

作者: 轰天zs | 来源:发表于2018-03-23 14:15 被阅读0次


gdb /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
b mysqld_main
run  --defaults-file=/data/jdb/mysql/my.cnf.3306 --user=mysql
  1. 开启binlog会检查server_id
  //If the binlog is enabled, one needs to provide a server-id
  if (opt_bin_log && !(server_id_supplied) )
    sql_print_error("You have enabled the binary log, but you haven't provided "
                    "the mandatory server-id. Please refer to the proper "
                    "server start-up parameters documentation");
  1. 检查data目录下是否有auto.cnf
    Each server should have one UUID. We will create it automatically, if it
    does not exist.
  if (init_server_auto_options())
    sql_print_error("Initialization of the server's UUID failed because it could"
                    " not be read from the auto.cnf file. If this is a new"
                    " server, the initialization failed because it was not"
                    " possible to generate a new UUID.");
  1. 将uuid加入sid_map()中
    Add server_uuid to the sid_map.  This must be done after
    server_uuid has been initialized in init_server_auto_options and
    after the binary log (and sid_map file) has been initialized in

    No error message is needed: init_sid_map() prints a message.

    Strictly speaking, this is not currently needed when
    opt_bin_log==0, since the variables that gtid_state->init
    initializes are not currently used in that case.  But we call it
    regardless to avoid possible future bugs if gtid_state ever
    needs to do anything else.
  int gtid_ret= gtid_state->init();

  if (gtid_ret)
  1. 初始化gtid_state对象
  // Initialize executed_gtids from mysql.gtid_executed table.
  if (gtid_state->read_gtid_executed_from_table() == -1)


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