will fall out with no deal at all.

suffer: 受苦;受折磨(常和from连用);经历,经受,遭受(坏事)

plough on: 继续进行,坚持做(艰难或乏味的事);苦撑

obdurately: 顽固地


背景:"The mother of parliaments" is a phrase coined by the British politician and reformer John Bright in a speech at Birmingham on 18 January 1865.It was a reference to England. His actual words were: "England is the mother of parliaments". This was reported in The Times on the following day. The expression is often applied to the Parliament of the United Kingdom because of the adoption of the Westminster model of parliamentary democracy by many countries of the former British Empire. “议会之母”是英国政治家、改革家John Bright创造的短语,他在1865年1月18日伯明翰的演讲中提出了这个词,指“英国”。他的原话是“英国是议会之母”。第二天,这句话在泰晤士报刊登。因为英国是世界上第一个建立议会制的国家,之后,美国、法国等一些国家都在资产阶级革命或改良运动后效仿英国的威斯敏斯特议会民主模式。

the mother of all constitutional crises没查到什么意思,个人理解是所有宪法危机中最本源的一种,“宪法危机”(Constitutional crisis)主要指政府部门间因根本宪法问题的分歧而又不能诉诸正常的政治和法律途径解决时产生的状态。即后面所指的,因宪(公投脱欧)政(议会反对)纠纷而使宪政制度、宪法权力和宪政秩序面临严重威胁。

To avoid that catastrophe, the priority must be to ask the EU for more time. But even with the clock on their side, MPs seem unlikely to agree on a solution to Brexit’s great riddle: what exit terms, if any, truly satisfy the will of the people? With every week in which MPs fail to answer this question, it becomes clearer that the people themselves must decide, in a second referendum.


The rout this week was the result of two years of political misjudgment. The referendum of 2016 was won by just 52% to 48%. Yet rather than consult the defeated side, Mrs May pursued a hardline Brexit, hurriedly drawn up with a handful of advisers and calibrated to please her Conservative Party. After she lost her majority in 2017 the need to build a consensus became clearer still, but she doubled down. Even after Parliament established its right to vote on the final deal, she didn’t budge, instead trying (and failing) to frustrate Parliament’s vote by running down the clock. The doggedness that has won her many admirers now looks like pig-headedness. The prime minister’s promise after this week’s crushing defeat to work with opposition MPs comes two years too late.

rout: 溃败,彻底失败

hardline: 强硬的,不妥协的

handful: 一把(之量);少数,少量

draw up: 起草,草拟

calibrate: 划分刻度,标定

still: (程度或数量)还要,更加

budge: (使)改变主意;(使)轻微移动

doggedness: 犟劲

pig-headedness: the quality or act of unreasonably refusing to change your plan or opinion, or to listen to different opinions 愚顽

crushing: 非常严重的


长句 (Yet rather than consult the defeated side,) Mrs May pursued a hardline Brexit, (hurriedly drawn up with a handful of advisers and calibrated to please her Conservative Party.) hurriedly后面的是定语从句,draw up a hardline Brexit with ..和calibrate the hardline Brexit to ...

The prime minister’s promise (after this week’s crushing defeat) to work with opposition MPs comes two years too late.

背景:double down: ​in the card game of blackjack, to double a bet (= amount of money risked) after seeing your first two cards, in exchange for only one more card 在看到自己前两张牌后,将赌注加成两倍,然后再向发牌人要一张牌,而且之后不能再要牌的玩法

But the crisis is not just about poor leadership. Brexit has exposed two deeper problems. One concerns the difficulties that will face any country that tries to “take back control”, as the Leave campaign put it, in a globalised, interconnected world. If you take back the right to set your own rules and standards, it will by definition become harder to do business with countries that use different ones. If you want to trade, you will probably end up following the rules of a more powerful partner—which for Britain means the EU or America—only without a say in setting them. Brexit thus amounts to taking back control in a literal sense, but losing control in a meaningful one. Leavers are right that the EU is an increasingly unappealing place, with its Italian populists, French gilets jaunes, stuttering German economy (see next page) and doddery, claret-swilling uber-bureaucrats in Brussels. But they could not be more wrong in their judgment that the EU’s ominous direction of travel makes it wise for Britain to abandon its seat there.

by definition: 根据/按照定义;

amount to: 共计; 意味着; 发展成; 折合;

stuttering: 结结巴巴地说( stutter的现在分词 ); 不顺畅的工作,时断时续地移动;

doddery: (通常指因年老而)步履蹒跚的,走路摇摇晃晃的

claret: (法国波尔多地区的)干红葡萄酒

swill: (常指为了清洗而)冲,涮;大口地喝,痛饮,畅饮(尤指酒) claret-swilling: 大口痛饮美酒,比喻奢侈至极的生活

uber: (用于名词前)极度的,超级的,极好的,极成功的

ominous: 恶兆的,不祥的,不吉利的



1. One concerns the difficulties that will face any country that tries to “take back control” (, as the Leave campaign put it, )in a globalised, interconnected world. 主干是One concerns the difficulties, 定语从句修饰 difficulties, that will face any country, 再接一个定语从句修饰 country, that tries to “take back control” in a globalised, interconnected world.)

