今天看了奇迹男孩,正如简介里面说的一样,甜而不腻的鸡汤型,我是真的被感动了,里面得许多台词也非常补,下面,我就来分享一下:当时是奧吉走进教室的过程,他回想起妈妈说的……My mom always said…"If you don't like where you are…just picture where you wanna be."我妈妈常说,“如果你不喜欢这里,就想象一个你想去的地方。”
"When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."“如果要从正确和善良中,作出选择,请选择善良。”布朗老师的九月箴言
当班里有人说奧吉丑的时候,他回家问妈妈他是不是很丑,妈妈对他说Because I'm your mom, it counts the most because I know you the most.正因为我是你妈妈说话才最算数,因为我最了解你。
Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one's ordinary. And we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives.这是奧吉自己说的
Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. And if you really wanna see what people are… all you have to do… is look.善良一点,因为每个人都在与人生苦战。如果你想真正了解他人,你只需要用心…去看。
我开始对Auggie有点害怕,但是后来很喜欢他,反而觉得他这个样貌很可爱so cute,同样他也让我知道每个人都是不一样的,包括自己,也包括别人……fighting!