Takingover Egypt

作者: 人形自走炮 | 来源:发表于2016-12-07 19:07 被阅读0次

2016年暑假期间,我走遍了整个埃及,作为exploring tourism的一员,我们将我们的旅行以博客方式记录下来,现附上几个景区的详细介绍。

temples of Karnak is the biggest group of temple in Egypt. It cover an area of more than 2 square kilometers, as thepraying center for main god of Amun and his wife Mut and Khonsu. One of theimportant features of this temple is the ram-headed sphinxes as the representof the God Amun.

apart from the god, every Pharaoh from olddynasty also built temples of themselves. One of the most famous one is Ramsis(the second) who is the most powerful and famous Pharaoh in the history. Heunite the upper and lower Egypt and control it more than 60 years, and aninteresting story of him is he has 111 sons, 67 wives and 56 daughters, what astrong man hah:)

The status of scarab near to the pool hasan mystery that if people walk 7 times around it then their dream will cometrue. As the represent of the luck, the scarab also plays an important role offuneral ceremony. Ancient Egyptians will put it on the heart to guard theorigin of wisdom.

Different from Temples of Karnak, LuxorTemple is mainly built by Amenhotep (the third) and Ramses (the second). Onething needed to mention is the right side obelisk is taken by France in the19th century, and now is still in the Paris.

Another thing is this temple combine 3different religions, Egypt mystery, cathedral and Islam. Because of the 3500years history, this temple experienced many times of invasion, which make itbecome so diverse.

After sunset, the desert is much morelovely in the night. The great sand sea is surround by the Siwa oasis. Drivingaway for around 5 minutes, we arrive at the border of dark but shining desert.

The first sight is dark, but then the skyfilled with stars comes. All the planets fixed on its position or shine darkorlight.

The process of setting bonfire is alsointeresting. With igniting by the paper, we put small sticks at the first roundthen round them by big one. After pushing the pot inside, we start to sing andwait for the boiled tea.

Compared to the night Great sand sea,Safari is much hotter and similar to a traditional feeling of desert. As thefact that it is close to Libya, local government manage this desert strictly,for the permission for each person is 150 EP.

However, the scenery inside is reallyworthy to this price. Large number of sand mountains cause you feel driving aroller coaster. The soft sand seems can be regarded as a swimming pool.

Two famous protected lake are inside withtwo easy name. The cold lake and the hot lake. They must be savior for passersin the old time. The reed is the only green in the desert, this small elf addthe life in the yellow world.

Sun burn much strongly even than thehottest time when it sets. Climbimg on a dune, showeing under the sleeping redlight. It feels magnificent

Sunset from Aftnas Island

This island is in a lake near to Siwaoasis. The first step of entering this place is jumping into the spring at theentrance, which can survive you from the hot summer. After that, you can find avine-made chair and order a cup of tea when you are enjoying the cool wind andsunset.

The mountain of death

This small mountain is at the north of siwatown. Colourful murals can be seen everywhere in the stonetombs, while some ofthem were destroyed by Romans.

Most tombs are built at 26th dynasty,Ptolemaic period and Rome period. They also be used as air-raid shelter in 2ndworld war.

Cleopatra's Bath

Getting along the pathway of Oracle Temple,you can find the most famous in Siwa-Cleopatra's Bath. Clear spring gathers ina stone pool. All locals and vistors are willing to jump into the deep pool

By the way, the drink around the pool isdelicious.

Fortress of Shali

In the center of Siwa is a group of ruinsofMud brick fortress which are built at 13th century. They are made by themisture of mud and salt from the lake.(Picture of salt lake)

In the hundred years before, there arelittle people who can enter the fortress without death. However, the 3 daysrain in 1926 do much more destroy then enemies did. Now only the lower flooropen as a hotel for vistors.

Introduction of Abu Simbel Temple

Abu Simbel Temple is located in 280

kilometers south of Aswan. It was built during 1300 BC - 1233 BC by RamsesⅡ, who is themost famous pharaoh in the Egyptian history, in order to show the prestige ofthe Egypt and consolidate the status of Egyptian religion. As a part of Nubianmonuments, Abu Simbel Temple was designated as a world heritage site by theUNESCO.

Due to the construction of the Aswan Dam in1966, Abu Simbel Temple was backward relocated to a mountain, which is 60meters above the river level.

Abu Simbel Temple lies on the west side ofLake Nasser, which is the largest artificial lake in the world.

Abu Simbel Temple consist of Great Temple

of RamsesⅡand its subsidiary building,Temple of Hathor.

Four colossi of pharaoh RamsesⅡlies in

front of Great Temple of RamsesⅡ,like the great guards monitoring everything passing by. Beside great

colossi of pharaoh RamsesⅡ, there are some shorter statues of his mother Tuya Queen, fondestwife Nefertari and favorite children.

Passing the entrance there is Great

hypostyle Hall. The Emboss on the wall describes the heroism of pharaoh RamsesⅡon the

battlefield. The words on the north wall represent the famous Battle of Kadesh,

in which pharaoh RamsesⅡencouraged the discouraged army and eventually defeated theirenemy.

Sacred Sanctuary is in the end of the

Temple. pharaoh RamsesⅡ, the god of Amun, the God of Ra-Horakhty and the god of Ptah aresitting on their throne.

Temple of Hathor is next to Great Temple of

RamsesⅡ, which is built for the god of Hathor and RamsesⅡ’s favorite

wife Nefertari. Six colossi of RamsesⅡand Nefertari isstanding before the temple. Nefertari wears the clothes of Hathor and rarely astall as her husband.

khan al-Khalili

From the 14th century, residents in Cairoare doing business here. Even in nowadays, it's still the first place forlocals to go shopping.

Souvenir shop are arranged at the two sidesof middle-aged stone street. Little pyramid, stone status always become thefirst choice for tourist. Apart from this, local ones are attracted by gold andsilver shops, theycan make a good deal in these shops


This place conclude a lot of importanttourism, and u only pay60 for the whole thing (30students).

The citadel is built in 1176 to prevent theCrusades.After the coming 700years, it used as the palace for controler ofEgypt.

Around the citadel surrounded by 3musumes:Police Museum

Gawhara Palace and Museum

Cairo Tower

This highest tower in egypt are built in1960 by designer Zamalek with 186m height.

Vistors can take a lift to 14th floortwisting restaurant Panorama. Every 30minutes the scenery of pyramid, citadeland Nile Delta.



    本文标题:Takingover Egypt
