extinct (动植物,语言)灭绝的;(习俗,工作等)消失的;指死火山
...the moose is almost extinct.
例句:He couldn't match it up to any bones on the planet, and he said, It's extinct.
造句:No one seems to believe those animals could ever go extinct.
suspicious 感觉可疑的
And I have to remember to earn a few Mom Bucks for real here and there so she doesn't get too suspicious.
【搭配】~ of/about sb/sth
例句:The outside world is suspicious of China.
造句:Someone may be suspicious that I will teach them by wrong method.
crack on 开足马力,全力前进
That meant I had to get cracking on my History paper.
例句:We should crack on the sail, even in this difficult.
造句:It's too late, I must be cracking on my work.
crack up 吹捧某人
eg: She told stories that cracked me up.
crack our code 破解我们的代码
eg:But Rowley's dad must have cracked our code,...
crack down 镇压,制裁
eg:The teacher have really been cracking down on kids copying from each other this year.
crack-ups 崩溃
suck it up 别抱怨了,认命,忍气吞声
So I decided I was gonna just have to suck it up and do the paper myself.
例句:Can you please just suck it up and accept the fact?
造句:Sometimes you have to suck it up and working harder than the old days.(than before)
I got a book from my colleague, but lately, my colleague has quited and left quickly. The problem was, it was too late to return the book. So I knew I had to think of something. Then I had a good idea. I opened Wechet, and told her please give me she's new adress, I will mail the book to her. But when I send this message, It's display she cannot receive. Man, you are so far so fast! Other colleague was also deleted by her. I'll admit, I felt really bad about that, now I just tried not to think about it and went to finish reading that book.
Class is dismissed early today.今天的课程早早结束了。
strict 精密的;严谨的;严密的;严格的
from scratch 白手起家,从头开始
...because she made me go to the library and start the paper over from scratch.
mattress 床垫
blink 眨眼
I was really nervous when I handed Mom the money. But she took it without even blinking.
toss and turn 辗转反侧
count on 指望
...I was counting on school being cancelled tomorrow.
dodge 躲避,避开
We really dodged a bullet this time.