可乐英语启蒙 Day 5
【One song: I have a little bicycle】
I have a little bicycle
I ride it to and fro
And when I see the big green light I know it 's time to go
I have a little bicycle
I bought it at the shop
And when I see the big red light I know it 's time to stop
【One book:Play and Ride】
Look at this little truck. I can play with this truck.
Look at this big truck. I can ride in this truck.
.... boat, train, car...
没有玩game,看完书之后,他拿来了他的玩具little truck,然后我问他 How many seats are there in the truck? 他认真数了数。我又问 How many tires are there? 然后他说他想数动物的脚,因为在幼儿园今天科学课学了“什么动物有最多的脚” 他说是蜈蚣。我就问他 How many legs does a 蜈蚣(哈哈,词汇不够,中文来凑。刚查了是centipede) have? 后来粑粑问他How many legs do you have? 他一脸嫌弃地说粑粑的英语好难听。我又把粑粑的问题问了一遍。他回答Two。我又问How many toes do you have?他数完脚趾Ten硬是要把fingers也一起数上到Twenty,我用正确的说法说了几遍You have ten toes and ten fingers 虽然他没跟着我一起说正确的,但是也没有反对声,相信以后他自会区分和接受的。
读完英语,我说You can pick any one book you like and I will read you a story. 他去挑了他想听的中文故事书。可乐在语言的理解能力是很正常发育的,很会“猜”。所以,平时我要做的是多说(前提是我得会说,所以我得更努力地学好呀)。