

作者: 瘦长的丰一禾 | 来源:发表于2018-08-01 21:50 被阅读50次


    参考《Python编程导论 第二版》第8章类与面向对象编程


    In [30]: class IntSet(object):
        ...:    """IntSet是一个整数集合"""
        ...:    #关于实现(不是抽象)的信息
        ...:    #集合的值由一个整数数组self.vals表示。
        ...:    #集合中的每个整数在self.vals中只出现一次。
        ...:    def __init__(self):
        ...:        """创建一个空的整数集合"""
        ...:        self.vals = []
        ...:    def insert(self, e):
        ...:        """假设e是整数,将e插入self"""
        ...:        if e not in self.vals:
        ...:            self.vals.append(e)
        ...:    def member(self, e):
        ...:        """假设e是整数
        ...:        如果e在self中,则返回True,否则返回False"""
        ...:        return e in self.vals
        ...:    def remove(self, e):
        ...:        """假设e是整数,从self中删除e
        ...:        如果e不在self中,则抛出ValueError异常"""
        ...:        try:
        ...:            self.vals.remove(e)
        ...:        except:
        ...:            raise ValueError(str(e) + ' not found')
        ...:    def getMembers(self):
        ...:        """返回一个包含self中元素的列表
        ...:        对元素不进行排序"""
        ...:        return self.vals[:]
        ...:    def __str__(self):
        ...:        """返回一个表示self的字符串"""
        ...:        self.vals.sort()
        ...:        result = ''
        ...:        for e in self.vals:
        ...:            result = result + str(e) + ','
        ...:        return '{' + result[:-1] + '}' #-1 可以忽略最后的逗号
    In [31]: print(type(IntSet),type(IntSet.insert))
    <class 'type'> <class 'function'>
    In [32]: s = IntSet()
    In [33]: s.insert(3)
    In [35]: print(s.member(3))
    In [36]: s.insert(4)
    In [37]: s
    Out[37]: <__main__.IntSet at 0x1101fd30>
    In [41]: print(s)
    In [40]: s.getMembers()
    Out[40]: [3, 4]

    8.1.2 使用类记录学生与教师

    In [43]: import datetime
        ...: class Person(object):
        ...:    def __init__(self, name):
        ...:        """创建一个人"""
        ...:        self.name = name
        ...:        try:
        ...:            lastBlank = name.rindex(' ')
        ...:            self.lastName = name[lastBlank+1:]
        ...:        except:
        ...:            self.lastName = name
        ...:            self.birthday = None
        ...:    def getName(self):
        ...:        """返回self的全名"""
        ...:        return self.name
        ...:    def getLastName(self):
        ...:        """返回self的姓"""
        ...:        return self.lastName
        ...:    def setBirthday(self, birthdate):
        ...:        """假设birthday是datetime.date类型
        ...:        将self的生日设置为birthday"""
        ...:        self.birthday = birthdate
        ...:    def getAge(self):
        ...:        """返回self的当前年龄,用日表示"""
        ...:        if self.birthday == None:
        ...:            raise ValueError
        ...:        return (datetime.date.today() - self.birthday).days
        ...:    def __lt__(self, other):
        ...:        """如果self按字母顺序位于other之前,则返回True,否则返回False。
        ...:        首先按照姓进行比较,如果姓相同,就按照全名比较"""
        ...:        if self.lastName == other.lastName:
        ...:            return self.name < other.name
        ...:        return self.lastName < other.lastName
        ...:    def __str__(self):
        ...:        """返回self的全名"""
        ...:        return self.name
    In [44]: me = Person('Michael Guttag')
        ...: him = Person('Barack Hussein Obama')
        ...: her = Person('Madonna')
    In [45]: print(him.getLastName())
        ...: him.setBirthday(datetime.date(1961, 8, 4))
        ...: her.setBirthday(datetime.date(1958, 8, 16))
        ...: print(him.getName(), 'is', him.getAge(), 'days old')
    Barack Hussein Obama is 20816 days old
    In [47]: pList = [me, him, her]
        ...: for p in pList:
        ...:     print(p)
        ...: print('----------------------------------------')
        ...: pList.sort()
        ...: for p in pList:
        ...:     print(p)
    Michael Guttag
    Barack Hussein Obama
    Michael Guttag
    Barack Hussein Obama

