The great thing about SQL Server compression is that it is completely transparent to applications that need to access the underlying data.
adjective /ˌʌndɚ'laɪɪŋ/
underlying cause/principle/problem etc
the cause, idea etc that is the most important, although it is not easily noticed.
used to identify the idea, cause, problem, etc., that forms the basis of something.
important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly.
real but not immediately obvious.
underlying causes, facts, ideas etc are the real or basic ones, although they are not obvious or directly stated.
The underlying features of an object, event, or situation are not obvious, and it may be difficult to discover or reveal them.
the underlying causes of her depression.
There is an underlying assumption that younger workers are easier to train.
The argument relies on the underlying assumption that all criminals are dangerous.
an underlying cause of the accident
They're dealing with the symptoms but they haven't done anything about the underlying problem/disease.
The underlying assumption is that the amount of money available is limited.
Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.
And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts?
The underlying causes of the riots have been ignored.
While superficially similar, the two films have very different underlying messages.
To stop a problem you have to understand its underlying causes.
I think that the underlying problem is education, unemployment and bad housing.
lying under or below something.
existing under the surface of sth else.
an underlying number or amount shows what the true amount or level of something is.
existing under the surface of something.
You describe something as underlying when it is below the surface of something else.
the ocean and the underlying rock.
the underlying rock formation
There was another fall in the underlying rate of inflation last month.
underlying rock.
hills with the hard underlying rock poking through the turf.
Cars were covered with clear-coat finish at the factory to protect the underlying paint from fading.
verb /ˌʌndɚ'laɪ/(underlying underlay underlain underlies)
to be the cause of something, or be the basic thing from which something develops.
to lie or be located under (something).
to form the basis or foundation of (an idea, a process, etc.).
to be the basis or cause of sth.
to be a hidden cause of or strong influence on something.
to be the real or basic cause of or reason for something.
If something underlies a feeling or situation, it is the cause or basis of it.
the one basic principle that underlies all of the party’s policies.
A tile floor underlies the rug.
The river is underlain by limestone.
We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.
A theme of revenge underlies much of her writing.
These ideas underlie much of his work.
It is a principle that underlies all the party's policies.
Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.
What really underlies most heart disease?
The safety of children underlies all our decisions.
Try to figure out what feeling underlies your anger.
the energy which seems to underlie all human success.