Renewable energy

Renewable energy

作者: CHERESherry | 来源:发表于2017-03-06 16:36 被阅读0次

1.villain:villain's laugh

the main bad character in a story, play, etc:He often plays the part of the villain.

a wicked person:the heroes and villains of the 20th century

2. conventional: the conventional utility

[usually before noun]following what is traditional or the way something has been done for a long time

conventional methods/approaches

conventional medicine

It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.

You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven.


a machine or an engine that receives its power from a wheel that is turned by the pressure of water, air or gas

That heat then boils water to make steam to spin a turbine.

In a heat exchanger, the molten salt turns water into steam for turbines that turn electrical generators.


A typical photovoltaic system employs solar panels, each comprising a number of solar cells, which generate electrical power.

This technology, unlike photovoltaic cells, can generate energy even when the sky is overcast or at night.

China opposed the European Union's anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigation against the Chinese photovoltaic products



v.to put sth into your pocket: 

She paid for the drink and pocketed the change without counting it.

to earn or win an amount of money: 

Last year, she pocketed over $1 million in advertising contracts.

 She pocketed £400 for coming second.


(formal) a thing or an idea which you hate because it is the opposite of what you believe:

Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me.

But various studies show that alcohol is anathema for restorative sleep.


(especially BrE) a system of electric wires or pipes carrying gas, for sending power over a large area:

the national grid (= the electricity supply in a country)

 the development of the country's electricity grid

The purpose of this is to enable the customer to recharge their vehicle off the grid.


causing problems, noise, etc. so that sth cannot continue normally:

She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.

The demonstrations across the country disruptive,but peaceful, fulfilling Garner's family wish.


noun [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a situation in which there is more of sth than is needed or can be used

 a glut of cheap videos on the market

Despite investment fleeing Russia, and a glut of office space, construction of new skyscrapers continues.

10.shut out of

shut sb/sth out (of sth)

to prevent sb/sth from entering a place:

Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom! 

sunglasses that shut out 99% of the sun's harmful rays


noun [pl.] (usually the doldrums)

the state of feeling sad or depressed: 

He's been in the doldrums ever since she left him.

a lack of activity or improvement: 

The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums. 

Despite these measures, the economy remains in the doldrums.


a continuous harmful increase or decrease in sth, that gradually gets faster and faster:

the destructive spiral of violence in the inner cities 

measures to control the inflationary spiral 

 the upward / downward spiral of sales 

 the vicious spiral of rising wages and prices


(-rr-) ~ sb (from sth / from doing sth) to make sb decide not to do sth or continue doing sth, especially by making them understand the difficulties and unpleasant results of their actions

[VN] I told him I wasn't interested, but he wasn't deterred

The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice. 


(BrE also cannibalise)  verb

[VN] to take the parts of a machine, vehicle, etc. and use them to repair or build another

cannibalization, cannibalisation noun [U]

cannibalize a wrecked airplane for a replacement of parts in another plane


(plural dromedaries) an animal of the CAMEL family, with only one HUMP, that lives in desert countries

16.net metering

Net metering(or net energy metering,NEM) allows consumers who generate some or all of their own electricity to use that electricity anytime, instead of when it is generated.

补充:feed-in tariff

Feed-In Tariffs are payments to ordinary energy users for the renewable electricity they generate


a unit of power equal to one billion watts

18.nibble away

nibble away at sth to take away small amounts of sth, so that the total amount is gradually reduced

 Inflation is nibbling away at spending power.


a device that measures and controls the temperature of a machine or room, by switching the heating or cooling system on and off as necessary

thermostatic adjective[only before noun] thermostatic control

thermostatically adverb:The oven is

thermostatically controlled.


the central part of a circular object (as a wheel or propeller)

which is a state-of-the art multiplatform media production hub for students.

the world's biggest inland harbor and a transport and logistics hubof Europe.


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