Head first VUE.js

Head first VUE.js

作者: 彩虹金刚_Q | 来源:发表于2018-10-10 15:25 被阅读0次

The long National holiday almost makes me forget everything and pick them up is not easy but still worth it

When coming back the Paperjet project have some new requirements ready so the first thing I need to do is getting familiar with current code

Which seems I need to start with getting some basic knowledge with VUE and I found this framework or whatever you call it is totally different with the traditional way of working and it is also a interesting way,it split  your project not into pages but into models and you can do each function separately currently I still don't know how does it work but it really opens a new door for me about doing project

And a .vue file can combain <template><script>and<style> all together

but as this framework is changing really fast there is always something more we need to learn 

such as for 3.0 you need to use create instead of init and be careful about those plugins they might change some key default setting and makes things harder 

But start from the begining use all default configurations is always the solution


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      本文标题:Head first VUE.js
