How to Transfer Files from Arch

How to Transfer Files from Arch

作者: beihaott | 来源:发表于2021-02-20 22:30 被阅读0次

You access Android File System using MTP protocol. It is not installed on Arch Linux by default.

You can enable MTP support by install mtpfs Arch package.

You can install mtpfs by running the following command:

        1. sudo pacman -S mtpfs

Due to some changes in the Android 4+ devices, mtpfs sometimes is not enough to provide MTP support for Arch Linux. So you should also install another package called jmtpfsjmtpfs is not available in the official package repository of Arch Linux. But is it available in the AUR. Now I am going to install it.

        2. git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/jmtpfs.git

        3. cd jmtpfs && makepkg

        4. sudo pacman -U jmtpfs*.tar.xz

now let's transfer file from android to arch

        5. sudo chmod 777 /mnt      //this is very import

        6. jmtpfs /mnt         //to mount android to /mnt

   now you can transfer file from arch to /mnt, just like transfer file from arch to android.

        7. fusermount -u /mnt       //umount mnt



      本文标题:How to Transfer Files from Arch
