向 Thoughtbot 团队学习招聘

向 Thoughtbot 团队学习招聘

作者: 东炜黄 | 来源:发表于2017-01-08 16:28 被阅读0次

    Thoughtbot,软件设计和开发代理机构。在他们的 Playbook 里,他们描述了自己是如何招聘的。摘录一些如下。


    We don't work with outside recruiters. We've found they don't present us with people that would be a good fit for our team, and are often disingenuous about the candidates they have. Overall, it isn't worth the effort reviewing lots of unqualified candidates.

    在理。但之所以有这样的底气,是因为他们早在一些论坛或社区(比如 Github)里有所耕耘,他们分享、交流,很自然就能接触到优秀的,与自己气质相符的开发者/设计师们。

    We're not trolling GitHub looking for people or fishing for talent at user groups and conferences. We're there, anyway. If we never hired again, we'd still be writing and using open source. We'd be members of mailing lists and going to events.

    确定邀约面试时,Thoughtbot 会统一跟候选人说清楚面试流程是怎样的。你的团队文化给人怎样的感受,其实从邀约面试时就已经开始了。

    Thanks for applying!

    Our hiring process is:

    1. Chat in person or via Google Hangout with me for 30 minutes. Ask all the questions you have about thoughtbot. Make sure it still sounds like a good fit. I'll ask you a few questions to better understand your motivations.
    1. Chat in person or via Google Hangout with a thoughtbot teammate for 60 minutes to talk about your work. They ask technical questions and make sure your ability is at the level we're looking for.
    1. Schedule a day to come in and work with us on a small project. Get to know the team and show you can deliver and communicate well on real work.

    How does that sound? Are you available for 30 minutes sometime over the next two weeks? Could you name a few times that work for you?



    The final step for candidates is to visit us for a day. We pay for their flights and three nights of hotels (rest up Thursday night, work with us on Friday, enjoy Friday night, explore the city Saturday, fly home Sunday).


    We do the interviews this way because there's no substitute for seeing someone actually do the work and interacting with the team. We also want candidates to experience what the company is like for themselves.

    实际上,这样可以降低「后来才发现这个人不合适」的成本。忘了是哪家公司了,当他们招到新人时,跟新人们说的第一件事儿,是如果他们当中有谁想现在就离开,无论出于什么理由,都可以立马得到 2000 元(具体数额记不清了)的补偿。原因很简单,如果某个人确实不合适,那她/他在以后的工作当中给公司带来的损失肯定高过 2000 元。所以,何必现在就给 2000 元来避免更大的损失呢?

    双方确定合同后,Thoughtbot 团队运行一个自动脚本程序为新同事自动创建 Slack 或 Github 账号,自动发送欢迎邮件、雇佣协议,以自动写好一份 To-do List 给 HR,提醒他/她去做那些不能自动完成的事情。

    When the offer is accepted, we run a custom onboarding script which we wrote. It creates the teammate's email address, gives them access to systems like GitHub and Slack, sends them their Employment Agreement, notifies Accounting, sends a welcome email to the teammate, and creates a todo list for the hiring manager for any remaining manual items that we haven't been able to automate.

    好省事儿。我就见过公司 HR 有时候因为太忙而有所疏漏,这多多少少会让新人感觉不好吧。

    此外,Thoughtbot 还会指派一个引导者,帮新同事搞定硬件设备啦,买好需要的软件啦,在公司网页上创建好简历啦……

    We assign a pair to new team members who acts as a guide on their first day. The pair helps them set up their machine, purchase any required software, and walk them through one turn of the development cycle by getting their profile added to our website. The pair also makes them feel comfortable, answers questions they may have, or points them to the person who can answer their questions.

    你可以在他们的 Playbook 里看到完整的流程介绍,以及他们是如何给员工提薪,如何做季度评估的。

    题图来源:Thoughtbot 官网。



          本文标题:向 Thoughtbot 团队学习招聘
