

作者: 依然淳熙 | 来源:发表于2017-10-16 17:01 被阅读0次




    HTTP-Version Status-Code Reason-Phrase CRLF
    例:HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    1.200 OK:客户端请求成功
    2.400 Bad Request:客户端请求有语法错误,不能被服务器所理解
    3.401 Unauthorized:请求未经授权,这个状态代码必须和WWW-Authenticate报头域一起使用
    4.403 Forbidden:服务器收到请求,但是拒绝提供服务
    5.500 Internal Server Error:服务器发生不可预期的错误
    6.503 Server Unavailable:服务器当前不能处理客户端的请求,一段时间后可能恢复正常

    if (!hasResponseBody(request.getMethod(), responseCode)) {
                return new HttpResponse(responseCode, convertHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields()));
      return new HttpResponse(responseCode, convertHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields()),
                    connection.getContentLength(), inputStreamFromConnection(connection));

    根据请求方式和响应值来判断是否包含一个body也就是实体内容。convertHeaders()Map<String, List<String>>类型的响应头转化为 List<Header> HttpResponse的构造方法如下:

         * Construct a new HttpResponse.
         * @param statusCode the HTTP status code of the response
         * @param headers the response headers
         * @param contentLength the length of the response content. Ignored if there is no content.
         * @param content an {@link InputStream} of the response content. May be null to indicate that
         *     the response has no content.
        public HttpResponse(
                int statusCode, List<Header> headers, int contentLength, InputStream content) {
            mStatusCode = statusCode;
            mHeaders = headers;
            mContentLength = contentLength;
            mContent = content;


      return new NetworkResponse(statusCode, responseContents, false,
                            SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - requestStart, responseHeaders);


         * Creates a new network response.
         * @param statusCode the HTTP status code
         * @param data Response body
         * @param headers Headers returned with this response, or null for none
         * @param notModified True if the server returned a 304 and the data was already in cache
         * @param networkTimeMs Round-trip network time to receive network response
         * @deprecated see {@link #NetworkResponse(int, byte[], boolean, long, List)}. This constructor
         *             cannot handle server responses containing multiple headers with the same name.
         *             This constructor may be removed in a future release of Volley.
        public NetworkResponse(int statusCode, byte[] data, Map<String, String> headers,
                boolean notModified, long networkTimeMs) {
            this(statusCode, data, headers, toAllHeaderList(headers), notModified, networkTimeMs);
         * Creates a new network response.
         * @param statusCode the HTTP status code
         * @param data Response body
         * @param notModified True if the server returned a 304 and the data was already in cache
         * @param networkTimeMs Round-trip network time to receive network response
         * @param allHeaders All headers returned with this response, or null for none
        public NetworkResponse(int statusCode, byte[] data, boolean notModified, long networkTimeMs,
                List<Header> allHeaders) {
            this(statusCode, data, toHeaderMap(allHeaders), allHeaders, notModified, networkTimeMs);
         * Creates a new network response.
         * @param statusCode the HTTP status code
         * @param data Response body
         * @param headers Headers returned with this response, or null for none
         * @param notModified True if the server returned a 304 and the data was already in cache
         * @deprecated see {@link #NetworkResponse(int, byte[], boolean, long, List)}. This constructor
         *             cannot handle server responses containing multiple headers with the same name.
         *             This constructor may be removed in a future release of Volley.
        public NetworkResponse(int statusCode, byte[] data, Map<String, String> headers,
                boolean notModified) {
            this(statusCode, data, headers, notModified, 0);
         * Creates a new network response for an OK response with no headers.
         * @param data Response body
        public NetworkResponse(byte[] data) {
            this(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, data, false, 0, Collections.<Header>emptyList());
         * Creates a new network response for an OK response.
         * @param data Response body
         * @param headers Headers returned with this response, or null for none
         * @deprecated see {@link #NetworkResponse(int, byte[], boolean, long, List)}. This constructor
         *             cannot handle server responses containing multiple headers with the same name.
         *             This constructor may be removed in a future release of Volley.
        public NetworkResponse(byte[] data, Map<String, String> headers) {
            this(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, data, headers, false, 0);
        private NetworkResponse(int statusCode, byte[] data, Map<String, String> headers,
                List<Header> allHeaders, boolean notModified, long networkTimeMs) {
            this.statusCode = statusCode;
            this.data = data;
            this.headers = headers;
            if (allHeaders == null) {
                this.allHeaders = null;
            } else {
                this.allHeaders = Collections.unmodifiableList(allHeaders);  //作用返回一个只读的集合
            this.notModified = notModified;
            this.networkTimeMs = networkTimeMs;

    到NetworkResponse这里 ,已经有了响应状态,响应内容,响应头等。返回到NetworkDispatcher之后,又调用Request的parseNetworkResponse方法将NetworkResponse转化为Response<?>。parseNetworkResponse是一个抽象方法,StringRequest里实现如下:

        protected Response<String> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {
            String parsed;
            try {
                parsed = new String(response.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers));
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                parsed = new String(response.data);
            //HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response) 根据返回值header是否缓存进行缓存。
            return Response.success(parsed, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));


    /** Parsed response, or null in the case of error. */
        public final T result;
        /** Cache metadata for this response, or null in the case of error. */
        public final Cache.Entry cacheEntry;
        /** Detailed error information if <code>errorCode != OK</code>. */
        public final VolleyError error;
    /** Returns a successful response containing the parsed result. */
        public static <T> Response<T> success(T result, Cache.Entry cacheEntry) {
            return new Response<T>(result, cacheEntry);
        private Response(T result, Cache.Entry cacheEntry) {
            this.result = result;
            this.cacheEntry = cacheEntry;
            this.error = null;




