Lecture 5-6

Lecture 5-6

作者: zju_dream | 来源:发表于2019-01-15 00:33 被阅读0次


Lecture 5-6

P2.What is complexity analysis?


  • The complexity of an algorithm is the amount of resources it needs in order to execute.
    • Time complexity - Amount of time the algorithm needs
    • Space complexity - Amount of memory the algorithm needs

P4-5.Basic operations of an algorithm & What is a basic operation?

  • 不同算法的Basic operation是什么。排序中的遍历过程、merge比较
  • A basic operation can be seen as an operation that is fundamental for the performance of a particular algorithm.
  • The performance of the algorithm is in principle proportional(成正比) to the number of basic operations.

不同算法的Basic operation是什么

  • In sorting algorithms: comparing two elements
  • Graph traversal: traversing an edge
  • For some algorithms a basic operation can be a whole loop, including all operations inside the loop

P7.Complexity as a function of the input - Examples

  • 常见算法的复杂度、最好的情况、最坏的情况、在什么情况下最好

  • 当已经排好序的情况下最好

P20.Average and Worst case analysis

  • 掌握最坏的情况、不用掌握平均的
  • The worst-case complexity W(n) of an algorithm is the maximum number of basic operations performed for any input of n.
  • The average-case complexity A(n) of an algorithm is the average number of basic operations performed by the algorithm, where each input I occurs with some probability p(I).

P23.Relative growth rate of functions

  • 给出一个表达式,可以用Big O的形式表达出来、去掉常数项和低次项还有系数

P29.Example: O(n^3),Ω(n^3), and Θ(n^3)

  • 上下界、O的上界、Ω的下界、Θ的确界
  • 各个界的概念无需记住

  • 例子

  • 考点
    给出一个表达式,可以用Big O的形式表达出来、去掉常数项和低次项还有系数

P36.P and NP

  • NP中N 的含义、NP是否等于P、一般是不等、说明原因。 证明一个问题是NP问题,写出步骤。P与NP的关系(目前认为两者不等,如果P与NP相等会怎么样,那么所有的问题都是可解的)
  • P is the class of problems that can be solved by plynomial bound algorithms.
  • NP(non-deterministic polynomial-time) is more complicated to describe.

    ◮ It contains problems that we believe are more difficult to solve

    than those in P.

    ◮ We believe that they cannot be solved using any polynomial

    bound algorithm.

    However, we do not know whether this is true or not.


P44. NP-complete


  • 所有的P问题都可以归约到它。All problems in NP can be reduced to it.


  1. So P2 is a NP problem.
  2. P1 is a NP complete, all other problems R in NP can be polynomially reduced to P1.
  3. Show P1 can be polynomially reduced to P2

P46.How to show that a problem is N P complete I

  • 过于具体、可以简化

P47.How to show that a problem is N P complete II

  • 具体证明步骤、会证明
  • 把第二条分成两点

P48.Amortized analysis - Initial example

  • 只需要掌握基本概念、 a sequence of operations是关键词
  • Amortized analysis is a technique for analyzing the running time of repeated operations on a data structure.
  • The cost for a single insert might be much worse than the amortized analysis. 单次的操作开销可能会比均摊分析的时间复杂度高,因为均摊分析计算的是平均的时间复杂度

  • It is used when one is interested in calculating a worst-case average bound per operation for any sequence of operations

  • It does not say anything about the cost of a specific operation in the sequence.

  • It is particular useful in situations where there are few expensive (slow) operations that are compensated by many inexpensive (fast)operations.

P52.Amortized or worst-case analysis

  • In applications where it is important that all operations have a low cost, it might be more appropriate to use a worst-case analysis than an amortized analysis.

P53.Amortized vs average-case analysis

  • 两者并不一样、AC是发生的概率,并不考虑多个步骤再平均
  • Amortized analysis provides an upper bound on the average cost per operation whereas average-case analysis provides an average cost per iteration, where consideration is taken to the probability of the occurrence of dierent inputs.

  • Amortized analysis provides an upper bound on the running time of a sequence of operations. Average-case analysis provides no such bound.

  • Amortized analysis needs no information about the probability on inputs.



      本文标题:Lecture 5-6
