Step by simple step I will briefly unfold the supreme mystery of all time to enable science to void the confusion which has arisen from its inability to relate the reality of the invisible universe to its simulation of reality, which has so regrettably deceived the senses of observers for all time.I do this not only for science but for the great need of religion, which so sorely needs a God Who can be KNOWN by all men as ONE, to replace the many imagined concepts of God which have so disastrously disunited the human race.
No one, save the few mystics of long ages, has ever known God, or God's ways. Neither has mankind yet known the meaning of LOVE upon which the universe is founded-nor of LIFE which the electric universe simulates in never-ending cycles-nor of CAUSE of the EFFECTS for which man so heavily pays in tears and anguish for his not knowing = nor of the CONSTITUTION OF MATTER-nor of God's invisible processes in the creation of pressures for conditioning matter.
The long heralded peace which passeth understanding awaits for science to tear away the veil which has for so long hidden the face of the Creator. Religion can be united as ONE only by dispelling the ignorance which now cloaks the faith-and-belief god of fear which has bred so many intolerant groups of unknowing men.
We speak familiarly about the spiritual, invisible Mind universe of the Creator, and we speak with equal familiarity about the"physical"universe of matter which we call Creation, but the world has not yet known either of them separately, nor their unity as one, to sufficiently define either of them scientifically.
I will now do this as simply as possible in order that thephysicist of tomorrow can know and comprehend the universe as one whole, instead of sensing it as many separate parts which he will never be able to fit together.