2. If you want to trade, you will probably end up following the rules of a more powerful partner (—which for Britain means the EU or America—) (only without a say in setting them.) them 指the rules of a more powerful partner, 即更强大的伙伴在制定这些规则时,英国没有话语权,但最终却需要遵守。

3. But they could not be more wrong in their judgment (that the EU’s ominous direction of travel makes it wise for Britain to abandon its seat there.) that引导的同位语从语修饰judgement, 这个判断是the EU’s ominous direction (of travel) makes it wise for Britain to abandon its seat there. seat there指抛弃欧盟的席位,主干是一个sth make it a. for sb. to do的句型。

The second essential problem Brexit has exposed concerns democracy. Britain has a long history of representative democracy, in which MPs are elected by voters to take decisions on their behalf. The referendum of 2016 was a rarer dash of direct democracy, when the public decided on a matter of policy. Today’s crisis has been caused by the two butting up against each other. The referendum gave a clear and legitimate command to leave the EU. To ignore it would be to subvert the will of the people. Yet the people’s representatives in Parliament have made an equally clear and legitimate judgment that Mrs May’s Brexit deal is not in their constituents’ interests. To sideline MPs, as Mrs May has all along tried to do, would be no less a perversion of democracy.

dash:飞奔,迅跑,急驰; a dash: (尤指添加的流质食品)少量,少许

butt: vi/vt 用头(或角)顶

subvert: to try to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system 破坏,动摇

constituent: (某选区的)选民,选举人

sideline: 使退出比赛,使停止参赛;使靠边;使不再发挥重要作用;排挤

perversion: 歪曲,曲解


背景:间接民主(Indirect/ Representative democracy),又称为“代议制民主”, 即人民通过其代表来进行统治,而不是直接进行统治。

The prime minister has piled moral pressure on MPs to back the deal anyway, arguing that even if they don’t much like it, it is what their constituents voted for. It is not so simple. Mrs May’s deal is not as bad as some of her critics make out, but it is far from what was promised in 2016. Ejection from the single market, the decline of industries ranging from finance to carmaking, the destabilisation of Northern Ireland and an exit bill of some $50bn: none of this was advertised in the campaign. Voters may be entirely happy with this outcome (opinion polls suggest otherwise). But there is nothing to say that the vote to leave must entail support for Mrs May’s particular version of leaving. That is why all sides can claim to represent the “real” will of the people. For MPs to back a deal that they judge harmful out of respect for an earlier referendum which issued a vague instruction would be neither representative democracy nor direct democracy—it would be one doing a bad impression of the other.

pile: 把…堆积(或堆叠)起来

make out sth: 开出;填写

entail: 使必要;牵涉


长句:For MPs to back a deal (that they judge harmful out of respect for an earlier referendum) (which issued a vague instruction) would be neither representative democracy nor direct democracy—it would be one (doing a bad impression of the other.)定语从语套定语从语,that they judge harmful out of respect for an earlier referendum修饰deal,which issued a vague instruction修饰referendum。

The first step to getting out of this mess is to stop the clock. Because Mrs May’s deal is dead and a new one cannot be arranged in the ten remaining weeks, the priority should be to avoid falling out on March 29th with no deal, which would be bad for all of Europe and potentially disastrous for Britain. If Mrs May will not ask for an extension, Parliament should vote to give itself the power to do so. This desperate measure would up-end a long convention in which government business takes precedence over backbenchers’. But if the prime minister stays on the road to no deal, MPs have a duty to seize the wheel.

up-end:(使) 颠倒;倒立;

precedence:优先权; 位次; 领先; 地位先后,级别高低; take ~ over:优先于


With more time, perhaps a deal might be found that both Parliament and the EU can agree on. Either a permanent customs union or a Norwegian-style model (which this newspaper endorsed a year ago as the least-bad version of Brexit) might squeak through. But both would demand compromises, such as Britain relinquishing the right to sign its own trade deals or maintaining free movement, that contradict some Leave campaign promises.

squeak: 短促地尖叫,吱吱叫; 发出尖厉刺耳的噪音; 告密; ~ through:侥幸取胜; 勉强通过; 勉强通过,侥幸取胜;

relinquish:弃; 让出(权利,财产等); 放开,松手; 撤离;



free movement: 参考自《四个流动自由是欧盟精髓》 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32385310

That is why the path to any deal, whether Mrs May’s or a revamped one, must involve the voters. The give and take that Brexit requires mean that no form of exit will resemble the prospectus the public were recklessly sold in 2016. It may be that voters will accept one of these trade-offs; it may be they will not. But the will of the people is too important to be merely guessed at by squabbling MPs. Parliament’s inability to define and agree on what the rest of the country really wants makes it clearer than ever that the only practical and principled way out of the mess is to go back to the people, and ask.

revamp: 修改;改进

prospectus: (学校或企业的)简介,章程

give and take: 双方迁就; 相互让步; 互相忍让; 交谈;

squabble: v.(为小事而) 争论,吵嘴;

principled: 有道德(原则)的;原则性强的


长句:Parliament’s inability (to define and agree on what the rest of the country really wants) makes it clearer than ever that the only practical and principled way (out of the mess) is to go back to the people, and ask.




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