A Secret Message

作者: Rose玫瑰花海 | 来源:发表于2019-01-05 16:53 被阅读23次

I am at home today and I have a cold. I'm just about to sleep for a nice long while when the phone rings, so I have to climb out of bed to answer it. There is a voice that doesn't belong to anyone of my family on the other side of the phone. I don't even recognize the words.

" I don't even recognize  the words."

"Excuse me?" I ask. The person on the phone repeated his message:"Bless you! FRPH WR HUD URDG PHHW BRX WKHUH WKHUH LV D VHFUHW L FDQW KLGH. Alphabet greater than three."  What is that? I look down on the paper that I copied the message.  Obviously, WKHUH appeared two times. Alphabet greater than three…What if this is a code? I have learned about the Caesar Cipher. It works by changing the letters. Maybe Mr Secret is telling me that I should substitute each letter with the third to the right, like A becomes D. I'm very excited as I change the letters FRPH to "come". Now I am very sure. I substitute each word and the message becomes:

Come to Era Road.

Meet you there.

There is a secret I can't hide.

Era Road. Should I go or not…

(to be continued)



    本文标题:A Secret Message
