Trap music is remedy but also Disinfectant which is dangerous.
President Trump has long and his hope on the powers of sunlight to defeat the Coffee 19 Various. He returned to that theme at the White House of errors briefly on the thursdays, bringing in a sense administrator to back up his assertions and eagerly the rising about treatments involving the use of household disinfectant that would be dangerous if put inside the body as well as the power of sunlight and ultra violent light.
Experts have long warned that ultraviolet lamps can harm humans if used in properly when the exposure is is outside, the body, Much less inside. Bleach and other disinfectants make you misquote microbes may crops, but they also can kill humans if swallowed or if filmed on to power.
Mister Trump's comments proper to an explosion of warming warnings about the dangers of any improvised remedies. The Mark of the disinfectants, lo and door also issued a statement warning against the improper use of their products.
Mister trump has long touched various ideas against the colonel virus despite a lack of scientific evidence from sunlight and warmer temperatures to an array of drugs, including the managerial drug height or oxygen oxygen, which he has property as a what have you got to lose remedy.