Profit and subscription and the rest of that stuff dominate art.We are all getting lashed to the great wheel of uniformity.
"The marketing people are always talking about something called 'consumers.' I have this image of a fat little man in Baggy bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt , and a straw hat with beer -can opener rangling from it , clutching fistfuls of dollars."
"But I am not complaining too much.Like I said, the traveling is good, I like fooling with cameras and being out of doors.The reality is not exactly what the song started out to be, but it's not a bad song
Francisco laughed quietly,thinking about safty and comfort.
Francisco supposed that, For Robert Kincaid, this was everyday talk.For her,it was the stuff of literature. People in Madison County didn't talk this way, about these things.The talk was about weather and farm price and babies and funeral and government programs and athletic teams. Not about art and dreams.Not about realities that kept the music silent, the dreams in a box.