

作者: killtl | 来源:发表于2022-01-09 11:47 被阅读0次



// A Ring is an element of a circular list, or ring.
// Rings do not have a beginning or end; a pointer to any ring element
// serves as reference to the entire ring. Empty rings are represented
// as nil Ring pointers. The zero value for a Ring is a one-element
// ring with a nil Value.
// 链表节点结构,包括前后项指针和节点值
type Ring struct {
    next, prev *Ring
    Value      interface{} // for use by client; untouched by this library

// 初始化
// 注意这里没有初始化Value,此时Value == nil
func (r *Ring) init() *Ring {
    r.next = r
    r.prev = r
    return r

// Next returns the next ring element. r must not be empty.
// 获取后项节点
// 这里会判断r是否初始化过,始终会保证返回的*Ring不为nil
func (r *Ring) Next() *Ring {
    if r.next == nil {
        return r.init()
    return r.next

// Prev returns the previous ring element. r must not be empty.
// 获取前项节点
// 这里会判断r是否初始化过,始终会保证返回的*Ring不为nil
func (r *Ring) Prev() *Ring {
    if r.next == nil {
        return r.init()
    return r.prev

// Move moves n % r.Len() elements backward (n < 0) or forward (n >= 0)
// in the ring and returns that ring element. r must not be empty.
// 获取向前/向后的第x个节点,其中x = n % r.Len()
func (r *Ring) Move(n int) *Ring {
    // 如果r没有初始化则初始化,且对于只有一个节点的环链表,前后第x个节点都是自己
    if r.next == nil {
        return r.init()
    switch {
    // n < 0 表示向前
    case n < 0:
        for ; n < 0; n++ {
            r = r.prev
    // n > 0 表示向后
    case n > 0:
        for ; n > 0; n-- {
            r = r.next
    return r

// New creates a ring of n elements.
// 构建包含n个节点的环链表
// 注意新建后的所有节点的Value == nil
func New(n int) *Ring {
    if n <= 0 {
        return nil
    r := new(Ring)
    p := r
    for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
        p.next = &Ring{prev: p}
        p = p.next
    p.next = r
    r.prev = p
    return r

// Link connects ring r with ring s such that r.Next()
// becomes s and returns the original value for r.Next().
// r must not be empty.
// If r and s point to the same ring, linking
// them removes the elements between r and s from the ring.
// The removed elements form a subring and the result is a
// reference to that subring (if no elements were removed,
// the result is still the original value for r.Next(),
// and not nil).
// If r and s point to different rings, linking
// them creates a single ring with the elements of s inserted
// after r. The result points to the element following the
// last element of s after insertion.
// 连接两个环
// 如果是同一个环,则可能会删除部分节点
func (r *Ring) Link(s *Ring) *Ring {
    // 获取r的后项节点,这里会检查是否初始化
    n := r.Next()
    if s != nil {
        // 获得s的前项节点,这里会检查是否初始化
        p := s.Prev()
        // Note: Cannot use multiple assignment because
        // evaluation order of LHS is not specified.
        // 切掉r和r.next的连接,让r和s连接上
        r.next = s
        // 切掉s和s.prev的连接,让s和r连接上
        s.prev = r
        // 让r的后项节点和s的前项节点连接上
        // 这里如果r和s是同一个环链接的话,r和s中间的所有节点都会被切掉
        // 如果r和s是同一节点,那么最后就只剩r一个节点了
        n.prev = p
        p.next = n
    return n

// Unlink removes n % r.Len() elements from the ring r, starting
// at r.Next(). If n % r.Len() == 0, r remains unchanged.
// The result is the removed subring. r must not be empty.
// 删除自r为起点后的x个节点,其中x = n % r.Len()
func (r *Ring) Unlink(n int) *Ring {
    if n <= 0 {
        return nil
    // 注意这里需要n+1,因为Link删除的是节点r 和 节点r+n+1之间的所有节点,也就是 r+n+1 - r - 1 = n 个节点
    return r.Link(r.Move(n + 1))

// Len computes the number of elements in ring r.
// It executes in time proportional to the number of elements.
// 获取环链表的长度
func (r *Ring) Len() int {
    n := 0
    if r != nil {
        n = 1
        // 注意这里只能通过p != r来判断是否遍历结束,因为是环形的
        for p := r.Next(); p != r; p = p.next {
    return n

// Do calls function f on each element of the ring, in forward order.
// The behavior of Do is undefined if f changes *r.
// 遍历所有节点,并使用Value作为参数执行f方法
// 注意该方法中涉及到遍历环链表,如果f方法对环链表进行了变更,后果将是不可预期的
func (r *Ring) Do(f func(interface{})) {
    if r != nil {
        for p := r.Next(); p != r; p = p.next {


func p(r *ring.Ring) {
    if r == nil {

    fmt.Printf("%d ->", r.Value.(int))
    p := r.Next()
    for ; p != r; p = p.Next() {
        fmt.Printf("%d ->", p.Value.(int))

func main() {
    r := ring.New(5)
    n := r.Len()

    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
        r.Value = i
        r = r.Next()
    p(r) // 0 ->1 ->2 ->3 ->4 ->
    r = r.Move(2)
    p(r) // 2 ->3 ->4 ->0 ->1 ->
    r = r.Move(-1)
    p(r) // 1 ->2 ->3 ->4 ->0 ->
    r1 := r.Move(3)
    p(r1) // 4 ->0 ->1 ->2 ->3 ->
    p(r) // 1 ->4 ->0 ->
    p(r) // 1 ->0 ->

    // 因为调用了r.Unlink(1),只输出了1
    // 方法中切记谨慎操作r,可能导致死循环等意外的结果   
    r.Do(func(i interface{}) {
        fmt.Println(i.(int))  // 1


别的不说,Link方法可谓精妙,包含了向后插入新节点、合并两个环形链表和删除链表部分节点三个功能,而且结合Prev方法也能做到向前插入节点,唯一不过瘾的地方就是没法像list那样,插入节点的同时进行Value的初始化,只能自己先初始化Ring节点,使用场景上,ring可以作为可覆盖的热缓存使用,比如存储最新的N个订单,类似innodb的redo log



