水墨双雄 / 吴强.何继艺术展

水墨双雄 / 吴强.何继艺术展

作者: 狼泊弯WOIF | 来源:发表于2019-07-05 04:50 被阅读0次
水墨双雄:吴强 / 何继艺术展

水墨双雄 / 吴强.何继艺术展

开幕时间:2019.07.16 (周二 16:00 KM)
音乐晚宴:18:00 - 20:00(现场免费自助晚宴)


学术:畅泉 / 策展:蓝京华 / 出品:谭念一

主办:泉国际艺术 / 北京二十四桥传媒
协办:狼泊弯 / 北京三艺堂

Time: July 16, 2019.07.16 (Tuesday 16:00)

Exhibition site: Wolf space (courtyard opposite north gate of 89 art district, songzhuang, Beijing; Location navigation: rong art school)

Academic: chang quan/curator: LAN jinghua/producer: tan nianyi

Host: quan international art/Beijing 24 bridge media

Co-organizer: Wolf powan/Beijing sanyi hall


吴强,当代水墨艺术家,现生活创作于北京;1967年生于四川,6岁开始学画,1989年在四川自贡市博物馆举办个人画展。1990年定居深圳,在深圳很快与先锋艺术家接触,2008年建立了深圳梧桐山画家村。2010年水墨作品《天,地,人》在深圳文博会拍出380万元。 2011年在深圳OCTC艺术中心参加《中法艺术交流展》。 2013年4月应法国政府邀请在巴黎及拉罗谢尔等三所大学举办个人画展及讲学。 2013年9月参加《巴黎新军展》。 2013年10月在顺德参加《中法德当代艺术展》。 2013年12月在四川德阳参加《中法德当代艺术展》。2014年5月在香港马可波罗酒店举办个人画展 歌曲《生命》曾在深圳飞扬971拿过原创音乐歌曲奖 某种可能 / 245*110cm 膨 / 245*110cm 现实与梦想 / 187*90cm 门神 / 245*110cm 裸山系列 1 / 245*110cm 裸山系列 2 / 245*110cm


Wu qiang is always "on the road" painter, from sichuan, shenzhen and then to Beijing migration, nearly 50 years old still unruly youth, he is also a "punk" musician, in the words of huang jiaju is "forgive me all my life unruly love freedom". He was a "troublemaker" in painting who always liked to destroy, in his words, by criticizing over the years the two foundations of Chinese painting rather than making technical changes. He moves between different art forms, such as easel, behavior, music, etc., but he is also a gourmets who loves life and loves cooking, and he can easily cook almost all kinds of Chinese food. Cooking to him was like creation, the materials were like paint, and then the heat was like the art of painting, spread out before his eyes.(wu xiaomang)


何继,当代水墨艺术家,现生活创作于北京; 80年代出生于福建上杭,现居北京,何继被人称作是这个时代不可忽略的批评家、策展人、诗人和艺术家。他是中国艺术界一颗垂直运行的新星,有人认为他的光晕明亮而暗淡但恰恰又符合他自身的旷野……。 他所表达的思想均与生活现实有强烈的交汇,何继致力于诗性的水墨涂鸦呈现出后工业文明种种镜像带给了我们启示。 他的文风的奇掘、突兀、劲爽……形成了自身的语言量器,他常在写作中加进诗歌、小说以及寓言故事的结构和意象,更加使文章显得丰沛、离奇,常让人感到荒谬和玄幽。他认为他所构建的文字都是预见未来的途径……因此,何继的写作与众不同。 后工业 / 200*200cm 2014 壶系列 1 / 60*30cm 2018 后工业.山海与鱼 / 34*168cm 2014 壶系列 2 / 40*30cm 2018 壶系列 3 / 40*30cm 2018 后工业.自行车 / 120*360cm 2014 壶系列 4 / 60*30cm 2018



Since its connection with calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting has developed an independent linear aesthetics from the writing style, which is far away from the perspective of the west and forms its own expression formula and artistic vein. He ji, an artist, is well versed in this tradition and the art of calligraphy and painting. He has copied a large number of ancient Chinese paintings and has a profound understanding and accumulation of the traditional brush and ink of painting based on calligraphy. However, he ji is not satisfied with this, but focuses on the future of art development, especially on the changes in contemporary society. These paintings he created in recent years, with various forms of industrial civilization as the subject matter, are a spiritual response to the contemporary reality, reflecting he ji's social participation and cultural consciousness.

Specific to any of the following works, from the various forms of post-industrial society, such as architectural design, drawing machine, integrated circuits, as well as the different modelling mode, such as chip to extract visual elements, absorb image resources, and then by means of traditional Chinese painting of the lyrics, ingeniously integrated way and splash-ink, abstract the intentions of rich and colorful picture, both what the following the humanities concern for social reality, but also penetrate his aesthetic thoughts. Relying on the background of post-industrial society and based on traditional brushwork and ink, this "he aesthetics" is interlinked and transformed by line arrangement and shading, forming a series of flexible and flexible visual symbols, which not only revives the expressive force of traditional art; More importantly, it also expands the language dimension for contemporary art. (yangwei)




    本文标题:水墨双雄 / 吴强.何继艺术展
