2020年快乐吗? 这个问题似乎有些愚蠢。
2020年的最后一天,外面温度非常低。我早上6点起床,7点把孩子送到学校,然后坐在温暖的办公室里,做着我已经做了365天的工作 --- 项目管理 (整个团队还在为年底项目交付而奋战。)
管理项目的关键是执行, 在任何情况下都要保证“完成任务”。
管理孩子的关键是鼓励, 而这也是“与人相处”是前提。否则,不能与孩子和谐相处,学习就没有一点快乐! (2020年,我多次试图管住孩子,最后还是前功尽弃) 。
在2020年初,我设定了两个目标: 讲故事和练幽默。
“假装你能,你就能”。 想象你将成为谁,那么日常中就努力扮演这个“未来的自己”。
其实,我只想说一句话: 新年快乐,只要你想尝试,2021年每天也会快乐!
2020.12.31 上海
Were you happy in year2020 ? It looks like a stupid question.
So many voices against the year2020, because it brought horrible coronavirus in spring, set up destructive flood in summer and took jobs away at any time.
Today is the last day of year2020, it is freezing cold outdoor. I got up at 6:00am, and brought kid to school at 7:00am. Then I sat in the warm office, doing the work I have been doing for 365 days – project management. (Even by today, team is still fighting for year-end delivery ).The key of project management is execution. “GET IT DONE” in any circumstances.While the key of kid management is encouragement, “GET ALONG” is the pre-condition. Here is no happiness in study we can NOT get along with kids ( I suffered a lot in year2020 in Kid management, at last I gave up ).
Instead, I tried to focus self-management.
Every month, I write an article about “youth public speaking skill”
Every weekend, I run 10km & play basketball on the sunny morning.
Every day, I try to find something fun and note it.
At the beginning of year2020, I set 2 targets: storytelling and Humor.
At the end of the year, I made 100 stories and 300 “not so funny” jokes.
Those records fulfilled every single day of the horrible year2020. It really rewarding to do something for past days, cause happiness of the moment comes back again when you look back.
Turing our eyes to future, maybe we can try to do something as well.
“fake it and you can make it”
Just image who you will be and try to play the role of “future self”.
For example, I picture myself as old man not so wordy, not so annoying. Then what I need to do is keep it short and simple.
What I want to say is just one line: Happy new year! Happy Every single day of year2021!
(above is Chinese version)