2022-06-08 meat and potato

2022-06-08 meat and potato

作者: 俊才鑫驰 | 来源:发表于2022-06-08 23:50 被阅读0次

    today after finishing my job. i felt so boring and tired, so i dated several friends to go to a bar to drink beers. when we just sat down, my friend wendy found a handsome foreign guy sitting nearby us. so she invited the guy to join us to drink and by the way we can also speak english. i forgot his name. maybe sam? we chatted many things. i remember finally the guy said to wendy that you were really a meat and potato girl.  Almost all of my friends did not know what he was saying. and then the guy explained us that actually he was praising wendy. and he then told us the history of the phrase meat and potato. it is from ireland.and the ireland meals usually contain meat and potatoes , and it is has a long history. and they see a dinner is not a dinner if no meat and potatoes. and now it means fundamental and basic important, something unpretentious and simple. i feel it really fits wendy ,one of my best friends, also a mom with 3 kids.
    today the working hours is too long ,it has surpassed 10 hours. ok .after some drinking ,i found now i could not open my eyes. have a nice day. tomorrow is better .



          本文标题:2022-06-08 meat and potato
