Flowers in this season are so beautiful !这个季节的花太美了!

It’s been a while since my last hiking....自从上次开始,已经很久没登山了

Thanks God for such perfect weather.....感恩上帝赐给如此美好天气️。

Such blue sky.... 如此湛蓝的天空....

Up ahead in the distance 抬头遥望远方!

Mountain in the distance远处的山!!

Feeling the breath of life 感受生命的气息..

Beauty is simple and everywhere 简简单单就是美,美随处可见....

Riverside view 河畔景色

Wild flower is all over the place 遍地都是野花

Orthodox Monastery is located between two mountain 东正教修道院位于两山之间
