

作者: zhangwenqiang | 来源:发表于2016-05-09 11:59 被阅读50次








(this policy is valid for all games our studio develops for iOS, Android and Mac).

Our games do NOT collect any personal data.

All our games are fully functional without an Internet connection and do NOT require Internet connection. Our games include buttons "More games", "Facebook", "Twitter", "Google+", "Vkontakte". These buttons make it easier for you to find other games of ours and stay informed of any new releases. They are protected by a parental gate (a simple math task).

Our games do NOT use in-app purchases (in-app billing). Instead, we provide separate paid and demo ("Lite"/"Free") versions of every game.

Our demo ("Lite"/"Free") versions have the same content as the paid versions but show advertizements. We consider this fair, as it gives the user a chance to try the game in full before purchase. The ads come from Google, are officially kids-friendly and COPPA-compliant. We also review all the ads once every few weeks and block any inapropriate ads which Google's filters may have overlooked. Please write us an email at 522976741@qq.com if you see any ad in our apps which might not be suitable for kids and we will block it instantly.

Some of our games use Google Analytics service which helps us determine which parts of the games are opened more frequently, with the goal to help us find how the design of the games can be improved or better suited for the age/interests of the children who are the primary players. Google Analytics collects NO personal user data and doesn't collect data which could identify you or your device.

Latest update: 9 May 2016


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