

作者: Progressing精读 | 来源:发表于2018-04-13 23:40 被阅读0次

Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 词根笔记(8)LEV





LEV comes from the Latin adjective levis, meaning “light,” and the verb levare, meaning “to raise or lighten.” So a lever is a bar used to lift something, by means of leverage. And levitation is the magician's trick in which a body seems to rise into the air by itself.

LEV来自拉丁语形容词levis,意思是“轻”,动词levare,意思是“提高或减轻”。所以lever(杠杆)通过leverage(杠杆力)来举起某物。 而levitation 悬浮是魔术师的伎俩,在这种魔术中,身体似乎独自升起。


To lighten, lessen, or relieve, especially physical or mental suffering. 减轻,缓解(痛苦等)

Cold compresses alleviated the pain of the physical injury, but only time could alleviate the effect of the insult. 


Physical pain or emotional anguish, or a water shortage or traffic congestion, can all be alleviated by providing the appropriate remedy. But some pain or anguish or shortage or congestion will remain:to alleviate is not to cure.

身体上的痛苦或情绪上的悲痛,或缺水或交通堵塞,都可以通过提供适当的补救措施来缓解(alleviate)。 但是,一些痛苦或悲痛或短缺或堵塞将依然存在:缓解不是治愈。

2.elevation/ˌeləˈveɪʃən, ˌelɪˈveɪʃən/

(1) The height of a place. (2) The act or result of lifting or raising someone or something. (1)海拔 (2)提拔;提升;提高;增加

Her doctor is concerned about the elevation of her blood pressure since her last visit. 


When you're hiking, you may be interested in knowingthe highest elevationyou'll be reaching. Psychologists use the term “mood elevation” to mean improvement in a patient's depression, and some leg ailments require elevation of the limb, usually so that it's higher than the heart for part of each day.Elevation can also mean “promotion”;thus, a vice president may be elevated to president, or a captain may be elevated to admiral.

当你徒步旅行时,你可能有兴趣知道你将到达的最高海拔(the highest elevation)。心理学家使用“情绪提升(mood elevation)”这个词来表示病人抑郁的改善,一些腿部疾病需要抬高肢体(elevation of the limb),通常在一天的一段时间内肢体要高于心脏。Elevation也可以表示为“promotion晋升”;因此,副总统可以升为(be elevated to)总统,或者海军上校提升(be elevated to)为海军将军。

3.cantilever/ˈkæntəliːvə, ˈkæntɪliːvə $ -tl-iːvər/

A long piece of wood, metal, etc., that sticks out from a wall to support something above it.悬臂梁;肱梁;托臂

The house's deck, supported by cantilevers, jutted out dramatically over the rocky slope, and looking over the edge made him dizzy. 


Cantilevers hold up a surface or room without themselves being supported at their outer end. Many outdoor balconies are cantilevered, and theater balconies may be as well. A cantilevered bridge may have a huge span (as long as 1,800 feet) built out on either side of a single large foundation pier. Architects sometimes use cantilevered construction to produce dramatic effects; Frank Lloyd Wright's “Fallingwater” house, which extends out over a rocky river, is a famous example. But the Grand Canyon's “Skywalk” has become perhaps the best-known piece of cantilevered construction in America.

悬臂支撑着一个表面或房间,而它们的外端没有被支撑。 许多户外阳台是悬臂式的(cantilevered),剧院露台也是这样。 悬臂桥(cantilevered bridge)可能有一个巨大的跨度(长达1,800英尺)在单个大型基础墩的两侧建成。 建筑师有时使用悬臂式结构(cantilevered construction)来产生戏剧性的效果; 弗兰克劳埃德赖特的“流水别墅”延伸到岩石河流上,是一个著名的例子。 但大峡谷的“人行天桥”已成为美国最着名的悬臂建筑。

cantilevered bridge “Fallingwater” house skywalk

4.levity/ˈlevəti, ˈlevɪti/

Lack of appropriate seriousness.孟浪;轻佻;轻浮

The Puritan elders tried to ban levity of all sorts from the community's meetings, but found it increasingly difficult to control the younger generation. 


Levity originally was thought to be a physical force exactly like gravity but pulling in the opposite direction, like the helium in a balloon. As recently as the 19th century, scientists were still arguing about its existence. Today levity refers only to lightness in manner. To stern believers of some religious faiths, levity is often regarded as almost sinful. But the word, like its synonym frivolity, now has an old-fashioned ring to it and is usually used only half-seriously.

最初,levity被认为是一种完全像重力一样的物理力量,但是向与重力相反的方向拉,就像气球中的氦气一样(使气球上升)。 在19世纪,科学家们仍然在争论它的存在。 今天,levity只是指行为轻浮。 严格信仰某些宗教信仰的人,levity(轻浮)往往被认为是有罪的。 但是,这个词,就像它的同义词frivolity(轻浮的行为),现在有过时的特点,通常使用地没那么严肃。



