方法1: 可以暂时将Project Format 改为Xcode 13.0-compatible
方法1:可以暂时将Project Format 改为Xcode 13.0-compatible
执行pod lib lint出现了一下错误 Error: can't modify frozen String E...
Xcode14 创建的新项目,无法进行Pod init。 可以暂时将Project Format 改为Xcode ...
can't find gem cocoapods (>= 0.a) Cocoapods本地库路径
1. 在python代码中嵌入 报错CommandError: Can‘t find msgfmt. Make s...
今天准备用cocoapods安装依赖库,突然报以下错误。 can't find gem cocoapods(>=0...
let's can can't will won't be going to should shouldn't ...
升级 cocoapods 报错报错 You don't have write permissions for th...
报错内容:python报错:UnicodeDecodeError: ‘gbk‘ codec can‘t decod...
好长时间没有使用 mysql 了,今天登陆的时候报错 Can't connect to local MySQL s...
本文标题:cocoapods报错can't modify frozen S