Day 11 Orientation and Navigatio

Day 11 Orientation and Navigatio

作者: 武汉一家亲 | 来源:发表于2018-08-24 14:44 被阅读0次

To South Americans, robins are birds that fly northevery spring. To North Americans, the robins simply vacation in the south eachwinter. Furthermore, they fly to very specific places in South America and willoften come back to the same trees in North American yards the following spring.The question is not why they would leave the cold of winter so much as how theyfind their way around. The question perplexed people for years, until, in the1950s, a German scientist named Gustave Kramer provided some answers and, inthe process, raised new questions.

Kramer initiated important new kinds of researchregarding how animals orient and navigate. Orientation is simply facing in theright direction; navigation involves finding ones way from point A to point B.

Early in his research, Kramer found that caged migratorybirds became very restless at about the time they would normally have begunmigration in the wild. Furthermore, he noticed that as they fluttered around inthe cage, they often launched themselves in the direction of their normalmigratory route. He then set up experiments with caged starlings and found thattheir orientation was, in fact, in the proper migratory direction except whenthe sky was overcast, at which times there was no clear direction to theirrestless movements. Kramer surmised, therefore, that they were orientingaccording to the position of the Sun. To test this idea, he blocked their viewof the Sun and used mirrors to change its apparent position. He found thatunder these circumstances, the birds oriented with respect to the new"Sun." They seemed to be using the Sun as a compass to determinedirection. At the time, this idea seemed preposterous. How could a birdnavigate by the Sun when some of us lose our way with road maps? Obviously,more testing was in order.

So, in another set of experiments, Kramer put identicalfood boxes around the cage, with food in only one of the boxes. The boxes werestationary, and the one containing food was always at the same point of thecompass. However, its position with respect to the surroundings could bechanged by revolving either the inner cage containing the birds or the outerwalls, which served as the background. As long as the birds could see the Sun,no matter how their surroundings were altered, they went directly to thecorrect food box. Whether the box appeared in front of the right wall or theleft wall, they showed no signs of confusion. On overcast days, however, thebirds were disoriented and had trouble locating their food box.

In experimenting with artificial suns, Kramer madeanother interesting discovery. If the artificial Sun remained stationary, thebirds would shift their direction with respect to it at a rate of about 15degrees per hour, the Sun's rate of movement across the sky. Apparently, thebirds were assuming that the "Sun" they saw was moving at that rate.When the real Sun was visible, however, the birds maintained a constant directionas it moved across the sky. In other words, they were able to compensate forthe Sun's movement. This meant that some sort of biological clock wasoperating-and a very precise clock at that.

What about birds that migrate at night? Perhaps theynavigate by the night sky. To test the idea, caged night-migrating birds wereplaced on the floor of a planetarium during their migratory period. Aplanetarium is essentially a theater with a domelike ceiling onto which a nightsky can be projected for any night of the year. When the planetarium skymatched the sky outside, the birds fluttered in the direction of their normalmigration. But when the dome was rotated, the birds changed their direction tomatch the artificial sky. The results clearly indicated that the birds wereorienting according to the stars.

There is accumulating evidence indicating that birdsnavigate by using a wide variety of environmental cues. Other areas underinvestigation include magnetism, landmarks, coastlines, sonar, and even smells.The studies are complicated by the fact that the data are sometimescontradictory and the mechanisms apparently change from time to time.Furthermore, one sensory ability may back up another.


在南美,知更鸟每一年都会飞往春天时的北方。对于北美而言,知更鸟每年冬天又都会在南美度过简单的“假期”。甚至,它们会飞往南美几个特定的地方,然后在第二年春年又飞回到北美相同的树界范围内。问题是它们为什么会在寒冷的冬天离开,然后又是怎样找到迁徙的路径的。这个问题困扰了人们很久,直到1950年代,一位名叫Gustave Kramer 的德国科学家给出了一些回答,意想不到地又提出新的问题。












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