英语口语:s2生活起居-起床Time to Get Up.

英语口语:s2生活起居-起床Time to Get Up.

作者: i娟儿 | 来源:发表于2020-02-24 23:05 被阅读0次
  1. 我还困着呢。
    I’m still sleepy.
    (必备单词) sleepy 困乏的。
  1. 你睡得好吗? Did you sleep well?
  2. 你睡得怎么样? How did you sleep?
  3. 你晚上睡得好吗?Did you get a good night's sleep?
  1. 我得去洗脸。
    I have to clean my face.
    (必背单词)clean one's face 洗脸
    A: Are you ready to go to school? 准备好去上学了吗?
    B: I have to clean my face. 我得去洗洗脸。

  2. 你刷牙了吗?
    Did you brush your teeth?
    (必备单词) brush one's teeth 刷牙
    A: Did you brush your teeth? 你刷牙了吗
    B: No yet. I'll brush my teeth when I get this done.

  3. 我得去上个厕所。
    I have to go to the bathroom.
    (必背单词) go to the bathroom 上厕所
    加拿大:Washroom, Men's/Ladies' Room, Toilet
    英国、澳大利亚、新西兰: Toilet

  4. 周六我一般都睡到很晚。
    I always sleep in on Saturday.
    I usually sleep in on Saturday.

  1. 我睡过头了。
    I overslept!
    = I slept in!
    = I slept late.
  2. 我从来不早起的。
    I'm not a morningt person.
    sleep in 睡懒觉
    sleep late 睡懒觉
    oversleep 睡过头



      本文标题:英语口语:s2生活起居-起床Time to Get Up.
