

作者: Mariana | 来源:发表于2017-07-07 17:03 被阅读0次


    Shanghai, a city that is energetic, vibrant and diversified, epitomizes modern China. Shanghai may not rival Beijing/ be on a par with Beijing in terms of cultural heritage, but diverse architectural styles with different foreign tints have added enormous charm to its fascinating cityscape. Shanghai has emerged as an amazing international metropolis today.

    • epitomize 是...的缩影,代表着...
    • rival/be on a par with 与...相媲美
    • international 已包含享誉中外之意

    Navigate through this fast-changing mega-city, and you will come across numerous historical highlights that are tucked away amid a forest of towering skyscrapers. These less invisible historical sites record how the city has evolved and boomed since it was opened as a commercial port in the late 19th century, especially since the founding of new China in 1949.

    • navigate 美语口语中有“行走”之意
    • fast-changing 日新月异的,变化极快的
    • come across 遇见(让语言动态化)
    • tuck away 隐藏,隐没
      The village is tucked away in the hill.
    • 发展变化的轨迹一句与迅猛发展一句重复,故删去,与历史两点合并为一句

    Over the past decade, China has sustained fast economic growth, scaling new heights in economic strength, comprehensive national power and people’s livelihood. The booming economy has transformed China’s national landscape overall and contributed a great deal to/served as a powerful driver for economic growth in Asia and beyond.

    • sustain 对“持续”一词进行词性转换
    • “中国...发展”一句为总句,“经济...贡献”为具体表现,可分为两句翻译

    For all its remarkable/enviable/measurable development gains, China remains the largest developing economy in the world. Going forward, China has to strike a proper balance between socio-economic development on the one hand and population growth, resource endowment and environmental sustainability on the other. Unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable aspects of development remain salient/prominent. (Development remains unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable in many aspects.)

    In 2011, China set in motion/set in train/embarked on the 12th Five-year Plan for economic and social development, where China set/identified/laid out/outlined overall goals as follows:
    In the coming five years, China will ***focus on ***the strategy of expanding domestic demand, particularly consumer demand. For that matter, China seeks to establish a long-term mechanism that unleashes enormous consumption potential. That is how China can progressively steer its economy towards one that is jointly powered/driven by consumption, investment and export.

    • set in motion/set in train/embarked on 实施,开展
    • for that matter 为此(起连接作用)
    • that 引导的从句表示递进,相较于 to do sth 更为贴切

    China will also work to implement the “go global” strategy. That means China will encourage enterprises of all ownership types to invest overseas where they can partner with local counterparts on projects that will modernize local infrastructure and improve the well-being of local communities.

    • encourage 鼓励,引导
    • 用 where 引导从句来表达境外投资伴随的措施

    China will be committed to global economic governance and regional cooperation. China will advance the reform of/help rework international economic and financial systems. China will push for the establishment of a multilateral trading regime that is balanced and inclusive, and oppose protectionism in all its manifestations. By doing so, China aims to help make the international economic order more just and reasonable.

    • 普惠共赢为同一含义,取其一即可
    • “促进...发展”还可用以下表达:work for a more just and reasonable global economic order

    Overall, there are laws to go by with a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics in place. But a more prominent and pressing challenge before us is to ensure that laws are abided by and enforced to the letter and that law-breakers are held punishable/accountable. This also represents an issue of common concern for the public and the wider community. In this connection/Such being the case, we must take the following steps to ensure effective enforcement of the Constitution and the law.

    • with...in place ...落实,建立起来,形成
    • issue 可表示不是问题的“问题”

    First, we must work to safeguard the authority and dignity of the Constitution and the law. The Constitution and the law must be complied with by any and all state organ, armed force, political party, mass organization, public institution and enterprise. No organization or individual shall have the prerogative to be above the Constitution and the law.

    • any and all 一切(用于正式文本中)
    • be above 凌驾于...之上,超越...

    Second, we must be committed to law-based administration and judicial justice. Administrative organs of the state shall handle affairs in strict accordance with statutory mandates and procedures and work hard to build a government under the rule of law. Judicial organs and procutorial organs of the state shall exercise their respective powers in an independent and impartial fashion so as to maintain social fairness and justice.

    • respective 表示“各自的”,可分别代表审判权、检察权
    • in...fashion/manner 可替换副词形式(...地...)

    Third, we must enhance public awareness of the law and the rule of law. Leading officials at different levels and state functionaries shall take the lead in complying with the Constitution and the law. They shall know how to address practical, real-life issues by resorting to law. The general public shall be empowered to express their concerns and resolve conflicts of interest pursuant to the law and in line with procedures so that the people can protect their own legitimate rights and interests by legal means.

    • resort to 诉诸(以诉诸...的方式来...)
    • legal means 法律手段,法律武器
    • To empower someone means to give them the means to achieve something, for example, to become stronger or more successful. 使能够
      You must delegate effectively and empower people to carry out their roles with your full support.



