2018-07-21 About You - My wife

作者: JoeJiang | 来源:发表于2018-07-21 03:19 被阅读426次

    My wife, a cute honest girl always back me and let me unnerves while she let herself uncomfortable. She never complains about it more, sometimes I sad when facing any setback in my career or life, she always to be my back.

    She is a cute girl, having a hard hand. still busy to help me after our dating, it is still underway still now...

    When our first meeting, I feel that you love me and I love you each other, and after that, we are let our love-ship towards the sunshine ocean.

    When we are together with dating, we put ourselves together to face all the difficulties we meet, that is have a true love in the world, we believe.

    We just only have a short-dating and go to the married heaven soon, full of beautiful and romantic hue in it, we believe that the right one is you, and me.


    Today, we have lived about mid in day and night, but tonight we are quarreling with each other,it is my bad, our bad. and I say sorry for it. However, I believe when the sun rises, we will happy again. Because we love each other forever.

    Love is a tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understand, love is a promise with your lifetime . We still remember it. Love always tap our activity let we never discard in the half.

    I will struggle a nice future with you I oath. Because you, I have a belong myself home, let me not like a drifting boat drifted in the big waves anymore, let me feel how to be a good man and husband in all time. Thank you and grateful to you. Appearing in my life.
    我发誓,我要和你一起为我们美好的未来而奋斗。因为你,我有了属于自己的家,让我不再像漂流在波涛中的小船,从此有了自已的一个家. 让我每一时每一刻感受到如何成为一个好男人和好丈夫。谢谢你,感恩你,出现在我这一生的世界里。

    mmexport1521784669069.jpg image.png

    The lilies were taken a photo in this moment of writing to remember.
    Joel. 2018.07.21 03:18a.m



      • 1d370dfcf9a9:双语写作啊,太棒了哇
      • 清如几许:赞!如果能改掉一些语法上的小错误,就更完美了
        JoeJiang:@清如几许 恩,因为不是为了应付考试,现在自已比较自由写作风格,主要控制好写作时间,所以很多non-perfect ,谢谢指点。
      • 陌上纤尘_c37b:英子的敏哥,好有才!
        JoeJiang:@陌上纤尘_c37b 哇,来自英子的朋友的你,谢谢夸奖了,不敢当啊,全打杂的。
      • 鱼的记忆_efed:^_^你老公的作品?
        我不是英子_:@猫姐_7436 我一脸懵逼的飘过😂
        9dca757629d8:@Joel江东敏 我到底做错什么了,要让我看这个!这狗粮撒的啊,猝不及防🤦‍♀️哈哈哈
        JoeJiang:@鱼的记忆_efed 是我老婆的老公写的。

      本文标题:2018-07-21 About You - My wife