    8.2 继承

    In [48]: class MITPerson(Person):
        ...:    nextIdNum = 0 #identification number
        ...:    def __init__(self, name):
        ...:        Person.__init__(self, name)
        ...:        self.idNum = MITPerson.nextIdNum
        ...:        MITPerson.nextIdNum += 1
        ...:    def getIdNum(self):
        ...:        return self.idNum
        ...:    def __lt__(self, other):
        ...:        return self.idNum < other.idNum
    In [49]: p1 = MITPerson('Barbara Beaver')
        ...: print(str(p1) + '\'s id number is ' + str(p1.getIdNum()))
    Barbara Beaver's id number is 0
    In [50]: p1 = MITPerson('Mark Guttag')
        ...: p2 = MITPerson('Billy Bob Beaver')
        ...: p3 = MITPerson('Billy Bob Beaver')
        ...: p4 = Person('Billy Bob Beaver')
        ...: print('p1 < p2 =', p1 < p2)
        ...: print('p3 < p2 =', p3 < p2)
        ...: print('p4 < p1 =', p4 < p1)
    p1 < p2 = True
    p3 < p2 = False
    p4 < p1 = True
    In [52]: print('p1 < p4 =', p1 < p4)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<ipython-input-52-46143f00caa4>", line 1, in <module>
        print('p1 < p4 =', p1 < p4)
      File "<ipython-input-48-602df1c0e123>", line 10, in __lt__
        return self.idNum < other.idNum
    AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'idNum'
    # 运行时系统会调用与p1的类型关联的__lt__操作符,也就是定义在MITPerson类中的函数。
    # 创建student类
    In [14]: class Student(object):
        ...:     def __init__(self, name, score):
        ...:         self.name = name
        ...:         self.score = score
        ...:     def print_score(self):
        ...:         print("%s:%s" % (self.name, self.score))
        ...:     def get_grade(self):
        ...:         if self.score >= 90:
        ...:             return 'A'
        ...:         elif self.score >= 60:
        ...:             return 'B'
        ...:         else:
        ...:             return 'C'
    In [15]: lisa = Student('Lisa', 99)
        ...: bart = Student('Bart', 59)
        ...: print(lisa.name, lisa.get_grade())
        ...: print(bart.name, bart.get_grade())
    Lisa A
    Bart C


    In [53]: class Student(MITPerson):
        ...:    pass
        ...: class UG(Student):
        ...:    def __init__(self, name, classYear):
        ...:        MITPerson.__init__(self, name)
        ...:        self.year = classYear
        ...:    def getClass(self):
        ...:        return self.year
        ...: class Grad(Student):
        ...:    pass
    In [54]: p5 = Grad('Buzz Aldrin')
        ...: p6 = UG('Billy Beaver', 1984)
        ...: print(p5, 'is a graduate student is', type(p5) == Grad)
        ...: print(p5, 'is an undergraduate student is', type(p5) == UG)
    Buzz Aldrin is a graduate student is True
    Buzz Aldrin is an undergraduate student is False


    在Python 3中,可以使用命名惯例使属性在类之外不可见。当一个属性的名称以开头但不以结束时,这个属性在类外就是不可见的。如下:

    In [55]: class infoHiding(object):
        ...:    def __init__(self):
        ...:        self.visible = 'Look at me'
        ...:        self.__alsoVisible__ = 'Look at me too'
        ...:        self.__invisible = 'Don\'t look at me directly'
        ...:    def printVisible(self):
        ...:        print(self.visible)
        ...:    def printInvisible(self):
        ...:        print(self.__invisible)
        ...:    def __printInvisible(self):
        ...:        print(self.__invisible)
        ...:    def __printInvisible__(self):
        ...:        print(self.__invisible)
    In [56]: test = infoHiding()
        ...: print(test.visible)
        ...: print(test.__alsoVisible__)
        ...: print(test.__invisible)
    Look at me
    Look at me too
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<ipython-input-56-8ba28fd4db07>", line 4, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'infoHiding' object has no attribute '__invisible'
    In [57]: test = infoHiding()
        ...: test.printInvisible()
        ...: test.__printInvisible__()
        ...: test.__printInvisible()
    Don't look at me directly
    Don't look at me directly
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<ipython-input-57-b6445e79430b>", line 4, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'infoHiding' object has no attribute '__printInvisible'
    In [58]: class subClass(infoHiding):
        ...:     def __init__(self):
        ...:         print('from subclass', self.__invisible)
        ...: testSub = subClass()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<ipython-input-58-4a0a22384a1a>", line 4, in <module>
        testSub = subClass()
      File "<ipython-input-58-4a0a22384a1a>", line 3, in __init__
        print('from subclass', self.__invisible)
    AttributeError: 'subClass' object has no attribute '_subClass__invisible'


