外刊阅读:When spring comes

外刊阅读:When spring comes

作者: 爱英语爱阅读 | 来源:发表于2019-05-19 09:12 被阅读3次


    When spring comes

    by Cameron Macphail & Rozina Sabur

    Britons may still be feeling the cold, but not for much longer because the astronomical beginning of spring, marking the start of longer days, new blooms and warmer weather, is just one week away.

    Briton /ˈbrɪt(ə)n/ n. 英国人
    astronomical /ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪk(ə)l/ adj. 天文的、天文学的
    mark /mɑːk/ v. 代表着、意味着
    bloom /bluːm/ n. 花

    Officially called the Spring Equinox, spring officially begins on Wednesday, March 20, in the Northern Hemisphere, and will continue all the way until Friday, June 21 – the Summer Solstice. Spring-time festivals and holidays such as Easter and Passover are the main celebrations across many cultures.

    officially /əˈfɪʃ(ə)li/ adv. 官方地、正式地(由official加后缀-ly变成副词)
    Spring Equinox /ˈekwɪnɒks/ 春分
    hemisphere /ˈhemɪsfɪə(r)/ n. 半球、半个地球
    Summer Solstice /ˈsɒlstɪs/ 夏至
    Easter /ˈiːstə(r)/ n. 复活节
    Passover /ˈpɑːsəʊvə(r)/ n. 逾越节(犹太教节日)
    celebration /ˌseləˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 庆典、庆祝活动(由celebrate加后缀-ion变成名词)

    Rabbits and hares have been associated with spring since ancient times. It is thought that the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring, Eostre, had a hare as her companion, which symbolised fertility and rebirth. It's hardly surprising that rabbits and hares have become associated with fertility as they are both prolific breeders and give birth to large litters in early spring.

    hare /heə(r)/ n. 野兔
    associate /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/ v. 联系、关联
    ancient /ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt/ adj. 古代的、古老的
    Anglo-Saxon /ˌæŋɡləʊˈsæks(ə)n/ adj. 盎格鲁撒克逊的、古代英国的
    goddess /ˈɡɒdes/ n. 女神
    companion /kəmˈpænjən/ n. 同伴
    symbolise /ˈsɪmb(ə)laɪz/ v. 象征(由symbol加后缀-ise变成动词)
    fertility /fəˈtɪləti/ n. 生育力、繁殖力
    rebirth /riːˈbɜːθ/ n. 再生、复兴(由birth加上表示再次的前缀re-)
    prolific /prəˈlɪfɪk/ adj. 多产的、高产的
    breeder /ˈbriːdə(r)/ n. 繁殖者(由breed加上表示人或物的后缀-er)
    litter /ˈlɪtə(r)/ n. 一窝幼崽

    The legend of the Easter Bunny is thought to have originated among German Lutherans, where the 'Easter Hare' judged whether children had been good or bad in the run-up to Easter. Over time it has become incorporated into Christian celebrations and became popular in Britain during the 19th century.

    legend /ˈledʒ(ə)nd/ n. 传说
    bunny /ˈbʌni/ n. 兔子(儿童用语)
    originate /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)neɪt/ v. 起源于(由origin加后缀-ate变成动词)
    Lutheran /ˈluːθ(ə)r(ə)n/ n. 路德宗教徒(路德宗是基督教新教中的一支)
    run-up 准备阶段、预备阶段
    over time 随着时间的推移
    incorporate /ɪnˈkɔːp(ə)reɪt/ v. 包含、吸收
    Christian /ˈkrɪstʃən/ adj. 基督教的

    Many children believe that the Easter Bunny lays and hides baskets of coloured eggs, sweets and sometimes toys in their homes or around the garden the night before Easter Sunday – much like Father Christmas delivering gifts on Christmas Eve. This has given rise to the tradition of the Easter egg hunt which is still popular among children today.

    lay /leɪ/ v. 放置、安放
    coloured /ˈkʌləd/ adj. 有颜色的、彩色的
    Father Christmas 圣诞老人(这是英式叫法,在美国圣诞老人通常被叫做Santa Claus)
    deliver /dɪˈlɪvə(r)/ v. 递送
    eve /iːv/ n. (重要日子的)前夜、前一天
    give rise to something 导致某事
    tradition /trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 传统
    hunt /hʌnt/ n. 搜寻

    As spring approaches in Japan, the arrival of cherry blossom (sakura) is hotly anticipated as the nation turns a shade of pink. Months before the blossom arrives, retailers switch into sakura mode.

    approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ v. 接近、靠近
    cherry blossom /ˈblɒs(ə)m/ 樱花
    hotly /ˈhɒtli/ adv. 热切地(由hot加后缀-ly变成副词)
    anticipate /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ v. 期待、期盼
    nation /ˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 国家
    turn /tɜːn/ v. 变得、变成
    shade /ʃeɪd/ n. 色彩、色调
    retailer /ˈriːteɪlə(r)/ n. 零售商(由retail加上表示人的后缀-er)
    switch /swɪtʃ/ v. 切换、转变
    mode /məʊd/ n. 模式、工作状态

    The countdown excitement is heightened further by the televised Cherry Blossom Forecast which offers a petal-by-petal analysis of the advance of the blooms – known as the cherry blossom front – as they sweep from the south to the north of the archipelago(群岛).

    countdown /ˈkaʊntdaʊn/ n. 倒计时(由count和down组成)
    excitement /ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/ n. 兴奋、激动
    heighten /ˈhaɪt(ə)n/ v. 提高、升高(由height加后缀-en变成动词)
    televise /ˈtelɪvaɪz/ v. 在电视上播放
    forecast /ˈfɔːkɑːst/ n. 预测、预报
    petal /ˈpet(ə)l/ n. 花瓣(这里petal-by-petal形容分析得非常细致)
    analysis /əˈnæləsɪs/ n. 分析
    advance /ədˈvɑːns/ n. 前进、推进
    sweep /swiːp/ v. 席卷、掠过

    The colourful Hindu festival of Holi is celebrated around the time of the Spring Equinox. In 2019, this takes place on Wednesday, March 20, and Thursday, March 21. The ancient religious festival is mainly observed in India and Nepal, although celebrations have spread around the world and the UK.

    colourful /ˈkʌləf(ə)l/ adj. 多彩的、色彩丰富的(由colour加后缀-ful变成形容词)
    Hindu /ˈhɪnduː/ adj. 印度教的
    religious /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ adj. 宗教的
    observe /əbˈzɜːv/ v. 庆祝
    Nepal /nəˈpɔːl/ n. 尼泊尔
    spread /spred/ v. 传播

    The celebrations begin with a bonfire the previous evening where revellers(狂欢者) sing and dance. Holi celebrations then become colourful as participants throw coloured powder over each other. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil with the onset of spring and the end of winter.

    bonfire /ˈbɒnfaɪə(r)/ n. 篝火
    participant /pɑːˈtɪsɪp(ə)nt/ n. 参与者
    signify /ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ/ v. 象征(由sign加后缀-ify变成动词)
    good /ɡʊd/ n. 正义、善
    evil /ˈiːvəl/ n. 邪恶、恶
    onset /ˈɒnset/ n. 开始、开端





        本文标题:外刊阅读:When spring comes
