所以实施对课堂的观察与评价,获取上课过程的真实数据后进行分析,才能判断这堂课的优点和需持续改善之处。那么,面对联合教学课堂,有什么建议听评课工具可以使用,这里整理与分享Beninghof(2020)在《Co-Teaching That Works》里推荐的两个联合课堂观察工具。

联合教学开放式观察笔记(Co-Teaching Open Observation Notes)
The Co-Teaching Open Observation Notes (shown as below) was designed for informal observations, to give both administrators and teachers an idea of what an effective co-taught classroom might look like. With an area for open-ended evidence, it recognizes that co-teaching must look different from class to class and from time to time if teachers are truly addressing the diverse needs of their students.
1. Roles 角色
(1)Both teachers are actively engaged in the teaching/learning process for 95 percent of the lesson.
(2)The specialist integrates his or her unique teaching expertise into the lesson.
2. Professionalism 专业度
(1)Students view both adults as “teachers” with equal authority. 学生将两个成年人都视为具有同等权威的 "老师"。
(2)Interactions between teachers show respect for each other. 教师之间的互动展现出对彼此的尊重。
(3)Teachers feel equally responsible for what happens in the classroom. 教师对课堂上发生的事情负有同样的责任。
3. Communication 沟通
(1)Teachers share responsibility for major decisions regarding the instructional cycle. 教师共同负责有关教学周期的重大决定。
(2)Teachers have time to plan lessons together and discuss issues related to instruction. 教师有时间一起备课,讨论与教学有关的问题。
4. Assessment 评估
(1)Assessments are adapted or modified as necessary. 必要时对评估进行调整或修改。
(2)Both teachers are aware of IEP goals or other individual goals. 两位教师都了解个人教育计划目标或其他个人目标。
(3)Progress on individual goals is monitored frequently. 经常监测个人目标的进展情况。
(4)Learning behaviors are being frequently monitored. 学习行为经常受到监控。
(5)Grading is a shared task. 评分是一项共同任务。
5. Instruction 教学引导
(1)Various grouping arrangements are used to facilitate learning. 采用不同的分组安排来促进学习。
(2)Instructional strategies are utilized that enhance the learning of all students. 采用教学策略,促进所有学生的学习。
(3)The instructional lead is shared, depending on the needs of the students. 根据学生的需要,分享教学主导权。
(4)Students with diverse needs are included so that their participation is as normal as possible. 将有不同需求的学生纳入其中,使他们的参与尽可能正常。
(5)Student products are differentiated, if necessary, to meet the needs of students. 必要时,对学生的(学习)产品进行区分,以满足学生的需要。
联合教学可量化观察笔记(Co-Teaching Quantifiable Observation Notes)
For more specific measurement, Co-Teaching Quantifiable Observation Notes (shown as below) can be used to tally the number of times specific behaviors are seen occurring during a brief observation. Again, this can give leaders and teachers a sense of essential practices and a framework for discussing ideas they might use to boost these practices.
课堂时间(如 8:00-8:40 AM)
—number of times students are directed to talk with peers for a purpose 指导学生与同龄人交谈的次数
—number of times the specialist speaks to the whole class 专家对全班讲话的次数
—number of examples of specialists using expertise 专家使用专业知识的例子次数
—number and nature of formative assessments 形成性评估的次数(数量)和性质
—number of teacher-to-teacher interactions 教师与教师之间互动的次数
—number of tactile/kinesthetic activities for students 学生的触觉/动觉活动(感觉活动)次数
—number of differentiated or specially designed instruction strategies, for example: 差异化或特别设计的教学策略的数量,例如(以下罗列点,如有发生的直接进行勾选,并记录次数)
□ Visual supports 视觉支持
□ Modeling 建模(或称观察学习,式指个人借由观察别人行为进行学习,或模仿楷模的行为而学习)
□ Memory/review strategy 记忆/复习策略
□ Building background knowledge 建立背景知识
□ Peer-to-peer talk 同伴间的交谈
□ Making thinking visible 思维可视化(也常常被称为“让思维看得见”)
□ Word parts 词组
□ Vocabulary strategy 词汇策略
□ Tier 2 vocabulary focus 二级词汇重点
□ Scaffolding 脚手架
□ Total Physical Response(TPR)直接式沟通教学法/完全生理反应理论 (说明:TPR教学法由美国著名心理学家詹姆斯·阿士尔(Dr. James J. Asher)提出,其理论基础在于:人们在幼儿时期学习语言时是听说促进言语和书面表达能力的提升,当通过听说获得的信息通过量变达到质变,幼儿就能自然地运用语言表达出自己的意思了。
□ Manipulatives 教具(如Physical manipulative或Virtual manipulative,实体教具或虚拟教具)参考
□ Task analysis 任务分析
□ Individual behavior plans 个人行为计划
□ Executive function skills 执行功能技巧 (相关理论参考)
□ Other: _______ 其他(根据实际情况列举说明)
—number of minutes at least one teacher spends with a small instructional group 教师(至少一名)与一个小型教学小组相处的分钟数 (以下罗列点,根据实际情况进行勾选,并记录时长和说明)
□ Partners 合作伙伴
□ Trios 三人小组
□ Multiple small groups 多个小组
□ Two parallel groups 两个平行小组
□ One small group, one large group 一个小组,一个大组
Other descriptions: _______ 其他描述 (根据实际情况列举说明)
(以上观察笔记的工具内容和相关介绍说明,整理自Beninghof出版的Co-Teaching That Works,2020年版本)