    In [37]: class A(object):
        ...:     def __init__(self):
        ...:         self.a = 1
        ...:     def x(self):
        ...:         print ("A.x")
        ...:     def y(self):
        ...:         print ("A.y")
        ...:     def z(self):
        ...:         print ("A.z")
        ...: class B(A):
        ...:     def __init__(self):
        ...:         A.__init__(self)
        ...:         self.a = 2
        ...:         self.b = 3
        ...:     def y(self):
        ...:         print ("B.y")
        ...:     def z(self):
        ...:         print ("B.z")
        ...: class C(object):
        ...:     def __init__(self):
        ...:         self.a = 4
        ...:         self.c = 5
        ...:     def y(self):
        ...:         print ("C.y")
        ...:     def z(self):
        ...:         print ("C.z")
        ...: class D(C, B):
        ...:     def __init__(self):
        ...:         C.__init__(self)
        ...:         B.__init__(self)
        ...:         self.d = 6
        ...:     def z(self):
        ...:         print ("D.z")
    In [38]: obj = D()
    In [39]: obj.a
    Out[39]: 2
    In [40]: obj.b
    Out[40]: 3
    In [41]: obj.c
    Out[41]: 5
    In [42]: obj.d
    Out[42]: 6
    In [43]: obj.x()
    In [44]: obj.y
    Out[44]: <bound method C.y of <__main__.D object at 0x00000000113F90F0>>
    In [45]: obj.y()
    In [46]: obj.z()


    In [1]: class Clock(object):
       ...:     def __init__(self,time):
       ...:         self.time = time
       ...:     def print_time(self):
       ...:         time = '6:30'
       ...:         print (self.time)
       ...: clock = Clock('5:30')
       ...: clock.print_time()
    In [4]: class Clock(object):
       ...:     def __init__(self,time):
       ...:         self.time = time
       ...:     def print_time(self,time):
       ...:         print (time)
       ...: clock = Clock('5:30')
       ...: clock.print_time('10:30')
    In [5]: class Clock(object):
       ...:     def __init__(self,time):
       ...:         self.time = time
       ...:     def print_time(self):
       ...:         print (self.time)
       ...: boston_clock = Clock('5:30')
       ...: paris_clock = boston_clock
       ...: paris_clock.time = '10:30'
       ...: boston_clock.print_time()
    In [32]: class Spell(object):
        ...:     def __init__(self, incantation, name):
        ...:         self.name = name
        ...:         self.incantation = incantation
        ...:     def __str__(self):
        ...:         return self.name + ' ' + self.incantation + '\n' + self.getDescription()
        ...:     def getDescription(self):
        ...:         return 'No description'
        ...:     def execute(self):
        ...:         print (self.incantation)    
        ...: class Accio(Spell):
        ...:     def __init__(self):
        ...:         Spell.__init__(self, 'Accio', 'Summoning Charm')
        ...: class Confundo(Spell):
        ...:     def __init__(self):
        ...:         Spell.__init__(self, 'Confundo', 'Confundus Charm')
        ...:     def getDescription(self):
        ...:         return 'Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled.'
        ...: def studySpell(spell):
        ...:     print (spell)
    In [33]: spell = Accio()
        ...: spell.execute()
        ...: studySpell(spell)
        ...: studySpell(Confundo())
    Summoning Charm Accio
    No description
    Confundus Charm Confundo
    Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled.

    6.00.1X 计算机科学和PYTHON编程导论



