NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

作者: yanmai707277 | 来源:发表于2019-07-13 10:21 被阅读0次

1press: So daisy,

you're now the queen of one of the largest countries in the world.

How did you become the queen?


Well, it was a long story

I lived in a mountain with my parents when I was 15.

i especially like archery.


NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

Once I went out for hunting a deer.

at that time I encountered a group of horse soldiers led by a general of YELANG country.


NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

3press: What happened then? Are you caught by them?



first, i heard a bunch of barking dogs. I was surrounded by a dozen of bruisers.

I was very afraid , afraid of facing a misery life.


NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

5 press: what have they done to you after reaching the landof YELANG.

6daisy: The general of YELANG felt in sight of me and I became his concubine.

6press: And then did you have a baby with him?

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After two years, I gave birth to a baby.

it is a boy.

The general treated me neither good. nor bad.

Because of missing home. I always swept quietly alone.


8press: Come on ,daisy. Then where did the general go?

9daisy: Three years after I met the general, he rebelled and was killed by the king. now, the king you have known.

10press: What ? How quickly.! why did you become the queen here so quickly?


It was beyond my expectations ,also.

i did n't expect the wife of the king, either.


NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

12:press:would you like to talk about it.?

13daisy: Of course .

it is very simple.

On the day of the execution,

the king saw me in coincidence and we fell in love with each other at first sight. And in less than half a year,

they held a grand ceremony for me as a queen of YELANG.

14press: It is a dog flood drama.ya?


Sometimes I think it's too.

It's the fact.

sometimes a person's fate changes in a flash.


NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

15press: How did you become a robot?

16daisy:i am twice older than the king.

in order to be able to see my thoughts and hear my voice after i died of age.

the king ask a design manager (TSE)helen to make a robot for him imitating my voice and the way of thinking.


17: press: is that true?i just heard about it before. Amazing.

18:daisy Indeed .there is. you needn't roll white eyes. The things really exist whether you roll eyes or not.

NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。

above, just kidding.

are you kidding.

yes. my name is kidding.


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      本文标题:NO.0026.否极泰来 命运多变。
