Hong Kong

作者: Auue | 来源:发表于2020-07-28 23:05 被阅读0次

Tai Po

Tai Po(大埔区)

Tai Po(大埔区)大埔区是中国香港十八区的其中一区,位于新界的东部,南起大埔滘,北至八仙岭,西濒大刀屻,东跨吐露港,范围包括大埔、大埔滘、汀角、船湾、以及部分的西贡半岛北部地方,总面积约为14800公顷,是中国香港的第二大行政区域。


Tai Po District is one of the 18 districts in Hong Kong, China. It is located in the eastern part of the New Territories, from Tai Po Kau to the south, from Tai Po Kau to Baxianling to the north, and across Tolo Harbour to the west. It covers Tai Po, Tai Po Kau, Ting Kok, Chuan Wan and part of the northern part of Sai Kung Peninsula. It covers a total area of about 14800 hectares and is the second largest administrative area in Hong Kong, China.




      本文标题:Hong Kong
