Google Tango API之OnTangoUpdateLi

Google Tango API之OnTangoUpdateLi

作者: 60916fc63567 | 来源:发表于2017-01-06 13:55 被阅读77次

    public static interfaceTango.OnTangoUpdateListener

    These callbacks are used to subscribe to point cloud, motion tracking, image, and event data from the Tango service. To receive data from the service, an application instantiates a reference to anOnTangoUpdateListenerobject and overrides the callbacks for which it wishes to receive data. For example, to receive pose data:

    这些回调用于从Tango服务订阅点云,运动跟踪,图像和事件数据。 要从服务接收数据,应用程序实例化对OnTangoUpdateListener对象的引用,并覆盖它希望接收数据的回调。 例如,要接收姿势数据:

    Method Summary

    All MethodsInstance MethodsAbstract Methods

    Modifier and TypeMethod and Description

    void onFrameAvailable(int  cameraId)

    This callback is triggered every time a new image is available from the RGB or Fisheye cameras in the Tango service.


    void onPointCloudAvailable(TangoPointCloudData pointCloud)

    This callback is triggered every time a new point cloud is available from the depth sensor in the Tango service.


    void onPoseAvailable(TangoPoseData pose)

    This callback is triggered every time a new pose estimate for the Tango device is available from the service for each coordinate frame pair that has been registered with a call toconnectListener.


    void onTangoEvent(TangoEvent event)

    This callback is triggered every time an event occurs in the Tango system.


    void onXyzIjAvailable(TangoXyzIjData xyzIj)

    DEPRECATED: This callback is triggered every time a new point cloud is available from the depth sensor in the Tango service.


    Method Detail

    This callback is triggered every time a new pose estimate for the Tango device is available from the service for each coordinate frame pair that has been registered with a call toconnectListener.


    This callback is triggered every time a new point cloud is available from the depth sensor in the Tango service.


    This callback is triggered every time a new image is available from the RGB or Fisheye cameras in the Tango service. Note that the same callback will be used for both the Fisheye and Color cameras. Also, note that the actual camera data is not returned in the callback. Instead, the TangoCameraPreview object should be used to bind to a particular camera, and the corresponding onFrameAvailable() method for that instance should be triggered from this callback. For example:

    每次在Tango服务中从RGB或Fisheye相机获得新图像时,都会触发此回调。 请注意,相同的回调将用于鱼眼和彩色摄像机。 另外,请注意,实际的摄像机数据不会在回调中返回。 相反,TangoCameraPreview对象应该用于绑定到特定的摄像头,并且该实例的相应onFrameAvailable()方法应该从此回调中触发。 例如:

    This callback is triggered every time an event occurs in the Tango system. These events may be exceptions, notification of a senor triggering, or any other information the Tango developers should be aware of in the system.

    每当Tango系统中发生事件时,都会触发此回调。 这些事件可能是异常,传感器触发的通知或Tango开发人员在系统中应该注意的任何其他信息。

    This callback is triggered every time a new point cloud is available from the depth sensor in the Tango service.




          本文标题:Google Tango API之OnTangoUpdateLi
