What makes you fall asleep? The main cause is your body clock, a time-keeper inside your body. But how to control and use your body clock? Scientists suggested having a shower before bed. Jumping into the shower around an hour before bed could mean you sleep better.
A warm shower helps you relax, and then after it warms you up, your core body temperature drops. This encourages you to fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly.
A study in 2019 said that a water temperature of 40℃ to 42. 4℃ produces the best-quality sleep. After people lie down, most of them take about 20 minutes to fall asleep. However, if you have a shower one to two hours before going to bed, you will fall asleep 10 minutes earlier.
2019年的一项研究表明,水温为40℃至42. 4℃的睡眠质量最好。人们躺下后,大多数人大约需要20分钟才能入睡。然而,如果你在睡前一到两个小时洗个澡,你会提前10分钟入睡。
Core body temperature drops naturally before you sleep, then drops further during the night. It rises again as you wake up. It is thought that taking a warm shower will speed up the drop in temperature before bed, as it brings blood to the surface of the body, and then the heat is given off.