
作者: Du1in9 | 来源:发表于2024-01-09 18:17 被阅读0次

    一、Group Presentation

    1.How do you think human society is addressing the challenges posed by the growing aging population?
    2.What measures do you think governments and social institutions should take to address the challenges of population aging?
    3.What do you consider the key factors for healthy aging on an individual level?
    4.What are the implications of population ageing for socio-economic development?
    5.How to cope with the increased demand for health care and elderly care services from an ageing population?
    6.What are your thoughts on cultural and artistic activities for older individuals to promote active aging?
    第二组讨论活动必读文章——(p23)Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
    1.What are the good and bad aspects of artificial intelligence?
    2.What are the ethical aspects of designing and using AI?
    3.How to deal with the unemployment problem caused by artificial intelligence?
    4.What measures should governments take to reduce the damage and negative effects of AI?
    5.How can we protect our personal interests such as privacy and copyright?
    6.What do you think of Musk's upcoming AI robot girlfriend?
    第三组讨论活动必读文章——(p7)Self-driving Vehicles: A Brief Introduction
    1、How does the introduction of self-driving vehicles impact the automotive industry, job market,resident's lives,transportation infrastructure, and urban planning?
    2、What are the main challenges and hurdles for the widespread adoption of self-driving vehicles?
    3、To completely achieve the goal of self-driving vehicle, what challenge do we have to face?
    4、How should responsibility for accidents caused by autonomous driving technology be divided?
    5、What are the energy consumption and environmental impacts of self-driving cars
    6、What factors should people consider when choosing between driving a private car or riding in a self-driving vehicle?
    第四组讨论活动必读文章——(p15)The Arts as Inspiration for the Sciences
    1.How have artistic expressions such as paintings, music, and literature influenced scientific discoveries and innovation throughout history?
    2.What role does art play in advancing science?
    3.How have advancements in science and technology changed the creation and presentation of art?
    4.What are the potential benefits of interdisciplinary collaborations between artists and scientists?
    5.As science and engineering students, how should we use art to help our scientific research?
    6.In the future, what new forms will come in which art and science will be combined?
    第五组讨论活动必读文章——(p37)Energy and Silicon Valley
    1.What have we learned from the changes in Silicon Valley? How do we implement these ideas?
    2.What are the main difficulties and obstacles when we develop new energy?
    3.What new sources of energy are already being used or could be developed in the future? Which industries are these new energies related to?
    4.Do you think the new energy industry can replace the traditional industry and achieve the role of environmental protection?
    5.What are the prospects and measures for the development of new energy in China?
    6.If China wants to use clean energy like Silicon Valley, how should we balance economic costs and energy consumption?
    第六组讨论活动必读文章——(p11)What can cars do now?
    1.What impact will self-driving cars have on people's lives?
    2.What direction of technology will car manufacturers develop in the future to advance development?
    3.How will people's needs and attitudes towards personal vehicles change after the adoption of autonomous vehicles?
    4.What challenges will cars face as they move towards intelligence? How do we deal with this?
    5.With autonomous driving technology, do you think you need to keep the manual driving mode in place, and why?
    6.How should we do to regulate the healthy development of car companies in the field of autonomous driving?
    第七组讨论活动必读文章——(p1)Olin’s Senior Entrepreneurial Engineering Capstone
    1.What qulities does a student need to become an entrepreneur?
    2.How is olin's University different from the universities in our country?
    3.As a new technology university, what resources, activities, or projects do our school have to support students' innovation and entrepreneurship?
    4.How does engineering education help your future career?
    5.What are the key challenges faced by students participating in Olin’s Senior Entrepreneurial Engineering Capstone, and how do these challenges contribute to their overall learning experience and skill development?
    6.Are Olin's education modes suitable in our country?
    第八组讨论活动必读文章——(p30)How to Provide Care to an Aging Population?
    1.What conveniences have technological advancements brought to the elderly?
    2.With the development of science and technology, what aspects can we use artificial intelligence to serve the aging population?
    3.What barriers hinder the greater integration of smart devices and innovations in smart homes?
    4.Why should traditional assistive devices not be disregarded despite the rise of advanced health technologies for seniors?
    5.The development of the service industry is seriously lagging behind, and it is difficult to meet the service needs of the huge elderly population, especially the rapidly growing "empty nest", the elderly and the elderly with illness. How should the government and individuals respond?
    第九组讨论活动必读文章——(p26)Machine Learning in the Healthcare Sector
    1.What are the application scenarios of machine learning in the medical field in daily life?
    2.Can machine learning be used for clinical diagnosis completely replace workers? Would a patient trust a diagnosis from a machine?
    3.In the field of healthcare, how should we balance its potential benefits with the existing challenges?
    4.How should we face the complexity of machine learning and issues related to job loss?
    5.Can machine learning completely replace medical personnel in the medical field? What are the advantages of machine learning over people?
    6.How to ensure that machine learning does not infringe on privacy in healthcare?
    第十组讨论活动必读文章——(p34)Can We Have Our Cake and Eat It Too?
    What are the alternatives to traditional economic metrics like GDP for measuring a country’s overall welfare and prosperity?
    Is it fair and ethical to set environmental targets based on the current size of countries after developed countries have reached high levels with the help of high emissions? How can we ensure fairness and ethics in setting these targets based on past and present circumstances?
    发达国家在高排放的帮助下已经达到了很高的水平,在目前的国家规模基础上设定环境目标是否公平和道德? 我们如何确保在根据过去和现在的情况制定这些目标时合乎公平和道德?
    How to balance energy sustainability with current human well-being? How to balance the well-being of the present and the well-being of future generations?
    In what ways has human ingenuity and technological advancements historically helped to address resource scarcity, and can it continue to do so in the future?
    What are the long-term implications of continuing to rely on cheap and plentiful energy, especially in the face of potential resource shortages and climate change?
    How can we ensure that technological advancements are used to address resource scarcity and climate change, rather than exacerbating these issues?
    Given the current economic reliance on cheap and plentiful energy, what innovative strategies and technologies can be pursued to transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy system, while ensuring continued access to energy for all global citizens?
    第十一组讨论活动必读文章——(p4)Breaking Barriers to Engineering
    Q1. What resources should schools provide to encourage students to carry out engineering projects?
    Q2. How can we truly break barriers in engineering to ensure equal opportunities for everyone?
    Q3. What aspects should we start from to cultivate children's interest in emerging things from an early age?
    Q4. Do you agree to let children come into contact with programming earlier? Show your opinions.
    Q5. Can software and online games really enable young people to learn specialized knowledge such as programming?
    Q6. What educational methods should Chinese schools learn from Olin College?
    第十二组讨论活动必读文章——(p18)The Interplay of Art and Science
    1.Why critical theory become predominant in the arts, but it is not so well accepted in the worlds of science and technology?
    2.What are the combined applications of science and art? Examples?
    3.Is the line between art and science blurring in contemporary society? How do they come together to form new interdisciplinary fields and practices?
    4.The definition and boundaries of art have changed dramatically over the past century, and what impact have these changes had on how we understand art?
    5.How to better integrate art and science to promote their mutual development?
    6.If we can only choose one to develop ,what you will choose to develop,science or art?

    二、Group mock seminar



    三、Final examination

    1.单选题 2.阅读题 3.七选五 4.中译英 5.英译中 6.作文题
    考试范围:Unit1~4 Text 1



