For myself, my life, what's the foregone conclusion ahead ?
Having no idea...
For myself, my life, what's the foregone conclusion ahead...
Identify the author's conclusion. The conclusion may appe...
最后还是觉得 在会影响感情的是非问题上 我们都要态度强硬一点 不信任和矛盾就像结了冰的河水裂了缝 会慢慢扩大 然后...
find the best path, rather than sequentially tracking (w...
Conclusion includes bias.
•The conclusion in this argument is that ... . This recom...
Hasty conclusion is a premature judgment—that is, a judgm...
I am not a salted fish 人最终要走上一条由自我意志推动的路。那种自我意志你可能一...
Failures of the World War I peace settlement. Germans res...
本文标题:Foregone conclusion